Looking Flabbier After Losing Weight


Gosh, it's been so long since I've been on the forum. Hi everyone!!

I have a question and knew that you all would know the answer. I've started my clean eating and work out program. I'm doing three strength training days a week with Cathe (not in person, in my living room). And bicycling outdoors 3 times a week...about 17 miles a day. I've been doing this about three months and have lost 20 pounds. And 2% body fat. I started out at 37% body fat. I'm eating clean. Mostly.

Now I know that some of you came out of the womb perfectly cut and defined. ;) You know who you are. But for any of you who have lost weight, did it look WORSE before it looked better?

My legs for example...that's the body part I train the most. They seem to look more fatty and cellulitey than ever. I can feel the hard muscle underneath. But there's the ugly adipose on top. Is it fighting for its life under there?

My trainer says I have to lose the fat before the muscle will show. And that you can't build muscle on top of fat. But why is it looking worse?

I'm hoping someone can point me in the direction of a YouTube video or online illustration that shows me where muscle and fat lies under the skin, and how it works as you lose weight.

Would love to hear what you have to share.

Congrats to you on your weight loss and all of your discipline!
I'm just curious: did your trainer tell you that you need to lose more fat before you arrived to 2% fat or after? That just seems odd to me. (sorry if I am misunderstanding).
I am surprised, to be honest, with the amount of cycling you are doing that your legs are not looking as toned as you would like. Have you had your thyroid checked? Or it may be another endocrine issue perhaps?
If it is not a medical issue, I have seen many people respond well to professional massage. Massage helps guide lymphatic wastes out of the body which can accumulate in the form of swelling around the knees etc. It does not work for everyone, although I have seen it help many. There are some massage therapists who specialize in lymphatic drainage. Although, any massage will have this effect to some degree. I've had lymphatic (including electro lymphatic) massage in the past, although because I was so young, it would be hard to determine if it had an effect this way on my body. lol. What I do remember though is that it made my arms and legs feel a lot 'lighter'. If I could afford it now, I would probably try it out again as I have been getting dimply arms.

The only other tip I can offer is to limit salt and include plenty of amino acids in your diet, but I am sure given your lifestyle, you know that already! :)
My legs for example...that's the body part I train the most. They seem to look more fatty and cellulitey than ever. I can feel the hard muscle underneath. But there's the ugly adipose on top. Is it fighting for its life under there?

My trainer says I have to lose the fat before the muscle will show. And that you can't build muscle on top of fat. But why is it looking worse?

Yes it looks and feels flabbier. A part of weight loss is muscle loss ----you have lost some muscle in the process:):):).
The skin need to re-adjust to the weight loss. Let's not forget that it expanded while gaining weight:rolleyes::rolleyes: Improvements do not
happen over a night, weeks...... Some skin are genetically prone to better ability of re-adjusting itself back without resorting to
any cosmetics procedure. That being said compound weight trainer helps tremendously with a super clean nutrition.

Your trainer is right when it comes to showing muscles. One need to get ride of layers, assuming there is something underneath---- Lean muscle mass, to visibly see muscles. That is why the body type (somatotype ectomorph, endomorph and mesomorph) is the starting point. It is not an element made up just to deliberately Judge anyone nor is it manly made to make one feel bad about him/herself!!!!:):):) If there is no lean mass, there is a necessity to build should one quest to show muscle and/or get stronger:)
Heavy lifting does help getting ride off and/or pushing adipose tissue and smoothen the skin surface. Fact is 90-95% of women have cellulite.
All the best, there is no shortcut around it:);)

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Hello Jonezie,

Congratulations for making your health a priority and achieving a commendable weight loss goal.
I don't have any YouTube recommendations or illustrations.

However, I like what Nathalie stated and her overall post:
Improvements do not
happen over a night, weeks......

As you experienced, the scale/weight went down as it should have (based on your training program) but the truth lies in the body fat percentage - it only moved 2% and it does move in the slowest manner. Keep changing up your workouts (Cathe has many DVDs/rotations to chose from and now ICE will be making its debut & Cathe Live/OnDemand etc.) so make sure it's well balanced and your nutrition program as healthy as possible. Down the road, you will see smoother skin and the muscles will eventually make an appearance.

It will not happen overnight and there is no instant pill for it - but some ingredients that will lead you there are patience, effort, intensity, perseverance and your willingness to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the longterm. Take it for what it is and celebrate your three month short term goal with a new outfit - you will Rock It and set yourself another goal.

Best of luck to you and high five!
Congrats to you on your weight loss and all of your discipline!
I'm just curious: did your trainer tell you that you need to lose more fat before you arrived to 2% fat or after? That just seems odd to me. (sorry if I am misunderstanding).
I am surprised, to be honest, with the amount of cycling you are doing that your legs are not looking as toned as you would like. Have you had your thyroid checked? Or it may be another endocrine issue perhaps?
If it is not a medical issue, I have seen many people respond well to professional massage. Massage helps guide lymphatic wastes out of the body which can accumulate in the form of swelling around the knees etc. It does not work for everyone, although I have seen it help many. There are some massage therapists who specialize in lymphatic drainage. Although, any massage will have this effect to some degree. I've had lymphatic (including electro lymphatic) massage in the past, although because I was so young, it would be hard to determine if it had an effect this way on my body. lol. What I do remember though is that it made my arms and legs feel a lot 'lighter'. If I could afford it now, I would probably try it out again as I have been getting dimply arms.

The only other tip I can offer is to limit salt and include plenty of amino acids in your diet, but I am sure given your lifestyle, you know that already! :)

Elsie, I love the idea of massage...and you also reminded me of body scrubs. I'll start doing both. PS...my trainer has not set a goal for me as far as body fat percentage. But I've only lost 2% of my body fat so far. Does that make sense?

Thanks for your kind words!
Hello Jonezie,

Congratulations for making your health a priority and achieving a commendable weight loss goal.
I don't have any YouTube recommendations or illustrations.

However, I like what Nathalie stated and her overall post:

As you experienced, the scale/weight went down as it should have (based on your training program) but the truth lies in the body fat percentage - it only moved 2% and it does move in the slowest manner. Keep changing up your workouts (Cathe has many DVDs/rotations to chose from and now ICE will be making its debut & Cathe Live/OnDemand etc.) so make sure it's well balanced and your nutrition program as healthy as possible. Down the road, you will see smoother skin and the muscles will eventually make an appearance.

It will not happen overnight and there is no instant pill for it - but some ingredients that will lead you there are patience, effort, intensity, perseverance and your willingness to maintain a healthy lifestyle for the longterm. Take it for what it is and celebrate your three month short term goal with a new outfit - you will Rock It and set yourself another goal.

Best of luck to you and high five!

Thanks, FireLite!
PS...my trainer has not set a goal for me as far as body fat percentage. But I've only lost 2% of my body fat so far. Does that make sense?
Okay. I apologize that I completely misread what you said. I thought you were saying you have just 2% body fat. I was thinking: "what the hell? Is her trainer some kind of sadist?!" LOL.

Hope your training and good eating habits has been going well for you. Massage has so many benefits. I would get one nearly every week if my budget allowed! :) Speaking of body treatments, I worked at one of those destination spas for a few years & I noticed that fuller women benefited from things like seaweed body wraps to aid in water retention etc. and even reducing some dimpling on the back of the legs short term when done fairly regularly (meaning it comes back after a couple of weeks), although it did nothing at all for my own cellulite (I don't have a great deal but it's there and it can certainly be noticed) and I have always been pretty slender. Not to say it will not work in your case or anything, but I just would advise to not spend too much money on things like that cause for most of us, it does not do a great deal. Just sayin. :)
Speaking of body treatments, I worked at one of those destination spas for a few years & I noticed that fuller women benefited from things like seaweed body wraps to aid in water retention etc. and even reducing some dimpling on the back of the legs short term when done fairly regularly (meaning it comes back after a couple of weeks), although it did nothing at all for my own cellulite (I don't have a great deal but it's there and it can certainly be noticed) and I have always been pretty slender.


I know seaweed body wrap do help when it is done consistently. Wraps treatment are also made in home kit format.
Any brand you would recommend?
Wraps treatment are also made in home kit format.
Any brand you would recommend?
The home treatments are probably much cheaper than in-spa ones that run around $145 and up last time I checked. We bought everything wholesale, so sorry I do not really know of any brands. Although I think just buying the powders bulk + mixing with aloe vera gel and an emollient of your choice would work. Although I am not sure where you would get the foil wrapping and that sort of thing (unless the kits provide it). Part of the spa treatment is that you lie in a warm steam chamber with the wrap on as well, so not too sure how that could be imitated. Perhaps a very, very steamy bathroom may work. lol.
Sorry I couldn't offer much information.
My trainer says I have to lose the fat before the muscle will show. And that you can't build muscle on top of fat. But why is it looking worse?

I'm hoping someone can point me in the direction of a YouTube video or online illustration that shows me where muscle and fat lies under the skin, and how it works as you lose weight.


Hi Jonezie,

I don't post often but am hoping this will give you a better understanding of what is happening:
We have various stores of fat in our bodies. Some lives deep around our organs, and is called "Visceral" fat. But when we are trying to become more slender, mostly it is the fat that is laying over our muscles but below the skin that we are trying to get rid of. Well, it is absolutely true that as we burn that fat through reduced calories/ increased activity, we can look more "loose" or "flabby" before we look more tight and toned. It is because the fat is actually individual cells that release their contents in response to the need for energy, and that is the fat that is just under the skin. (Visceral fat can also be reduced, but we don't get to see that in the mirror).
Think of it like this: say you filled some balloons with jello and refridgerated them until they are firm. That is what our full fat cells are like all clumped together. But let's say you warm them up..(burning calories =heat) well, now they are more jelly-like. Now go even further and prick the balloons and voila..the softened, more liquid jello is released! That is pretty much what our fat cells are doing when we lose weight through cleaner eating and increased activity. They release the contents in response to our need for calories (energy), and eventually deflate. If you appear a little looser and flabbier then congratulations! You are losing fat! And since the fat blankets over muscles, the more you lose of it, the more the muscles will begin to show. But.... we are still stuck with the empty, deflated fat cells because we never really lose them, just the contents of them. They are like little storage balloons.

Have you ever heard the expression, "Well, I might be fat, but I'm solid!" That used to be me! I really was solid fat! Now I am flabby but healthy...(I had a lot to lose). It is worth it to me. Please don't be discouraged....you really do deserve to congratulate yourself. It might not be immediately pretty, but what's happening is absolutely a sign of progress!


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