Looking someone who have done or going to do tummy tuck...

Dear readers,

A long while ago, I got to read a message from a lady who was going to do tummy tuck or liposuction in a week or so and expressed her feeling to us. I would like to know how the surgery went and how that lady feels after the post op. Is she happy with her result? I would appreciate if anyone who has had the plastic surgery experiences and share that with me.

I am scheduled to see 3 plastic doctors to get lipo and tummy tuck if necessary.

I would appreciate your candid respone. Please e-mail to [email protected] Thank you.
Hi there, this isn't the best place to ask questions about cosmetic surgery. A few months ago I asked for suggestions around exercise when recovering from breast implants. To put it mildly the post was not received in a positive way, some very nasty things came out of that post. You may want to try another forum that relates to plastic surgery, you more then likely will not get the answers and support you are looking for from this site, except for a prescious few supporters` I know I didn't. Try implantinfo.com they have a lipo forum that may be helpful. Good luck and take care. Sue
RE: Looking someone who have done or going to do tummy ...

I agree with Sue. Maybe this isn't the best website to ask for plastic surgery advice. I also agree with her suggestion for the website. There are a few more websites you could benefit from. You can do a search on google. Personally if I had the money I'd have liposuction in those areas that have never changed in all these years of exercise, but at the moment I can't afford it. Plastic surgery is a very personal decision, but there are some people that are not open minded about it that's why I think it is better that you post on a plastic surgery website.

Good luck with everything. Also remember, you have to take a lot of things into account especially if you worry about scarring and all those sort of post-surgery situations that can happen. So see as many doctors as you can, do your research online, and find people that have had the procedure done (with good and bad results so you can weigh the pros and cons). Take care.
RE: Looking someone who have done or going to do tummy ...

I had a tummy tuck about 5 years ago and I am extremely happy with the results! After losing weight and keeping it off, the skin on my stomach was so saggy! The only thing to do to get rid of it was to get a tummy tuck. I'd do it all over again if I had to!

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