LM&R clips

aqua girl

Hello, just a reminder that the clip from Functional Lower Body ( 3rd clip) has not been posted here on the forum and also, the last one, Functional Core Bonus as well. I have been fortunate to be able to see all the clips, either in email or on FB page, but I feel that there are some, for whatever reason may not get the newsletter/email or do not go to the FB page and they would be missing the clips. Also, it is nice to be able to come here and review the individual clips as we wish to. Also,I don't believe we have seen the clips of the two remaining "main" workouts, Functional Total Body and Functional Yoga Fusion. While it is fun to see clip(s) of the "bonus" workouts too, please don't forget the remaining "main" workouts. I know you are busy with the dvds and your other projects, but the clips do provide excitement and a little cushion during this extended waiting period for the dvds to be released. Thanks alot!

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