Lovin' Stretch Max


I did 2 segments of Stretch Max yesterday and BOY did it feel good. My hard-worked muscles aren't sore anymore and I felt so incredibly relaxed. I have this in my rotation for once/week but I may need to increase that!! I highly recommend this as an addition to your collection!! :)

I love Stretch Max too! It is a workout series I do regularly after a really hard workout.

Since I have incorporated Stretch Max on a regular basis, I can do flat right leg and middle splits -- my left hamstring has always been very tight, but I do notice Stretch Max is helping me.

Stretch Max reminds me of dance class!

I can't pick my favorite Stretch Max -- it really depends upon the workout I've done. For example, last evening I did all of "Kick Max", so I chose the Stretch Max with the resistance band.

It felt sooooooo good

And I love the music....I wish I could find it.....it is just so relaxing and beautiful!

Unfortunately, I've had to stay away from any of the workouts that require a stability ball because I have one that's too small and one that is big enough but won't stay inflated!! ;(
I am really enjoying SM as well. I have been doing all 3 sections followed by one of the segments from Core Max. I'd like to see Cathe do Stretch Max 2 (which is why I made that suggestion for the future in the "suggestion" forum!).
I love the segment with the bands the most. That's where I really feel the stretches.

Edit to add that you can actually do a segment before bed and sleep better.:)

That's a great idea, Pinky.

I did it yesterday before a shopping trip with my kids and I was much more relaxed and stress-free.


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