Live class with Cathe report!!


Another title for this post could be...."The Power of Cathe"!!!

I did not want to get out of bed was pouring rain, the bed was just too inviting. I decided to go for it, anyway, and am so glad I did!!

On the hour long drive to Cathe's, my mood matched the weather, I was tired, and mentally spent from family stuff I have had to deal with recently, it seemed to rain harder the closer I got to the club, but I kept telling myself how much better I'd feel once this was over!

Finally class time arrived, and Cathe kicked into high gear almost right away, she even made some comments about beating the weather blues, she not only beat them, she pummeled them into submission, my legs wanted to go on strike from the rest of me almost immediately, yet I just kept pushing, it especially helped to see I wasn't alone for the sweat fest, every else was giving it their all as well, and no one was working harder than Cathe herself. The workouts (both home and at the studio) are much easier to do when the leader is doing them right along with you. I just love when Cathe says...."We're in this together!" It's so true!

She worked Bi's and Tri's until they begged for mercy, I modified for the step aerobics..mainly jacks and jumprope, she even through a little bit of kickboxing in...THANK YOU CATHE!!! I just love kickboxing!

Why is it that I think when we take to the floor that the hard stuff is over....NOT!!! Something called plyo-pushups, hard to explain, very hard to do, but I did ' least best I could.

And then Cathe brought me as close as a male can get to experiencing child birth with an amazing ab routine which left me screaming out loud!!

Finally it was stretch/cool down time..greatly welcomed!! After class, Cathe graciously gave me a few minutes of her time to see how I was progressing with my kickbox certification, among other things. KB classes for me are on hold until I get back from Walt Disney World in late November. Then it will be my turn to do the inflicting...}(

It's not everyone that can make me get up at 6 am on a crappy day to to what I did to myself...for that, I thank Cathe big time.

For anyone who ever wondered if there was a correlation between exercise and mood, that fact that I drove to class angry and drove home singing to Springsteen (and not caring if anyone saw me..:p )
should provide some answers in that regard. That reason alone makes me want to teach myself someday soon!!

A lousy day turned great!

Hi Jerry

I know what you mean about the connection between your mood and exercise. I get mad and irritated easier if I miss my workout.

Congrats on beating the weather and the black mood.


p.s we could use that rain in So. Cal though. :(
How fun to take a live class from Cathe. I've had trouble wanting to workout today myself b/c of rainy, overcast weather among other things. I've got my workout clothes on and I'm heading downstairs to do the Double Cardio Premix from LIS/HIS.

I'm so happy (ok and a little jealous:p ) that you had such a great workout with Cathe. I know it really must be awsome!!

I just wanted to tell you that I enjoy reading your posts. I always find them very motivating and uplifting!!!

Thanks for sharing


my heart breaks for you people in So. Cal...praying for some relief for all of you, I can't bring myself to watch the news from there, because I am powerless to do anything about it!

Thanks for the great report Jerry! I wish Cathe would put plyo pushups in a workout. I have tried them and they're real difficult. The closest I've come is 4 clapping pushups. I definitely understand the correlation between elevated mood and exercise. Glad you beat the weather blues. You just have to keep thinking what you're going to feel like at the end and that whatever you have to go through, it's worth it.

Dear Jerry,

Your posts are extremely inspirational! I am so happy for you. We all work out with Cathe at home and reap the same benefits! I so look forward to the day when I can get a "live" workout with Cathe. Thanks for the awesome update!

Jennifer in Colorado
Hi Jerry,

Glad to hear that Cathe successfully turned that frown into a grin! Thanks for sharing a great report with all of us.

Plyo pushups eh? Hmmm, I wonder what that means? }(
I appreciate your reports. Especially since I probably will never get to experience the live classes. Keep up the hard work and good luck with your kickboxing- I absoluetly love kickboxing. That would be a fun class to teach.;)
Jerry, Do you ever mess up?
Or feel like you are going to look foolish in front of Cathe?
Do the classes move as quickly as DVD's? etc.
I am afraid if I ever get the chance to go to a live class.
I won't be good enough.I need to know.
Thank you Jerry.

Yes, I mess up, I am very challenged when it comes to choreography, no I don't worry about it, I do jumprope or jumping jacks to modify.

Foolish in front of, no, and no...this is because of Cathe, she is just another teacher at her club, you wouldn't know she is a world renowned fitness leader, she made me feel at ease from the start!

Classes like the DVD''s all about modifying for me, something that Cathe stresses frequently during class, people go at their own pace all the time.

If you are having any doubts about a live class with her, please lose those doubts, the experience of getting a great workout with the best in the game at her own club is so worth it, and so much fun, along with all the hard work involved.

I say...GO 4 IT!!!

Hope that helps with your decision!!

That was beautifully written...I felt like I was there with you! Way to go and I wish I could to a live class!! Thanks for your post.
>I am willing to bet real $$$ you'll feel better after the
>Rock on!!

It wasn't my best workout day, but yes...I DID feel better!
Jerry, Thank you. You made me for more at ease. I feel like Cathe would watch closly those of us who do her DVD's.
Next time I am able to be close to her gym.(Atlantic City)
I will definately go.
It will be a vacation for me to go work out with Cathe.
Thankx Rocky ;-)

Doesn't matter at all to Cathe whether or not you do the DVD's, she won't expect anything more from you. She only wants your best effort, and you owe that to yourself.

I can't recommend taking a live class with her enough!!


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