looking for motivation (long and boring)


i know this is a boring subject, that has been addressed many times, but i feel as if i am at my rope's end. i used to exercise five, sometimes six, days a week, i was even up to mini-marathons, completing two to three tapes at a time (but it was nothing like cleda, now that would be a feat!). i had a wonderful job in which i would only work about three hours and get paid for the same amount i receive now at my current job. the only thing is i now work an eight hour work day, commute two hours round trip, and now i am doing translations instead of interpretations for the usdoj. so far, i have only fitted in two workout days a week since march (when i started my new job), and they are not even challenging. i feel i'm just exercising to be able to post SOMETHING on the forum, and feel so ashamed that i haven't done much, so i don't even end up checking in. i have wonderful tapes, have recently purchased about eight new ones, but for some reason i don't have the drive to finish even one video. i always find something better to do, like folding laundry, cleaning the kitchen, reading a magazine, going to bed early, or staying up late watching the same boring news. what's happened to me? how can i get that drive back? now that i'm on summer vacation from my college classes, i KNOW i will have time, but so far, it's been two weeks, and i haven't done much. does anyone have any suggestions? has anyone gone through this?
"has anyone gone through this?" Oh my, YES!

Unfortunately, I don't have an easy answer for you on how to get the drive back. I've been where you're at so many times!

For me, the only thing that works is DISCIPLINE! I absolutely must buckle down & JUST DO IT! Usually it only takes a couple of workouts before I slowly start to get back into the groove, although sometimes it takes longer. And in the interim, my workouts are usually not great and uninspired. sigh - I really hate these times!

One thing that has helped me in times like these is to tell myself I only have to workout for 20 minutes. Twenty minutes is hardly anything, right? So I make myself do 20 minutes & more often than not, once I get started I go the whole route.

I will soon be headed down the same road you're on now – increasing time on the job by a substantial number of hours per day. It will be a true test of my discipline. I'm seriously considering morning workouts even though I'm not a morning person & hate getting up at 6am, much less 4:45am, which is what I'll need to do to get my workouts in.

Best of luck to you in getting your groove back & let us know how it's going.

I struggle with this on a regular basis because I have a chronic illness and every few months I get very rundown and have to force myself to exercise. Lezly's advice about starting with 20 minutes is a very good one. That's exactly what I do. Sometimes I can only do 20 minutes of very light cardio like marching in place or simple step movements. Just make the decision and a specific time that you are going to do SOMETHING for 20 minutes. Do you have favorite sections of a tape that you like? I find my favorite sections of different tapes and just do them back to back for 20 minutes or however long you can do it. For example, I cue up my MIC tape to the last 10 minutes of the hi/lo section and my Happy Hour tape to the middle section. I do 10 minutes of each and since both of the tapes have more cardio after the 10 minutes, I can continue if I want, or quit there. The important thing is that you schedule a time and just do something even if it seems too easy. Eventually, you will get back to where you want to be. I've had to do this for several years and I'm always scared that I'll never get back to the fitness level I was at before and I always do. I always add a little toning or abs in also just for something different. I even pull out my very old tapes just for variation.
Most importantly, you are being WAY too hard on yourself. If you're looking at your new tapes thinking you have to finish the tape or it's not worth doing, then you are setting yourself up for failure. The fact is, it is too overwhelming for you right now to do the whole tape, so decide on a time limit that is not too overwhelming and that will make you actually get up and do it. If 20 minutes even sounds like too much, then start with 10 or 15 minutes. I know it sounds like too little to do any good, but it's better than nothing and the goal is to build back up to where you want to be. I've found this to be the best way for me to keep going and to enjoy my workouts.
I hope this helps.
Wow, Sandra, I feel for you...

Going from a 3-hr workday to 8 hrs is a big change, and you have to figure out how to reorder your life around it. Is there a gym at or near your work you can join, so you can work out at lunchtime, or right before or after work? If not, can you take a power walk at lunchtime or on breaks? Then at least you will have done something, and you can save your videos for weekends, or just do short strength videos in the evening. Also, with the kind of work you do, can you arrange to have some work at home days? I try to do that at least once a week, and use the time I save commuting for working out.
Maybe set up a schedule??


It sounds like you've had some pretty major changes going on in your life. Change is NEVER easy and always seems to add stress to our already stressful lives.

Here's my suggestion: give yourself some time off (like a week). You can relax, don't worry about working out, etc. While you're "taking time off" make yourself a 1-week schedule of tapes to do. Maybe start with 4 days out of 7 of scheduled tapes. Sometimes, at least for me, it's easier to know "what I'm going to do" instead of staring at my tapes and trying to decide.

I know it's hard to get out of a slump - but YOU KNOW how much BETTER exercising will make you feel about everything.

I KNOW you'll get back into it Sandra. Give yourself a break!

Take Care!
Happend here toooo


I know your pain. I too went through a perios of malaise when I changed jobs. But my situation was quite the opposite. I was managing a large, fast paced Internet Company and Internet Serivce Provider then I changed jobs to a much lower key position an Accountant. Once I changed to the slower paced job I found my workouts not as enjoyable and I just darn didnt want to do them. For some reason I had more energy when I was up and running during the day in my previous job even with all the headaches!!

This went on for about 6 weeks where I was lucky workout regular. Lets just say that Step Revival (one of my fun favorite tapes) was the hardest and longest workout I could bear to do. And its ony barely 50 minutes in lenght. Not even Yoga was good, I just didnt have the interest to hold a pose even 2 seconds... It was a rough time. What I found the worked was I took 1 week off, I didnt even think about exercising. I put away my tapes and accessories and I concentrated on ME. Went Shopping, watched movies.. did thing with my dogs and husband. Then after the week was over I pulled out my hardest tape and said to myself that I had to do atleast one half of it. I found that after doing one half I wanted to go on and the high I got from actually completing it gave me the momentum to get back into the swing of things.

I hope you start feeling better... Never beat your self up for not working out. The drive will come back to you. How bout treating yourself to a nice new outfit??
thanks everyone!

your suggestions are wonderful, and i am implementing them as i write. i have come to the conclusion that i must feel disillusionment with my current job, and that is really affecting my personal life and fitness lifestyle, but i will try my best to stick to what really makes me happy... my workouts. you are all wonderful, and your support is priceless. thanks again!


It sounds like you are overwhelmed with your new situation. I have always gained weight during times of change because my workout schedule gets out of whack. I work full time and go to college full time, so I understand about wanting to do laundry or shopping instead of working out.

I would just focus on fitting in your workouts. Like someone else said, the time you spend may not be what it used to, but it is amazing how good even 20 minutes can make you feel.

I started getting more consistent when I started a workout log. It forced me to look at how many days I was skipping.

If the commute and job has you down, your workouts may help relieve some of that stress. You also may want to try some motivational CDs or cassettes for your commute......they really help me in a lot of aspects of life!

Have a great summer break from school!

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