RE: Looking for a rotation heavy on cardio and upper bo...
Hi Julie!
Nice to meet you. :7
I'm speaking from that book, READY, SET, GO! by Phil Campbell, and also from the book THE INTERVAL TRAINING WORKOUT by Carl Lewis. Both are good, but READY, SET, GO! explains it better, I think.
Anaerobics does wonderful things for those of us over 35. Anaerobics (which basically means working in the "out-of-oxygen" zone) for short periods releases naturally the Human Growth Hormone -- which is responsible for helping one keep young, etc. Straight cardio -- aerobics doesn't do this -- they each one use different energy systems of the body. Both are necessary for a complete workout -- one can't get into the anaerobic zone without a good cardio base.
Anaerobics also strengthens the heart above and beyond straight cardio -- again, they each one work different muscle fibers (there are 3 different muscle fibers in the body) and they each one use different energy systems of the body.
There are 3 different energy systems in the body and an effective workout must work all three -- they are: 1) the Aerobic energy system (low to moderate intensity works this) 2) Lactate Anaerobic energy system (moderate to high intensity) -- I would put Bootcamp and HSTA here -- and 3) ATP-PC anaerobic energy system -- highest intensity level -- (the IMAX's).
The anaerobic benchmarks (benchmarks means those characteristics that define something) are: 1) that out of breath feeling (oxygen debt) 2) Increased Body Temperature (warmth in the body) 3) Muscle Burn 4)adrenal response (slightly painful)
But in the book this is explained in simple English so that you will really understand it and will be able to work with it yourself.
And because anaerobics is so strenous on the body, one must put a few days between these workouts.
The following is strictly my opinion based on my knowledge from these books: I consider Circuit Max upper end cardio -- it does get intense, and so it might also include the Lactate Anaerobic energy system, as well as the aerobic energy system. However I consider Bootcamp and High Step Advanced to be anaerobic workouts, as well as the IMAX's -- although Bootcamp and High Step Advanced aren't as anaerobic as the IMAX'S in my humble opinion -- I could be wrong, however,cause I know I get quite out of breath -- but because the intervals are longer (using weights) between anaerobic sprints -- I tend to classify this in more of the Lactate Anaerobic system as opposed to the ATP-PC system -- however, this is STRICTLY my opinion.
Just so you know, the above 3 energy systems are scientific date -- my classifications of the workouts according to the systems is my guesswork and is strictly guess work on my part.
Probably have given you more info than you wanted, but I would highly recommend getting and reading that book.
Have a good one.
Just wanted to add in my edit that I'd suggested alot of cardio because Becky seemed to want alot of cardio -- that was the reasoning behind it -- but there's also strength work there -- two days of upper body and one of lower body -- just didn't put in any full body strength workouts because she didn't want to work her legs that much -- that was my reasoning, which could be off...:+ Strictly opinion...