Losing Battle with Motivation


Hey laides, just need a little push. In the past couple of weeks with my move and lots of other things going on in my life I've been doing my best to get my workouts in. I've done ok but I've come down from 6 times a week to 3 or 4 times a week.

In the past two weeks I've noticed myself become more and more tired and lazy for that matter. I think I may have pushed myself way to much over the past couple of months and now my body is fighting with me x(

I need a push laides, what do you do when you get here?
Allow yourself the rest you need it. If 3-4 days is all you can muster right now, don't force it! Concentrate on eating well, drinking lots of water and resting. Give it the rest of this month and then in January see how you feel...maybe you will have the energy and motivation to bump it back up again once the holiday crazies are over with!:)
Millie, I don't know what to tell you that will motivate. My own motivation seems to come and go with no rhyme or reason. I hope it helps to know we all go through similar cycles and I'm sure you'll get back on track when the time is right for you. We are all behind you.
>Millie, I don't know what to tell you that will motivate. My
>own motivation seems to come and go with no rhyme or reason.

I agree. I think that this is a tough time of year to increase motivation, not to mention your recent move. Try your best to get in what you can and as long as that is all that you can honestly do, stick with it and try to make sure that the workouts are "quality" ones.

When I am trying to increase my own motivation, I will challenge myself in some way, switch up my rotation, add something new (a new class at the gym or a new DVD), create an incentive. For me, it is all a matter to sticking to your workouts for about two weeks and then I think it becomes a habit again and isn't as tough.
I hear you and I'm right there with you. My motivation has gone right out the window. I think this time of year is so hectic and I just can't do it all. I'm going to plod along the best I can for now then start anew after the 1st of the year.

I am with you, too! We are in the middle of a major remodeling of our home. I really don't have a kitchen at all right now (week three!). It is so hard to eat right and still exercise. Plus my exercise area has boxes everywhere! Stress!! I figured that my time will come again soon and I WANT to exercise, so that is still good. I just need to act on that want a lot more!!!

Good luck!

Thank you guys for your advice.
It just feels weird, I've become so used to working out and now I feel bad that I haven't kept up with my rotation, but my body is just not allowing it.

I'm thinking I may switch to morning workouts (hoping that I can drag myself out of bed) that may help me a little.
Hey Millie,
I also have problems with motivation. I have been working out at home for over 10 years and people always ask me how I can keep it up. Thank GOD a few years ago I found Cathe to spice things up. Maybe a little too spicy at times.
Anyway - I always have some kooky goal. Whether it is to be in a certain pair of pants for a trip, fit into some underwear that "creeps" or do a race. It has really helped me to keep it up all these years. No matter how small. I also have a set of "mental postcards" that I have in my head. When I am thinking of not working out, I pull a postcard - like a time when I put on a pair of underwear that had been tight and it bagged on me - or another one of finishing a tough workout and feeling great, etc. Those things really help me!

Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.

Hey Millie, do you post on any of the daily challenge or check in threads? I found that the clean eating challenge helped me a lot. Or maybe you could even start a daily check of some kind for yourself, like a Motivation Challenge or something? Just a quick idea.
There is nothing at all wrong with 3-4 days per week. That is a really healthy schedule. Maybe right now you goal could just be maintanence, and 3-4 days per week is just fine for that.

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