Looking forward to 4-day split because......


Right now, I'm working out each body part 1x a week. I feel that's not enough, but I feel 2x a week is too much. With the 4-day split, I've decided every 8 days I'll get each DVD 2x, the 9th will be an interval and the 10th will be a rest. I think a rest day every 10th day suits me better than one every 7th day.
I am looking for more heavy weight work, ( S&H is my favorite Cathe workout).. hope to incorporate these new ones in a one body part per day rotation..

I'm looking forward to having another no brainer rotation to pull out and follow on those weeks I don't have the energy or time to create my own rotation. I do more endurance work, so I look forward to lifting a little bit heavier and slower than usual. I love that I will be getting it all done in this little set leaving room for a day of cardio and a day of circuit or total body weight if I choose to do a 6 day rotation. All the tid bits Cathe is sharing on the blog have me really excited. I've discovered that I love dancy, more complex choreography that really get my heart rate up and this cardio so far sounds like it's going to deliver some of that. I just have a feeling this will be one of Cathe's best sets of workouts (own and love 'em all) but some stand out more than others and I have a feeling this may be one of those sets...woo hoo!!!
I'm looking forward to it because in the last few weeks, for the life of me, I can't seem to do more than 30 minutes of cardio. It'll be nice to have workouts that offer maximum cardio in that amount of time. Getting through cardio and weights in about an hour sounds great. I have some of the CTX on VHS, but I really like the looks of the new series.
I can get cardio and weights done in a short period of time, and I love the fact that the weight work will be push/pull, allowing for some muscle recovery. (And the music sounds like what I like: NO top-40 stuff or stuff I will hear on the radio, just my 'dedicated workout music.')
I'm looking forward to them because:

1. I love heavy weight training;
2. I love splits;
3. Cardio is short but intense;
4. Choreography looks great;
5. Fits in with my 5 day schedule of working out;
6. Leaves me a day to fit in some yoga;
7. Music sounds like it's going to be good; and
8. Workouts fit within my time frame of 60 minutes.

I'm looking forward to them for the same reasons as Marcy except for #1 (I'm more of a medium weight trainer :p) and #5 (I'm down to four workouts per week nowadays with a 2-month old and a pre-schooler to work around). Also, these workouts couldn't be timed better as I've got some baby weight to lose and some strength to re-gain and I do believe these will help with that!
I am looking forward to them because I have never done this type of rotation. I think it will be a great way to shock my body. :)


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