looking for DVD music for step that is energizing!


New Member
need help selecting a DVD to use at home. I have been going to a health clubs intermediate / advanced step class for 15 - 20 years and am now moving to an area that is too far from a club. The music is important to energize me and have recently started enjoying the hip hop type in class. I like a quick beat and sometimes a lot of base. I will be working out on a berber carpet that has a thick pad underneath, does anyone have a comment on this type of surface for a step routine? I have looked at the web site but just get confused can you suggest which items would be best for me?
I personally don't know of any of Cathe's videos that have the kind of music you are looking for...I would suggest Lo Max...I really like the music in that video...Also IMAX 3 if you are interested in trying an advanced interval workout..You will probably like Rhythmic Step as well...more complicated moves, but a good beat:) .

I work out on similar flooring..and I will say that sometimes my knees take a bit of a hit on the extreme jumping and plyo moves that are in the interval workouts...But I love them anyway:D !!

If you get FIT TV you may want to check out Cathe's cardio workouts...it may be a way for you to get a longer preview of them (than what is on the website) before you buy.

Good luck and have fun:7 !

I don't know about your flooring situation, but if you're looking for something with a hip hop feel and great music, you might look at Christ Taylor's step workouts. They are tremendously, incredibly, wonderfully FUN FUN FUN!

Of course, I love my Cathe step workouts, too! I'm new to step in general, but the Cathe ones that I know have a more athletic-feeling and make me feel like I'm having an awesome time exercising. The Christi ones are more street feeling and make me feel like I'm having an awesome time dancing.

Thanks for the tips! I am hoping that I will enjoy the workouts at home as much as I did in the club. Probably will miss the motivation I get from all the others in the class, but on the positive side I can set my own schedule and no driving time involved.

I will definitely check out Christ Taylor workouts, since this is all new for me I just stumbled onto Cathe site when looking for a step, all advice is helpful. I just ordered my step and anxious to get started with again. :)
Thanks for all the useful info. I didn't realize I could preview the video's until after posting my question and now have a better idea of what is available. I just ordered the step with the 3 DVD's for starters. I may look into some other flooring in the room I'll be using, I noticed there is some info on that on Cathe's site too. I am hoping that I will enjoy the workouts at home as much as I did in the club. Probably will miss the motivation I get from all the others in the class, but on the positive side I can set my own schedule and no driving time involved. Thanks again, Denise :)
Hi Denise

Although not hip hop music, I would really recommend the following:

1.Step Blast/Step Jump&Pump for great music (oldies but goodies)and lots of different premix options for varied workouts
2.Imax 2 - this is considered an intense but really fun workout and always gets lots of votes in the Cathe workout popularity polls.

Good luck


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