I love MM!!! Did it yesterday for the first time and feel great and a little sore today. The biceps work was so good that I could barely do the triceps extensions/dips, because my biceps were too fatigued (but I managed). I love this video and the Gym Styles, as well. Her cueing and pointers/modifiers and encouragements are all outstanding. Unfortunately she doesn't do this for some reason on the cardio discs, so I'm not a fan of the cardio discs. I tried to do IMAX3 and had to give up because her choreography is so complex and she provides no instruction or even cueing as to what it is the steps she calls out mean. So, that's one video that will sit unused at the bottom of the pile. LoMax is like that too, but a little less complex - eventually I'll figure it out, but I'll have to schedule extra time in outside of my workouts to "learn" the bloody thing. I like the kickboxing on the step sequences. I do really like KickMax for cardio, however. The bursts are amazing and really get you good. All in all, a great series of workouts!!