Looking for a good DVD player - any recommendations?

Calendar Girl

I'm looking for a good dvd player. I don't need a ton of features but I want one that is dependable and with a GOOD remote, big play, stop, rewind, FF and PAUSE button. Quick startup would be nice, fast (16x) FF and rewind and one that remembers where you were in the movie. I find these ones with the small remote buttons and a tiny pause button hidden some strange place on the remote very frustrating when I'm doing my workouts. I have a somewhat older TV so I don't need all the hi def stuff and things like that. Thanks for any help.

Oh, I was hoping someone would have a recommendation. I was thinking of just getting a blu ray player thinking that they might be made a little better but I have no clue.
I have a Sony 5 disc DVD player that I love. I often use more than one DVD when I work out so this makes it easier and you don't have to stop and change out the DVD all the time. This player is also great for A-Jock's killer mish-moshes...:D

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