LOST last night.

That doesn't confuse me so much. They've got connections. Ethan got the manifest and they could do files on people from that. Of course, some of the things they had in the files...like Sawyer killing that man in Sydney...
Okay, but what about Naomi and her saying that everyone is dead and Ben freaking out when he heard someone parachuted in?

I totally hate Ben.

How about the guy who found Desmond on the beach and tricked him into living in the hatch and "pushing the button"? (Calvin I think was his name?) Was he a member of Dharma?

Why hasn't Naomi used the radio yet to call for help or did I miss something?

This show always raises more questions than it answers.

Maybe that guy was one of the Others and they knew they needed a button pusher and selected Desmond. Who knows.
I read on one Lost sight that they will do 3 more seasons.

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