Lost about Lost


Ok I'm so confused. What, HUH , Who. I mean I think I watched two hour of I don't have a clue. This is one of my favorite shows but last night I thought "What the heck did I just watch" I'm like who, huh , what the whole time. Mabye next year it will make sense!!!!

I'm right there with ya!!! My husband and I were completely lost. It never fails whenever they tell you questions are going to be answered it inevitably leads to answers which simply inspire more questions x( x( !!! I love this show though, and love the way it makes you use your brain. My husband actually now thinks the whole premise of the show is that we the audience are actually the experiment and they want to see how long we keep coming back to watch something that makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever!!!!

Now off to visit the Lost message boards to find out what the Lost fanatics have deduced from the show...heehee!! If they mention anything good I'll come back here to report :D !!

Thankfully I taped the last hour, so hopefully I can piece some things together after reading the blog and watching it, but I was starting to feel just a little overloaded with info, you know? I want to remember everything because it always comes back at ya on this show, but there was sooo much going on. Hopefully I can get some insight later:( .
Yes, let us know anything the Lost-ees are saying! I really enjoyed the episode but I agree with the info overload. As one point I was trying to remember who the heck Desmond was.


'Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ‘Wow - what a ride!’ — Peter Sage
Have you been watching since day 1 last year? I've never missed a single episode & was totally able to follow what was going on.

here are some things that may help...

The guy that arrived on the boat was the guy from the hatch (I'll call him "Hatchguy" from here on). Hatchguy met Jack while running stairs at some stadium in Australia (while Jack was there getting his father's remains). When they were doing the "flashbacks" of that guy's life, they showed him at the stadium getting ready to run--the 2nd car that pulled up was Jack arriving.

The woman that met Hatchguy at a coffee shop (in his flashbacks). The woman at the coffee shop was Libby--they haven't given much informaiton on Libby yet. Libby took pitty on Hatchguy & gave him her boat. That did make me say "WTH??? I'm not giving anyone my boat!"

You will notice as you watch--all the characters met or crossed paths at some point before they ended up on the plane. Jack was at a bar & Sawyer walked pasted him. Hurley & Libby were in the institution together. The black woman & John met at the hospital. Jack had drinks with Analucia before boarding the plane. Sawyer had drinks with Jack's father at some point.

I could go on & on (maybe I need to get a life :) ). I hope I was able to help clear up your confusion.
Some stuff I've learned from the Lost message boards thus far...I'm still attempting to weed through all of the mumbo jumbo that they get fixated on over there :eek: !! The Kelvin guy (the other guy that was in the hatch with Desmond) was the same guy that took Sayid into the dessert after he framed his friend. Many are thinking that Libby is in with the Others or the Hanso foundation/Dharma people (the people running the hatches/experiments). Or either that she was in cahoots with that Penny Widmore chick and it was all a set up to get her together with Desmond to give him the boat so that she could keep tabs on him and/or find him. It's one of the theories circulating over there...not quite sure how it would play out though.

Oh and regarding Lostie connections...don't forget the psychic that Eko talked to regarding the miracle with that girl that he was to be investigating was the same psychic that Claire was speaking with in her back story.

This show makes my head spin...and I'm such a glutton for punishment because I go to those darn message boards and these people I swear eat, drink, and breath Lost and come up with the craziest theories over every single little detail!!

My new theory is that we the fans (through those darn message boards) are actually writing the scripts for the show. The producers read them and use all of these random thoughts/theories/plot ideas to come up with the actual story lines!! The producers actually have no clue whatsoever how the story's going to come to an end, the fans will ultimately decide that. Wouldn't that be funny!!!

and just to add a little more,
When the button is not pusehed every 108 minutes that Hatch (or the island don't know which) created a magnetic anomale that pulls so hard that it seems it reaches planes and boats in the area. Hatchguy(or Desmond) let it go to that point on the same day the new people's plane was pulled in and wrecked. At the end the woman that loved Desmond had sent those two guys to purposefully try to get in, but they missed it because they weren't paying attention. Now I'm not sure that they will be able to get in because Desmond killed himself and blew up that Hatch. I admit I understood everything but am not pleased with the situations not cleared up.....like what will happen to the "love triangle" Jack, Kate, and Sawyer, what happens now that the hatch is destroyed, does Micheal redeem himself, and will Desmonds lady stop looking for him because he's gone, will they finally find out what the hostiles were there for in the first place.....ugh it's just endless! :D

I really like your rundown on the cast. It is very interesting how all the characters are interwined. Very interesting that Libby's real name is Elizabeth. I've been watching this show from the start too.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the black lady and Locke met at the airport when Locke dropped something and she picked it up and handed it to him. That was when she noticed he was in a wheelchair. Now on the island they are both fine, Locke walks fine without a wheelchair and she does not have cancer anymore.

However, I'm not convinced that the hatch blew up. I bet something else happened instead. I'm curious why Charlie never went to check on Eko & Locke after he found out they did not make it to the beach. More questions to keep us watching next season.
Those two guys at the end weren't at the island...they weren't there to get in. They were somewhere arctic. I don't think we are exactly sure what they were doing or what they were looking out for or what kind of interference they were supposed to running?? All we heard them say was "oh no we missed it again"...not sure what that was all about?? We just know that they were intertwined with that Penny chick somehow...and we aren't sure what her involvement is either yet.

As for the hatch I don't think it blew up...it was more of some kind of magnetic something or other. The theories on the board are that it reversed the magnetic reaction caused by not pushing the button and that's what sent the door to the hatch marked quarantine flying into the Lostie's camp. There's still alot of questions as to what actually took place when Desmond turned that key???? Also something's up with Charlie...he was a bit "weird" when he returned to camp like he didn't even realize what had just happened or something. It was odd how nonchalant he was about Eko and Locke...something's up there.

>Those two guys at the end weren't at the island...they
>weren't there to get in. They were somewhere arctic. I don't
>think we are exactly sure what they were doing or what they
>were looking out for or what kind of interference they were
>supposed to running?? All we heard them say was "oh no we
>missed it again"...not sure what that was all about?? We just
>know that they were intertwined with that Penny chick
>somehow...and we aren't sure what her involvement is either

I agree.
They are looking for a magnetic anomaly, but there's no way for us to know why...just that they are doing it for Penny.

I'm not sure that the hatch actually blew up, either. I would think there'd be more disturbance, and more things flying through the air than just the hatch if it did. And the glow in the air didn't seem like an explosion.
The blog over at MSN says that the hatch stays intact, but we don't know what happened to Ekco and Locke.

Now I really can't wait to watch my tape tonight, and I was planning on watching the dance competition starting tonight!!x(
OH man, I don't know what to think, but I think people are definately on the right track at the message boards. It makes sence, what they are saying. I'm thinking that Libby was with Darma, I never thought about that before, but it sure explains a lot. The name change, the psycho ward, and then the giving the boat thing. But what Darma is and what they are doing on that island is beyond me yet. I think that Jack and Katie have a plan to get out of their situation with the looks that they gave eachother. Either that or Sied will save them.
Oh man, so much happened, it was hard to keep up with all of it. But it was very exciting! I can't wait for next season.

> I'm thinking that Libby was with
>Darma, I never thought about that before, but it sure explains
>a lot. The name change, the psycho ward, and then the giving
>the boat thing.

Yes, what if Libby didn't just "happen to run into" Desmond. What if their meeting was planned? And who would want Desmond to take the boat and disappear into oblivion? Penney's father. He could even have arranged the whole boat race to trap Desmond.

But that doesn't explain what Dharma is, because it seems to have existed for quite a while. Drat! Just when you think you have it figured out...! (well, not really, there is too much to figure out!).

I wonder when the second season will come out on DVD? Probably mid-summer, or a couple of months before the new season starts? This is one show that's good to get on DVD to be able to watch more attentively, and the commentaries are interesting as well.
DH and I watch this show together every (Lost and Amazing Race are our weekly at home "dates" :)) I think "Hatchguy" and Jack met at the stadium about 3 years before the plane crash. Jack was running at the stadium because he didn't think there was any hope that the surgery he had performed on a female patient, whom he later married, would enable her to dance at her upcoming wedding as he had promised her. "Hatchguy" (Desmond :)) was training for a race around the world. I think the episode was titled, "Man of Faith, Man of Science" or something like that. In the original flashback I'm pretty sure Jack had longish hair. (I can't go back and check because I made dh erase all those old episodes because they were filling up our tivo unit. Must have room for Dora and Blue's Clues :)) I have to go back and look to see if his hair was long in Wednesday's episode. For all we know, they were running at the same location for months before they finally spoke to each other.

I hope we get more of Libby's back story. When she was first introduced, DH and I thought she was one of the others, but it turned out to be the peace corps guy. The button pushing just doesn't make sense to me. If the others are a part of the Dharma Initiative, why would they leave the pushing of the button to chance if the fate of the world hangs in the balance every 108 minutes? IT doesn't make sense. If the others aren't part of the Dharma Initiative, who are they?

Why four toes? Why a statue of a foot? What was with the pointed use of the names "Tom" and "Bea"? Why the weird behavior from Henry about Tom's removal of his beard? Was it to show us that Henry's conversation with Locke was all lies since Henry is apparently in control, or is Henry's apparent position of power the deception?

Why was Claire suddenly nice to Charlie? Did I miss something? How long was he gone? I thought he was only gone a few hours. Why the 180? He's still the same guy who took her baby and ran into the ocean. I don't get it.

What's the deal with Walt? What did they mean when they said they got more than they bargained for with Walt?

One final question, what questions were answered? I'm more baffled than ever.
I am totally addicted to this show. I'm kind of glad for the break this summer. I can't wait for the new season. I am afraid after watching it regulary, that I will be disappointed when the show ends and the questions are ultimately answered. I don't read the message boards so everyone's comments/theories here were interesting to read!
I agree that Libby is a plant, but not for Dharma. The Dharma Initiative was funded by the Hanso Foundation whose parent company is Widmore Industries. The girl Desmond is in love with is Penelope Widmore. Her father, Charles Widmore owns Widmore Industries. He is apparently an evil tycoon who may have been responsible for corrupting Hanso Foundation and Dharma. This is what people are learning by playing the internet game this summer. I'm not playing, but I read about the clues at Television Without Pity and The Lost Experience.

My theory is that Libby was a plant to get Desmond on the island, but she was a Widmore plant sent by Charles. I also believe The Others are the "rogue" faction of Dharma -- the people who are fighting against the corrupt faction. I think that is why they've been so hostile to the Losties. They don't know yet who they really are and whether they can be trusted. They kidnap kids and "good" people in order to protect them. I agree that Jack and Kate have a plan.

Not to get too spoilerish, but The Others will be a big part of the story next year. Oh, the DVDs don't come out until October. x(
>The Others are the "rogue" faction of Dharma -- the
>people who are fighting against the corrupt faction. I think
>that is why they've been so hostile to the Losties. They don't
>know yet who they really are and whether they can be trusted.
>They kidnap kids and "good" people in order to protect them. I
>agree that Jack and Kate have a plan.
>Not to get too spoilerish, but The Others will be a big part
>of the story next year. Oh, the DVDs don't come out until
>October. x(

That would explain why The Others called themselves the "good guys". Interesting.

Well at least 1 question was answered in the season finale. What caused the Oceanic 815 to crash? (It happened the same day Desmond caused a system failure and the magnetic anomoly brought the plan down.) This was the same question they teased us with in the preview so while they did answer 1 question, they asked about 50 more!

Sue I don't think they answered the question about the plane crash. What I took from the episode was that that could be one theory...but it still doesn't explain how all of these people who had had contact with one another ended up on the same plane or visitors to the same island (the Kelvin guy and Sayid, Eko and his brother, Desmond and Jack). I don't think that could have been coincidence. There was something else going on to make sure that they were all on the same plane and that they all ended up on that island. If the system failure brought the plane down maybe it was planned or something?? This show drives me bonkers :D !!

Deni -

You are correct. It is only a theory that the system failure caused the plane crash - not a proven fact. I was over at the Lost forums on abc.com and after reading several people talk it about as if it was fact, I began to believe it as fact myself. That's what drives me bonkers about this show, too! Just when you think you know something, you question whether what you believe is true or not or if the writers are just making you try to believe one thing so they can reveal a twist later on. Or just when you have something figured out, a new piece of the puzzle is introduced that doesn't fit with the others. I guess it's a love/hate relationship because I love shows like this that make me think. . .

I also want to know how all the characters are connected. At first they made it seem like it was the numbers they all shared in common but those mysterious numbers haven't come up lately in the flashback scenes (unless I missed something?). It's going to be a LONG summer waiting for season 3!


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