LOST last night.


I thought last night's show was really good but its killing me to know what Jack and Juliet are not saying to anyone. What's the deal with the plane being found with everyone dead on it...is that even true? So many unanswered questions as usual. I can't wait to see next week's episode. And really, what is the story with Locke and his knowledge of how the "island" operates and that he's "special". Love this show.
Any theories?
I think the 'plane is down, and everyone is dead' is somewhat of a red herring, trying to lead us to think that the island is purgatory (which is one fan theory that the creators have definitely discounted).

Maybe what happened is that for some reason, all the people on the plane were intended to end up on the island, and whoever planned it also planned to have another plane crash and be found, identified as flight (whatever)? Of course, who planned it is anyone's guess.

I wonder if they are in an alternate dimension? So the plane crashed because it breached some kind of dimensional barrier? (science fiction). That could explain the 4 toes on the statue.

(But sometimes, I wonder if the creators/writers even have a 'bible' they are following, and really know what the big picture is, or if they just make things up as they go along? I know they add characters that they didn't plan for in the beginning, like Mr. Eko.)

I have absolutely no idea, but it's really difficult to sort out the bad guys from the good guys. The Others claim to be good, but would they force someone to kill his father (no matter how bad the latter was) if they were? Is Julia a 'good person' who is an innocent victim? Or is she bad? It seems like everyone on the plane has done something bad in the past. And they all seem to have ties to each other (or at least everyone has ties to at least one other person on the plane).

I think "Lost" is a very appropriate title for the show, though! since that's how I feel at times.

I hope they don't end with it all being a figment of Walter's imagination. That would be a rather cheap trick.
Really WISH I could read this thread, but I'm not watching it until tonight. If I have lots of typos in this poist, it's because I'm not looking up at the screen at all so I don't see what happened.
I really liked last night's episode. I think the writers finally got their mojo back. A few episodes ago, I wasn't really that excited about the next one. But now I can't wait to see the next one!

I will be really angry if this is a dream or a figment of someone's imagination.

BTW, I don't remember the 4 toes thing. What is that about?

OK - watched it last night and felt SO vindicated because I'd been saying for months that we were going to learn that Locke's dad was the man Sawyer had been hunting. Everyone just kinda gave me a "whatever" look.

The Purgatory theory is wrong. That has been rejected by the creators. There is SOMETHING supernatural going on. The writers definitely know where they're going with the story and have had it planned out since the beginning. I think there are supposed to only be 2 more seasons.

I think that the plane they found was planted there to throw everybody off. The survivors are on that island for a reason, and it will be a long time before we know what that is.

What I really realized for the first time with this week's episode is how incredibly gorgeous Elizabeth Mitchell is. I think she's actually a "good" guy, put into a bad situation out of fear of Ben. There are factions within the Others. I think she and Richard are part of the faction that will overthrow Ben, eventually.

I also had been worried about the direction of the show this season. It had been getting a little too silly. An occassional laugh is good, but the intensity is what keeps me loving this show. Well, that and Sayid's shoulders.
I'm thinking that the girl who crashed from the helicopter is one of the others. I'm thinking this because the guy with the eye patch was running toward the position of the girl when he ran right into the 4 that found her - like he was running to find her b/c he knew she might be hurt. Ummmmm...what's up with him by the way? Wasn't he supposed to be dead? Anyways, that would also explain how she knew who Dezmond was. They know who everyone on the island is. She was also able to communicate with the eye patch guy in French, so no-one knows what they said to one another. So, IMO, nothing she said can be trusted as being true. Maybe the others want everyone on the island to think the plane has been found or think that they are dead.

Now, as for the big picture - I have no idea! LOL!

> Ummmmm...what's up
>with him by the way? Wasn't he supposed to be dead?

He was pretty much fried to a crisp, I thought. But the island does heal people (Locke, Djinn's infertility).
The island heals people but it doesn't bring people back from the dead. Wouldn't that be creapy if all the "Others" and survivors who have died suddenly appeared? That's a little too ghoulish for me. I hope it doesn't turn out that they're in Purgatory. That theory doesn't make sense to me anyway - How can you die if you're already in Purgatory?
Maybe the eye patch guy faked his death? I remember he went past the tall "things" and then he started shaking and foaming at the mouth and dropped - but did anyone check to see if he was actually dead? Hmmmmmm - I just don't remember.
>Maybe the eye patch guy faked his death? I remember he went
>past the tall "things" and then he started shaking and foaming
>at the mouth and dropped - but did anyone check to see if he
>was actually dead? Hmmmmmm - I just don't remember.

But wasn't he also kind of crispified? Or was he just dirty? I can't remember either.

I don't think anyone checked his pulse. Maybe he just had some kind of seizure brought on by the barrier, and recovered later? Maybe it was a 'stun' barrier and not a 'kill' barrier.
Ooooooo....I like this theory because I was actually wondering if she was one of the "others". It certainly would be a creative way to get everyone to stop trying to get off the island. I also believe there is something other dimensional about it or supernatural.

It is almost reminding me of the book "The Secret", kind of like learning the secret of how to create the life you want,which Locke may be on to. Also ties into Ben talking about the "magic box" where you can imagine anything you want and when you open it it will be there. Except,On the island everyone is still kind of haunted by their own demons to get this idea.
My hubby and I just watched it on the computer a few minutes ago. It was soooo good. I'm a little bit afraid that I will be disappointed with whatever the "answers" end up being for Lost. I'm kind of glad there are only 3 more shows left....I'm ready for a break, but I'm sure I will be a little bit peaved when they leave us hanging and I have to wait for season 4 to begin.
Ok, did anyone else see Jacob? He appeared in the chair for a split second, just before Locke ran out of the cabin. I rewound it and played it in slow motion and then paused it on him, but you only see a very dark profile of a guy with long hair and a beard. I thought maybe I could get some sort of clue as to who he was. But I don't have anything.
What's the "Help me" thing about? Do you think that Locke will survie and that Jacob will help him? Why is it that Locke couldn't see Jacob, and why did it seem like Jacob was some sort of supernatural being?
I'm lost. Yet, I'm addicted. ARG! LOL!

I saw the brief flash of Jacob. That scene is currently up on the Lost web site. You can see him there. I think this answers why the Others were so interested in getting Walt, since he had some clairvoyant ability. Maybe Ben can't communicate with Jacob as well as he'd like.

That was a good episode. This show is like crack!
>Ok, did anyone else see Jacob? He appeared in the chair for
>a split second, just before Locke ran out of the cabin. I
>rewound it and played it in slow motion and then paused it on
>him, but you only see a very dark profile of a guy with long
>hair and a beard. I thought maybe I could get some sort of
>clue as to who he was. But I don't have anything.
>What's the "Help me" thing about? Do you think that Locke
>will survie and that Jacob will help him? Why is it that Locke
>couldn't see Jacob, and why did it seem like Jacob was some
>sort of supernatural being?
>I'm lost. Yet, I'm addicted. ARG! LOL!

Oh my gosh...I wasn't sure if I saw something or not! That freaked me out so bad but part of me just thought Ben was totally nuts! I KNEW John was being stupid to let Ben stand behind him as John peered into the pit while Ben told him how he was reponsible for killing all those people. This show is just so much crazy fun! I still think that the doc was acting stupidly to spend so much time with Juliet and not tell anyone else in the camp about what was going on. I don't totally trust him anymore. It will be very interesting to see how the show down goes next week. The Others just don't seem as powerful as they once were....they are kind of losing their edge a little bit or so it seems anyway.
Did anyone think that the guy young Ben met didn't seem to age?: he's also the same guy who gave the cassette player to Locke in the present...or was that his son? How can he look the same as he did (except for having shorter hair) what must have been 20 years ago or so?

We also now know that the guy who was zapped by the barrier wasn't dead, just in pretty bad shape, so the island could have healed him.

And the "Others" (except for Ben) are the "original inhabitants" of the island (plus people that they added as the years went on) and not Dharma initiative people.
>Did anyone think that the guy young Ben met didn't seem to
>age?: he's also the same guy who gave the cassette player to
>Locke in the present...or was that his son? How can he look
>the same as he did (except for having shorter hair) what must
>have been 20 years ago or so?

Yes, I caught that one. Richard appears to be the same age when he meets child-Ben as when he works for/with adult-Ben. A friend of mine has a Lost theory that the island has some kind of "Fountain of Youth" thing going on. That scene would support it.

I still want to know about the statue remnants of the four-toed foot that Sayid saw! What was up with that?
I saw Jacob. Was confused as to how Richard (who is clearly YOUNGER than Ben) could be about 15 years older than him when Ben was a child. I don't buy the Fountain of Youth thing because Ben's father aged and Ben is obviously middle-aged.

I don't understand why Jack felt it was necessary to hide the information about the camp raid from the rest of the group. He's a bit of a control freak, I think.

The last couple of weeks have more than made up for the mid-season lull and silly episodes.

I hope that Locke doesn't die, but will not be surprised if he does. The creators have said on their Podcast that more will be killed off.
>Did anyone think that the guy young Ben met didn't seem to
>age?: he's also the same guy who gave the cassette player to
>Locke in the present...or was that his son? How can he look
>the same as he did (except for having shorter hair) what must
>have been 20 years ago or so?
>We also now know that the guy who was zapped by the barrier
>wasn't dead, just in pretty bad shape, so the island could
>have healed him.
>And the "Others" (except for Ben) are the "original
>inhabitants" of the island (plus people that they added as the
>years went on) and not Dharma initiative people.

Yes, I noticed and that makes me more curious as to how they got files on everyone from the plane. HOW is this thing going to END???

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