<---living in a material world


<---just pre-ordered Tracey's Strike Zone
<---left instructions for DD to pre-order Amy's ASC3 when <--'m away on vacation
<---will be buying a new frig after vacation
<---thinks she is doing her meager best to boost the economy
<---is headed for work
<---will check back then
<--- waves good morning to Robin and all who follow
<--- isn't in a very good mood today
<--- has to take the dogs to the vet this morning and Sophie to the dentist this afternoon and is feeling very anxious about the massive drain on her back account that will entail
<--- is sorry to be a downer
<--- hopes everyone has a splendid day
<---waves good morning to Shelley, Robin and all who follow
<---also ordered Strike Zone as it looks similar to Body Combat class that <---tried and loved
<---wonders how many more days until Robin's vacation
<---is sorry Shelley isn't in a good mood
<---understands about bank account draining days
<---had a crappy day yesterday
<---was not given an interview for teaching job, even after whole fifth grade team went to request that I be interviewed
<---was told that <---is actually better off not working at the school by a friend so now is thinking that everything happens for a reason
<---to top it off, Aunt Flo came for a suprise early visit and caused some issues while at school (Thank goodness for dark pants)
<---hopes today is better

Beth http://www.rykat.org/forums/style_emoticons/default/arrowhead.png
<---sends a hug to Beth
<---is sure she'll find a job at a better school
<---sends a hug to Shelley and her sucking money drain
<---hopes the vet and doctor appts go well
<---had bad news yesterday too
<---'s DGS's babysitter quit yesterday
<---hopes DD can find a better, more caring sitter for Mr Greyorcriesalotpants
<--waves good morning
<--is sure Ms Robin is counting down the days till vacation!!
<--hopes Shelly's appts go well
<--agrees with Beth that things happen for a reason and hopes everything works out for her
<--has a pretty intense h/a x(
<--still has to go to work
<--is just way to busy to reschedule everyone
<--will be taking excedrin soon

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


<--- just checked the weather forecast for the rest of the week and they've changed Friday's beautiful sun to rain
<--- says now just has today and tomorrow of nice weather and working outsidex(
<--- knows that something wonderful will come along for Beth
<--- is sorry to hear that Mr. Greyorcriesalotpants babysitter quit
<--- hopes Robin's DD finds someone better
<--- is sending headache-be-gone vibes to Catherine to help the Exedrin along
<--Waves good Morning to Robin,Shelly,Beth,Catherine and all who follows!
<--is sorry to hear that Mr. Greyorcriesalotpants babysitter quit:-(
<--agree's with beth
<--also think everything happens for a reason
<--knows she will find a job at a school soon
<--is sorry Shelly is in a bad mood:-(
<--is sorry Catherine has a headache:-(
<--sends hugs to all the OALers
<--woke up with doms from LIC yesteray
<--will be doing a powerwalk today,40min one!
<--must go drink coffee
<--has the dreaded papergown dr.visit todayx(
<--doesn't wanna go!
<--thinks the only thing worst than waiting on a doctor is running out of coffeex(
<--is still envious of Robin's vacay
<--tends to agree with Beth's friend that everything happens for a reason
<--says if you don't think that way, you can go nuts!
<--joins Catherine in the h/a
<--thinks it's this humid weather
<--sends sunny day and good fortune vibes northward to Canada
<--hopes Amelia's papergown appointment is over soon
<--hates those too
<--is, apparently, stressed out
<--inhaled every bit of food in the entire house last night
<--says every time <-- finishes a project at work, three more appear
<--needs to calm down and get a grip
<---hands a grip to Nancy
<---had her papergown visit a couple weeks ago and will have the mammy thing after vacation
<---wonders how Heidi's mammy thing went
<---thinks two days of nice weather, working like Shelley works, would kill me
<--saunters in with fresh ground coffee

<--is sorry to hear that Mr Greyorpant's babysitter quit
<--is also very jealous of Robin's vacation
<--preordered StrikeZone several weeks ago
<--hasn't tried CircuitZone yet, though:eek:
<--will have to go check out Amy's new stuff
<--isn't due for papergown appt until next February:7 :7 :7
<--is considering going back on BCP, though
<--would love to help Nancy out, but alas, doesn't have any grip to sparex(

<--took DH to his dr's appointment yesterday and then went and ordered a new bed....Select Comfort (compliments of tax refund!)
<-- SOOOOOO can not wait for the stimulus check to finish paying for the bed!!!
<---tells Robin she is here in spirit, just hasn't had anything interesting to add to the conversation ;)
<---is bored off her butt
<---tells Robin that <--- is here!!!
<---hasn't been around in a while for fear of being hated by youse all
<---would like to make a formal apology for comments made in the "grey's thread" in case <--- offended anyone
<---tried to hold <---'s tongue but that darn tongue has a mind of it's own sometimes x( ;)
<---didn't see the end of the thread so don't know if it was <---'s comments that got it removed
<---didn't think her comments were *that* bad
<---is just a topic near and dear to <---'s heart
<---waves to everyone ^^^
<---hopes you all are having a wonderful day :)


<-- has no idea what thread Allison is talking about
<-- hasn't been around too much but it seems like the entire 'land has taken a downturn
<-- wonders what's up with that
<-- signed up for the July exam
<-- is already dreading it
<-- asks Nance for the grip after she's done since <-- need one too
<-- did attempt a workout last night for the first time in a while
<-- did a Mindy thing that kicked <--'s patootie
<-- has no strength or endurance any more
<-- is trying not to be upset about it
<-- is kinda failing at that
<-- is off to do more work
<-- can't imagine what made <-- think <-- should ever return to this job (over and over again)
<-- hates it more than you might imagine
<-- plans to go to half time starting next week, then thru the exam, then either stay at half time or quit entirely and go start a gym with the other bootcamp instructor ;-)
<-- is here
<-- hugs Allison
<-- didn't think Allison's comments were "bad" at all
<-- the thread was removed because one of the posters asked for the thread to be removed
<-- is somewhat miffed by the sillyness that seems to be going around lately
<-- people can't always agree
<-- thinks that sometimes people have to take a stance even if others don't agree or don't like it
<-- is really sadened by the extent of prejudice and intolerance
<-- runs out of thread dodging the eggs that are being thrown at <--
<---didn't keep a close eye on the "not black or white" thread when things started getting ugly
<---didn't even see things get ugly
<---heard that things got ugly
<---can't imagine the words ugly and Allison in the same sentence
<---tells Liann <--is bored too
<---is headed for a hairs cut, then home to pack for vacation
<---has one more day of work left
<--bops into the thread singin', "'ter-i-al-al-al!"
<--is here now
<--can't post from work
<--sends Shelley some chill vibes (remember: drinking, not thinking while you're on vacay!) :7
<--agrees with Beth about things not working out for a reason sometimes
<--sees way too much politics in school hirings, which unfortunately lets some great teachers slip away
<--is sorry about Greyor's sitter
<--hopes the Excedrin kicked in for Catherine
<--hopes Amelia enjoyed her powerwalk
<--thinks Nancy should schedule another spa outing
<--waves to Amy
<--is puzzled why Allison would think she owed anyone an apology
<--also didn't see the end of the thread but doubts highly it was any of the OALers comments
<--agrees with Amy G about the downturn
<--wonders why that is
<--waves to Carola and assures her no one would throw any eggs
<--is taking another rest day today
<--is on a Z-pack for <--'s sinus infection and feels much better but still not quite up-to-snuff
<--- is popping in momentarily
<--- had a very lovely day, despite the initial bad mood
<--- has figured out some nice things to do on the rainy days, so will live:p
<--- has skimmed above but can't really remember much
<--- hopes Robin has a fantabulous vacay
<--- gives Allison a big hug and tells her not to worry, we'd never hate her!
<--- thinks everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that people are far too quick to fly off the handle when that opinion is challenged in some way
<--- is having grilled tiger shrimp and scallops for din-din
<--- can't wait
<--- sends hugs and kishies to all and will ttyt
<--LOVED Allison's brilliant comments in the Grey's thread
<--thinks exactly as Allison does
<--would have said the same thing, word for word
<--says but then <-- is not exactly known for shying away from controversy on these boards
<--has more work than she can possibly do, but somehow wound up here!
<--just lost a long post x(
<--will try to remember
<--thanks Shelly for the excedrin and says it worked
<--hopes Ameila's check up went ok
<--sends grip vibes to Nancy
<--sends superduper big (((HUGS))) to Ame
<--hopes Amy enjoys her new bed
<--waves to a blurry boring thing called Liann
<--can not imagine Allison saying anything offensive to anyone
<--tells Carola this may be premature, but <-- is looking at a confernce in Phoenix in November of 2009
<--is excited for Robin's vacation
<--is glad Cathy's Zpack is helping
<--thinks Shelly's din din sounds :9
<--is glad this thread is short today :D

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]



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