Little or no equipment needed?


There are 3 of my neighbors who frequently call me and ask if they can do my Cathe DVDs w/ me. Several more would like to join us. I have 3 steps and plenty of weights, but if we have more people, we will need to stick to floor cardio and bands. I have plenty of bands/tubing. Here's what I'm thinking I'd like to do- limit my company to 2 times per week and on those 2 days, I'll try to do workouts that require little or no equipment. The ones that I have that fit the bill are: Kickmax, KPC (skipping the ball section), Step Jump Pump HILO only, Basic Step Body Fusion upper/lower add ons, Max Intensity Cardio, StretchMax, CoreMax. Can you think of more? I wonder if there are premixes on some that I have that would fit this.
I have everything from Intensities to now, plus Rhythmic step and several from Karen Voight, some Tamilee Webb.

Any thoughts on more Cathe that would be good for a group of people in my home w/ very little equipment? I do have plenty of space.
Cardio Kicks (this is strictly cardio; no core/ab or muscle conditioning)

CTX Kickbox kickbox and plank/ab segment

CTX 10-10-10 (kickbox warm-up and cardio, then a ~10-minute hi/lo segment that is awesome)

Boot Camp cardio-only premix

Circuit Max warm-up, hi/lo and floor kickbox segments, fast-forwarding through the resistance cycles

All of these are cardio suggestions. Sorry I can't come up with band-based stuff.

You might also try the PLB Floorwork b/c there a modifications shown in case you don't have a ball. Also, GS Legs Floor work uses band, (some ball which could be modified in mostly the same way), and high steps (but you could have two people set up on each end of a club step or regular sized step and "double" the equipment that way (might even be able to use this same method for the cardio sections from HSC and HSTA). Hardcore is filled with "Bonus Burn" band work that could be tagged onto any workout that you like. Also, some of the intense step workouts (such as IMAX's Blast only premixes, Terminator, Hardcore Extreme) could be done on the floor and still get the heart rate up there.
Tell those free-loading friends to keep their eyes out for steps and dumbbells at garage sales. I see stuff like that often at yard sales...especially weight sets/barbells.

What a fun way to get together with your friends/neighbor's! Next you'll be installing a juice bar!
I don't know if your friends mind doing step choreography without the step. I do this sometimes with the IMAXes, on days when these old knees are crabby.

The Bootcamp cardio and the cardio portions in the high step workouts could work. So could the Low Max blast premix.

Amy, you should start charging an entrance fee, and maybe rental fees for your steps and weights.:7

It is a fun way to work out, there's a thought! ;o) Thank you for the ideas. I think I may have to break down and order CTX. It sounds good. So far, it seems that my exercise groupies feel uncoordinated at stepping, which I LOVE. Their favorites are kick box and strength/toning workouts. I was hoping to get them going on step- I'll keep trying to get them to do little sections and we'll see.

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