Looking for an advanced yoga tape


Calling all yoga lovers!!! I've recently been inspired to do more yoga and I'm looking for a really great ADVANCED yoga workout. I'm doing my research on Bryan Kest and others, but would love to hear recommendations from the end-all-be-all educated crowd.

Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
Here are my suggestions:

Baron Baptiste's Soul of Strength
Eoin Finn's Power Yoga
Bryan Kest 3 video original series
I have been doing yoga about a year and a half and LOVE Brian Kest's 3 volume series, "Tone", "Sweat" and "Energize." His constant droning gets annoying but he is easy to look at. I also LOVE his Intensive Body Sculpting for Weight Loss, the Dynamic Flow video is my least favorite. Haven't been able to find any tapes that match his.
I have Yoga X from the P90X series. Have you heard that it is a good Yoga workout?? I did it one time, and I am sorry, Yoga is not for me. I tried to start it two other times, and yuck, I turned it off. I would be more than happy to sell this to you if you would like it.
One name-David Swenson.He does Ashtanga Yoga.I had the Yoga Short Forms,The First Series and the second & third workout series.Good God,you should see some of the positions he would get into,I swear he is a human pretzel!!It is very advanced.:eek:
If you decide to try Brian Kest or Baron Baptiste you should get your DVD's at www.deepdiscountdvds.com (I tink that's the name, you can google it) they have really good deals on both of those instructors. I got Baron Baptiste's Soul of Strength for $9.90 and they NEVER charge for shipping!

Haven't tried my Brian Kest DVD yet, but the Baron Baptiste one is really great.


I'm not sure what you mean by advanced. Have you done a lot of yoga already or are you very fit from other types of exercise?

Although I do not consider myself to be advanced in yoga, I do Cathe DVD's almost exclusively and consider myself to be advanced as far as fitness videos are concerned. I'm also pretty flexible. In any case, my current favorite power yoga DVD's are:

2. Bryan Kest - 1995 Series (ENERGIZE, TONE, SWEAT)
3. David Swenson - SHORT FORMS
4. Baron Baptiste - SOUL OF STRENGTH

Segments of other yoga practices I like to use as add-ons (10-30 min) are in the following DVD's:

1. Patricia Walden - YOGA FOR FLEXIBILITY (originally released in 1992, but now a bonus segment on YOGA JOURNAL'S YOGA FOR BEGINNERS)
3. Sonic Yoga - TURBO FLOW

Among it's many other benefits, yoga will improve your flexibility like nothing else!

If you are looking for something very tough, get the Bryan Kest series because you can grow with it. I have only done the first tape because it is all that I can do right now... you can work your way up to his 2nd and 3rd tapes which are progressively more difficult. I believe his third tape is VERY VERY tough.

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