liposuction question again


I am considering lipo in my saddle bag area. I have worked so hard to decrease their size and while with losing weight and toning up they have decreased in size but are still large in comparison with the rest of my body. I was wondering if anyone else shared this problem and if they had ever had lipo to correct it and if it was successful. OR if anyone has this problem and had success through a particular type of exercise rotation. This is a genetic problem for me (i look just like my mother) so i didn't know if lipo would even be able to correct this issue for me.
thanks for any advise!
I have done it. I had the same problem. Even when I was a size 2, it still looked like I had scoops of fat stuck on my saddlebags. My pants were tight on the legs and bagging on the hips/waist. That was fine when high waisted pants were "in" because I could kind of cinch them up!

Get referrals from your doctor (your OBGYN is a good one). Do it in a hospital and not a surgical center in case there are complications. Even if it costs your more, go for the best doc that you can. Your doc is the only person who can really tell you what a difference they can make.

I am 3 years post and I looks like a normal person now. I'm really happy with it.

I had a similar situation. My fat deposits were mostly in my saddlebag area, my butt and also my inner thighs.

I had lipo last year, December 22 and am extremely happy with the way my thighs look now. I will tell you that I just turned 50 in February and thought if I haven't gotten rid of the junk ain't going. So, for me it was basically a last resort. Not so much for the pain but because of the expense and not really knowing if it would be the solution.

I will tell you this. The outer thigh and saddle bag area is usually more successful than the inner thigh. I don't know why this is but my cosmetic surgeon told me this and I've read stories that confirmed it.

I am attaching a site for you to look at for information. This site has a forum and while I never posted, I gained a lot of knowledge and insight from lurking. Good luck :)
thanks so much for all the help! this is such a major decision. I looked at some of the pics on the and for alot of them I didn't think they looked that much better! so I wonder if its really worth the money and the pain!
My cosmetic surgeon told me that I should expect improvement...not perfection. That is what I expected and that is what I got so I am happy. If you set your expectations to high, you can be very disappointed. I'm happy because my clothes fit me so much better.
I agree with Candi - and called off my supermodel career launch!

Also, the inner thigh result is correct. My PS said that it is not as dramatic, so you don't notice it as much.

The scars look like bug bites.
I remember reading awhile ago that someone at the forums had lipo in that area (I can't remember who it was though). Anyway I don't think there's a particular type of exercise you can do to spot reduce that area. I have saddle bags and I know that I can lose weight and be a size 00 and I'm still going to have saddle bags. I hate them with a passion and I have tried a lot of things to reduce them and they're always there. Liposuction is a very personal decision. I can't afford it right now but I've been considering the procedure. I think you have gotten great advice already. You can't expect perfection and you have to know that any kind of surgery is going to leave scars. I think there are 12 scars maximum (they are a little less than 1 cm long) for that kind of liposuction. If you finally decide to get it do your research carefully. Visit at least three doctors before you make the final decision.
Oh my -- I'm coming out as a closeted plastic surgery patient!

I had it done in 2001. Inner, outer, hips, and glutes while repairing an umbilical hernia. I was SICK to death of having the
whole saddlebag problem no matter how much I worked out. I debated for over a year before finally deciding to JUST DO IT. My initial
reaction afterward was "oh my god, what have I done to myself?". No one prepared me for the pain and the lengthy recovery. I was not completely healed until almost 7 months later (meaning no swelling and no numbness) and couldn't really workout HARD (cardio or legs) for 5 months. The change wasn't so drastic that people could tell -- BUT I could tell for sure and I'm SO glad I did it. I had to buy new pants because my old ones were too baggy. The whole experience put me on a path toward even higher levels of fitness ('cause I didn't want to go back to my previous shape). Of course, it WILL come back if you don't change your habits. Today I eat a LOT better, I exercise a LOT more (and more wisely), and I'm happy with my lower half (even though it is still my 'problem' area). For me -- it was worth it at that time. Would I do it again now? Nope. It's all exercise and diet for me now. Also -- cellulite can actually be worse after lipo. Mine was. I have taken care of most of that problem with diet and exercise now.

One common misconception is that lipo is "the easy way out". Well, it's not. It doesn't solve everything (they can only remove a limited amount) and the recovery certainly isn't easy. For me, it was a way to kick my ass in gear, stop whining about what I didn't like about my body, and get on with my life instead of obsessing about my big BE-hind.

I figure I'll do whatever it takes to make me feel good and/or get me motivated -- as long as I can afford it :)

The funny thing is that one of the trainers at one of my gyms just told me today that I should be squatting more to make my bootie bigger :) Ummm...HELLO...I paid good money to shrink it! I like the way it is right now -- thank you very much! secret is out!

It is true that whatever you take out with lipo can come back. My neighbor had liposuction (abs and lower body) years ago and she's overweight again in those same areas! It's not the easy way out as some people think. It is for people that are healthy, that exercise regularly and eat well and they still have trouble spots that can't change. As for the cellulite that's also true. I have seen B & As of lots of women and their cellulite is more visible. Good doctors however will recommend Endermologie or Silhouette body treatments to either maintain the results of the lipo or to prevent cellulite from getting worse. Btw thanks for sharing your story Shonie. You never know how many people you can help out especially when it comes to having realistic expectations.
I looked at the photos on the site and did not see alot of difference in the before and after photos. Good luck in your decision.
I have not had lipo but I have had plastic surgery and the decision to do so is no where near an easy one! What I do want to advise you of is to really research your surgeon:

**Do NOT bargain shop. Your life is in their hands.

**Make sure they have a board certified anestegiologist on staff that will be tending to you the entire time. If the doctor says that he takes care of that himself...RUN RUN RUN! You do NOT want your surgeon juggling too many task at once. You want someone there doing nothing but watching your vitals.

**Make sure surgeon is Board Certified and check to see if there are any lawsuits against the surgeon.

**Make sure the surgeon has hospital privelages. Many perform in private suites (which is fine) but if they do not have hospital privelages, you need to ask yourself why they aren't allowed in a local hospital. I opted for the private in office suite because it is more sanitary and often the suites are more state of the art than hospitals. Also, my PS had privelages at a hospital down the road so if anything went wrong...

DATELINE on Friday, March 18th at 8 p.m. eatern time, NBC, is airing a thing about plastic surgery but I am certain it is stuff that went horribly wrong. With that in mind, you decide if you want to watch but I am sure they will give tips on how to avoid disaster.
I had a whole different experience, Maxwells. I had Vaser lipo in my cosmetic surgeon's office. I was not in that much pain, or maybe I just have high tolerance. I never took the prescribed pain pills, just Tylenol every four hours. I had surgery on 12/22 and a scheduled week off after Christmas because they shut down at work but DH and I went out and did things. I bruised of course but within a month all my bruising was gone. I'm just about three months post op and pleased but I was happy with my results the day after surgery. Very little swelling. I think my results were due to the Vaser method. My surgeon told me it's the newest technique...less invasive and quicker healing and from what I've read of other people's surgeries...I guess he was right! The hardest thing for me was being patient as my body healed...and is still healing. On both outer thighs I still get a little swelling and numbness in the evening but I'm told that eventually goes away.

After the first week, based on my doctor's recommendation I started walking and within a month I was doing MIC again. I had to wear my garment to prevent any jiggling while I jumped or there would be pain. I wore the garment while I exercised for about one more month and then after that...didn't need it.

As far as picking your surgeon, I'd like to share a ironic story with you. I went to only two doctors for evaluation...mainly due to time constraints. One surgeon was a Plastic Surgeon and board certified, the other...a Cosmetic surgeon, board certified. I picked the Cosmetic surgeon because I immediately had a rapport with him. I did not like the feeling I had at the Plastic Surgeon's office...just something about him and his staff I did not like. Also, his price was almost double what I eventually paid. About a month or so ago, on the site I posted above for information, there was somebody complaining about a Florida doctor and the complaints were not pretty. This was the Plastic Surgeon I did not use. Small world, huh!

I guess what I'm trying to say. Don't be overly cautious if you choose to do this surgery. Be cautious but also trust your instincts. Just because someone has all the credentials in the world, does not mean they are the right doctor to do your surgery. This doctor I did not use was one of the most well respected doctors in the area and has been in business for over 20 years.

Edited to say, I did not choose general anesthesia. I didn't like the idea of being knocked out. Also, I'm very curious by nature and wanted to be aware. I was given some Valium before the procedure but I was awake the whole time and aware of what was going on. They even showed me the fat that they had just taken out of my body (YUK!) I did not feel much because of the lidocaine that was in the injected solution.

I went into the surgery with a positive mindset and decided I just was not going to be afraid.
you guys are wonderful thank you so much for sharing your stories, and your wisdom. I really appreciate all your help.
I agree with CandiK, you HAVE to feel good about your know what feels right. I say shoot for a great feeling in your gut and great credentials.

CandiK, you mentioned your surgeon was a lot less costly but he DID have the credentials, which I am confident you made sure of. Point being, just because the surgeon is the most expensive, doesn't make them the best. Just make sure you don't pick a surgeon because he/she is the cheapest. Also, Candi, I am sure your price was more reasonable because you were not put under general anestegia...EXPENSIVE, I tell you. It makes up 1/3 to 1/2 the total cost. Sounds like you had a great doctor. I know what you mean about being awake and having a local. I had to have 2 surgeries to correct my asymmetry...1st procedure (the big one) I was under and the 2nd I was awake with valium, demerol and local injections. We talked the whole time!

Not sure if anyone caught Dateline tonight but it sickened me and had me upset. These woman were so desperate and these Dominican doctors play off their's horrible! Sad thing is, many came from NY and Miami, where some of the best surgeons in the country perform! I was disgusted and horrified.

Actually, no the difference was not in general anesthesia (sp) versus lidocaine. Neither was going to use a general because I didn't want that. I believe the difference was because the expensive doctor was a Plastic Surgeon versus the doctor I used which was a Cosmetic Surgeon but yes, they both had credentials. I believe Cosmetic surgery has just been recognized. Also, interestingly enough, the Plastic Surgeon just expanded his suite of surgical offices which in my simple mind, he was expecting his new clients to pay for x( .

I actually used this guy for something called Endermologie which is supposed to reduce the appearance of cellulite...about 8 years ago. I felt good about the office then but this time...something told me to run away!
Candi what was your experience with Endermologie? I've been considering it for a long time and I know a lot of doctors recommend it after liposuction to prevent or improve cellulite.

After about $1000 for 11 one hour sessions I did see some improvement but not enough to make me continue spending my money. This treatment must be maintained by continuing with hourly sessions at least once a month.

It was not worth it for me but others may have had a better experience.

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