Lots of cathe on ebay..???

I thought I read all the posts on VF regarding the Cathe DVDs on Ebay, and I didn't see where anyone there alerted Ebay and got the vendor shut down. All I read was basically the same as here - wondering how this vendor obtained the DVDs and possible reasons why he/she had all their auctions removed.

I would be suspicious of the DVD's origins. There really isn't much profit in buying by the bundle and reselling. The largest bundle includes 17 DVDs (18, if you count CTX as two DVDs) and saves roughly $6 per DVD. Sure, you would probably make a little money by reselling, but I don't think it would be worth the time and hassle listing with Ebay.

I have bought used Cathe DVDs off of Ebay, from the smaller sellers. And usually it has turned out to be a VFer, or someone from this forum. I find fellow workout enthusiasts to take very good care of their DVDs and videos and have never had a problem. But when these larger vendors appear with multiple (and expensive) DVDs for sale, I truly question their origins.

WOW!! I bought from that seller - erendo - on eBay a while back!

The DVD was sealed and seems to be fine. I compared it with the one a friend of mine bought from Cathe directly and the only difference I could see (and believe me I was looking really closely) was on the box. There were some shade/color differences on the outer cover. That was it.

It could be an original from Cathe that they resold OR it could be a beautifully reproduced bootleg copy that was made to look like an original. :-( x(

That was the first and only DVD I ever bought of Cathe's on eBay. I admit...I was trying to save some money on the workout and in then end, due to other bidders, I wound up paying very close to what I would have paid had I bought from Cathe directly. I think I saved about 8 bucks?!! Not worth it. After that experience I decided I should just buy from Cathe, she stands by her workouts and that's worth the money she's charging.

I love eBay and have had nothing but positive experiences while buying (and selling) stuff on there. But we all need to be cautious, I guess, and only buy/sell within our comfort zones.
I also bought from this "erendo" person from the Bronx! I won the bidding for the Pure Strength DVD, to replace my old PS series on VHS. My DVD arrived sealed as promised, seemed new and works fine -- except I too noticed that the photo on the box seemed a little faded. I didn't really have any suspicions until I went back a few days later and noticed "erendo" was selling another PS DVD -- along with others, all advertised as brand new. I did wonder and decided not to bid for other stuff from this person.

The other thing about erendo was that he/she sent me an unecessarily snippy email after I won the bidding because I didn't respond within 24 hours; I was away from the computer for a day and responded in maybe 36 hours, and paid promptly of course. But I was a bit miffed.

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