lose 5 pounds fast rotation!


I have lost 5 pounds with these new DVD's and wanted to share my exact rotation with you guys. For the weights I used what I would normally use in ME, PH, BC and cardio weights (endurance level-a notch below what I use in Pure STrength.) I used the tubing when Cathe did and am using the red and yellow (easiset and medium) from Fitness Wholesale:
Friday-Basic Step plus LB add on plus ball abs add on
Sat-Body Fusion plus UB add on
Sun-2 mile walk
Mon-High Step Intermediate plus its ball abs plus a 2 mile walk
WEds-High Step Advanced plus abs from "All Step" (traditional abs)
Thurs-Kari Anderson Angles Lines and Curves (stretching-Pilates) plus a 2 mile walk
Fri-High Step Intermediate plus the ball abs plus a 2 mile walk
Sat-2 mile walk
Sun-2 mile walk
Mon-The UB/LB/abs from Basic Step DVD

This is my normal amount of walking and exercise time, so I didn't increase anything-but the circuits are REALLY burning fat-my stomach is amazing now!
Any Pilates tape would work. I do think it helps stretch the muscles so they recover more quickly from hard workouts.
beth, how long have you been on this rotation? 5 pounds....that's amazing!!! Do you have much to lose? Are you a beginner or intermediate exerciser? Mindi
I've only been on this 12 days. Just before this I was doing only cardio or only weights on my exercise days, rarely if ever circuits. I think the circuit thing has shocked my body because it is so different from what I was doing. I consider myself intermediate, certainly not beginner. I am about 5'5 and went from 134 down to 129. I like to be at 125, but rarely ever am. I'm going to keep doing circuits the next 2-3 weeks and throw in Circuit Max, some FitPrimes and Gauntlet to keep it interesting and see what happens!
Oh yes, and I'm also going to throw in Boot camp after reading the BC rotation thread! I think she had awesome results from doing the BC cirucit workout every other day.
This rotation looks excellent! I'm going to start on Friday. I really love how you've worked in all the walking, I've been looking for a rotation where I can use my treadmill more. Thanks for posting!
>I've only been on this 12 days. Just before this I was doing
>only cardio or only weights on my exercise days, rarely if
>ever circuits. I think the circuit thing has shocked my body
>because it is so different from what I was doing. I consider
>myself intermediate, certainly not beginner. I am about 5'5
>and went from 134 down to 129. I like to be at 125, but rarely
>ever am. I'm going to keep doing circuits the next 2-3 weeks
>and throw in Circuit Max, some FitPrimes and Gauntlet to keep
>it interesting and see what happens!

Thanks so much for posting this! May I ask who Gauntlet is and where tapes can be brought?
The Gauntlet is on Cathe's Terminator DVD. It has 3 workouts: IMAX extreme (mostly interval cardio), Viper (cardio and mostly upper body circuit), and Gauntlet (some cardio, UB and LB done as a circuit.)
This has been a really fun rotation and my cardio endurance has increased and I have maintained my weight loss. But-my strength is going down without doing the heavier slower weight reps. So I am going to go back to a more balanced rotation of 1-2 days of heavy weights and 2 days of circuits. But when I need to blast off some pounds again I'm doing all circuits.
What a great rotation. Congratulations on the weight loss.

This month I'm planning something similar - I'm doing a circuit rotation but I don't have the DVD's you have - I'm mixing and matching Circuit Max, SJP, Bootcamp, C&W, pyramids, Muscle Endurance bootcamp pre-mix - maybe throw in a firm or fitprime for variety - or make up my own. I'm kind of mixing and matching from some older Cathe rotations.

Circuits are great for weight loss - whenever I need to blast off a few - besides cleaning up my eating - circuits seem to help. I think they allow you to get in extra cardio because you get the cardio from the circuit workouts and then on the next day you have the option to do another cardio workout.

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