Looking for substitution in S&H Biceps


What would be a nice complementary bicep exercise to do for the barbell curls in S&H Triceps & Biceps? I don't have a barbell and the sequence is dumbbell bicep curls, hammer curls then barbell bicep curls. All of them are done in 3 sets with an up 6 and down 2 count so I'd like to do something that uses both arms at once if possible. I know I could do concentration curls and only do 1 set on each side. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Bam, I hardly ever use a barbell for bicep curls anymore. The only time I use it is when I need a 35- or 45-pounder. For the S&H bb bicep curls, why not reverse the count and do up 2/down 6 -- work the negative. Just a thought.

>Just a thought.

Cool thought! I like that suggestion. Thanks so much Pinky. That's definitely an option.

Here are some ideas, you could certainly change things up from one workout to the next:
a 45-degree curl: your arms are somewhat flared from your body when you lift.

a twisting curl: start with palms facing each other (neutral grip) then turn them to face you (supinated grip) at the top, and reverse on the way down.

hammer curl on the way up, regular curl on the way down, or vice versa.

preacher curls using the stability ball as a bench.

use bands to do bi curls.

reverse bi curls (work the forearms more) with palm down (you'll have to go lighter on these).

any change in tempo (4 up/4 down; 5 up/3 down--one of my favorites; 3 up/5 down).
Thanks so much Kathryn for your suggestions. Looks like I've got some nice options to work with. WATCH OUT BICEPS!!!! lol


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