<--Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see...

<--tells Ame that Bourne comes out this Thursday
<--really likes Matt Damon
<--maybe even enough to be on top 5
<--so far has Hugh Grant, Wentworth Miller (Prison Break), Jake Gyllenhal, Johnny Depp and...Matt???
<--also thinks Angelina jolie is pretty darn hot. DF likes Jennifer Aniston (puke)
<--thinks Nancy's description of DF was hilarious
<--will now picture a giant talking turnip
<--just finished Get Ripped then decided to do Ripped to the Core
<--trying to make up for time off while on vacay
<--says donuts are one of the only sweets <--doesn't like
<--asks when National M&M day is (???)
<--thinks peanut butter M&M's are heaven
<--hopes Catherine's h/a has vamoosed!
<--thinks Shannon should be lazy although mowing the lawn would is a lazy activity
<--thinks Michele is very justified in being angry
<--LOVES Cody's hair!!!
<--is going to go shower and commence being lazy
<--tells michele she has every right to be angry
<--wonders why bil doesn't get it?
<--thinks it would be obvious to him :(
<--hopes in laws are ok and not upset about the situation
RE: <--Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstandin...

<--- appreciates all the support
<--- says you'd think her BIL would get it, especially since he's a DOCTOR!!! for crying out loud!
<--- knows her BIL and SIL need a break but thinks they have other options
<--- says they never ask us (even thought we always end up being the caregivers), and they tend to make plans on the fly, making it difficult to recruit last minute help
<--- says DH is over there now and things have calmed down
<--- is going grocery shopping and will be joing DH
<--- is now making dinner for the whole fam damilyx(

<--- edits to apologize once again for her totally self absorbed posts
<--- is glad Catherine's h/a is better
<--- is in favor of a National M&M Day
<--- hopes we can add a National Chocolate Cake Day, too
<--- is really looking forward to the new Bourne movie
<--- hasn't been to a movie yet this summer
<--- better skedaddle
<--should be working but just wants to say that Michele's BIL is SOOOO wrong!! :eek: :eek:
<--also wants to say that Cody's haircut is absolutely gorgeous!! :D
<-- yet again agrees 100% with FN's post
<-- is pleased to announce <-- got out of going to the baseball game!
<-- would have enjoyed watching the lettle bobble-head 8 and 9 year olds, but that's about it
<-- will be cleaning the kitchen instead :eek: x(
<-- has avoided cleaning the kitchen for more than a week and we no longer have counter space :eek: x(
<-- guesses DP has been working hard this past week since he usually has kitchen duty }(
<-- needs to buy new running shoes
<-- might go in person rather than online
<-- should probably clean the kitchen first }( :p
<-- doesn't wanna
<-- still can't get over Michele's BIL
<-- had a horrifying conversation with DS this morning, btw
<-- won't really talk about it because the bottom line is that <-- am generally embarrassed to be related to her ;(
<-- is off to bugg the fuzzy ones :p :7
<--is stopping in for an illegal break :p
<--is very glad Ame got out of the bb game!
<--tells Ame to just leave the kitchen till DP is free :p
<--always does that }(
<--doesn't consider Ame to be anything like her DS
<--says siblings are rarely alike anyway
<--hopes to go shopping today for the right sized ball for her new Squeeze workout
<--loves to make a fuss over equipment :D
<--should probably try the WO first though :p
<-- is trying to figure out how to get rid of a few workouts <-- just don't do
<-- asks if anyone wants the Kelly Coffey-Mayer step boxing or NYC??
<-- also has a couple more, LOL
<-- needs to make room for the new series!!! }( :7
<-- is debating spending $200 on running shoes... :eek:

ETA: <-- made it to $185 for two pairs of shoes and shot bloks and a visor, so <-- is thinking now's the time
<-- know <-- spend a ton }(
<--isn't sure what Ame means by "now's the time"
<--is plowing through an endless accounting
<--hasn't found a smoking gun yet
<--must keep looking
<---needs to whine some more
<---tried calling some 3-D friends, but nobody is home
<---will torture anybody online instead
<---is sick and tired of being sick and tired, d*** it!
<---hasn't had a decent meal in days because <--- has no appetite and eating makes <--- feel crappy
<---eats a little anyhow because it's sorta necessary
<---tried to cook a meal a little bit ago - it didn't taste good, and now <--- is too bloody tired to stand at the sink and clean up
<---very nearly cried
<---aches in various places - the SSS, the wrist, the knee - not body aches like the flu, but aches where the injuries hang out
<---doesn't know why since <--- has been so amazingly inactive lately
<---will probably visit the doc on Monday and be told that nothing is wrong, and that everybody gets tired once in a while
<---x( :-(
<---thanks y'all for listening

<---is appalled at Cuz's BIL and SIL - that's just plain stupid and very rude
<---is glad Cuz and DH can help out the parents - whew
<---is also glad Cuz decided to order takeout instead of cooking for so many people
<---is in the same situation as Ame about getting rid of workouts
<---has several by one instructor - really likes the instructor, and the workouts have sentimental value, but they're never used.
<---wonders why Nancy's break was illegal
<---loves Cody's hair cut!!!!!!
<---should probably shut up now and end this novel
<-- sends hugs and vibes and whatever else Shannon needs
<-- totally knows the feelings
<-- is sorry Shannon is feeling them now
<-- will stop typing "feelings" now, LOL
<-- tells Nance all of <--'s shoes are making <--'s knees hurt, and <-- will start training for a half marathon in November really soon, so that's what <-- meant by "now's the time" to get new shoes
<-- wants to try squeeze!!!! x(
<-- wonders if it will ever make it to Netflix
<-- ended up purchasing 2 Mindy Milray DVDs (<-- know that's not how you spell it, but phoenetically it's good) and an Amy Bento too, from Deep Discount
<-- kept attempting the bootcamp workout of Mindy's and <-- couldn't make it all the way through
<-- considered that a good thing
<-- got the kitchen clean
<-- still has a workout to do
<-- is thinking maybe HSChallenge
<-- is askeered
<-- doesn't want to go to dinner tonight with DH
<-- doesn't want to spend more money on just food when <-- could spend it on shoes }(
<-- asks youse what the video exchange thing is; is it VF? <-- might send them there or something
<-- is too cheap and impatient to list on ebay :p
<--- pops in way too behind to catch up
<--- can't even remember if <--- posted yesterday
<--- thinks Michelle's BIL and SIL are acting very selfish <--- has the same problems with <---
<--- tells Amy <--- might would like workouts, the only ones <--- has now is Cathe, sometimes <--- thinks <--- should branch out, just for variety
<--- needs advise on High Step, wonders if it is worth the purchase
<--- watched HST, and really like the tricep work and liked that it was at the beginning of workout
<--- likes Cody's haircut
<--- likes any kind of holiday that involves incrediably fatting, delicious, unhealthy food
<--- has busy week coming up as well
<--- will be gone Tue and Wed, taking DS to Wild Adventures, a amusement/water/zoo park
<--- will chat with you guys later!

<--sends hugs to shannon
<--is sorry she's feeling so down and sore and sick
<--feels like a loser
<--had two glasses of pinot grigio, didn't work out, and is now crying while watching "stepmom"
<-- tells Kelli yup you're gonna need a high step :p
<-- just finished HSChallenge and yow
<-- also has discovered that <-- can't do downward dog without hurting <--'s shoulder :-(
<-- is amazed and happy to have discovered the culprit to the 1.5+ year shoulder issue
<-- tells Kelli to pm <--
<-- believes <-- is the queen of variety
<-- just gets bored fast :D
<-- is LOL because tomorrow <-- is going for a long run
<-- loves the long runs though, and <-- very rarely gets bored! :+
<--tells Kelli that <--bought the Cathe special which had a high step and three high step DVD's
<--thinks getting a high step is very worth it
<--also thinks Cathe uses one in the new workouts
<--hopes Shannon is feeling better
<--went to see "Chuck and Larry" today
<--thought it was very funny and entertaining

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