Love the 4DS Premixes!


I finally got my new DVDs! I've been anxiously awaiting them for what seems like an eternity! My first and only workout was LIS with weights first. I wasn't sure what to expect and was surprised to find I only worked shoulders. Not complaining because in the short time I was given I couldn't imagine putting a total workout with the LIS routine. I'm not sore, though, and that was a couple of days ago (normally, I'm ACHING!). So, I'll increase the poundage the next time - something I'm not used to doing with shoulders since this is a major weak area for me. I was also pleasantly surprised to see all of the premixes. I LIVE for premixes as I don't have much time for a full workout :-( . I look forward to tonight as I will probabaly do another premix involving weights. I am so glad Cathe developed this workout! Again, I LOVE the premixes!!!!

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