Limecat's Hump Day Question of the Day

>1. Happy, healthy animals
>2. More happy, healthy animals
>3. Lots of money to take care of my happy, healthy animals

I LOVE these, so I'll second them as my wishes too!:)
1. Perfect health
2. My babies to sleep through the nights
3. For everyone to love and take of the Earth and it's creatures.
Hmmmm, my first two are purely selfish:

1: Limecat, PLEASE make this back fat go away!!!
2: Limecat, PLEASE turn my B's back into C's!!!

And number 3:

That my husband, daughter and I live a long happy healthy life together.

1. That my children will always be as happy and healthy as they are today.

2. That my husband and I remain healthy and live long in order to see our children through to adulthood and know they will be fine in life.

3. To stop procastinating about so many things I want to learn and do.

(I wanted to wish that my children had never suffered abuse in their infancies, but that's turning back the clock.)
Melody - how about you wish that because of your wonderful heart, your children are able to completely forget the abuse they suffered in their infancies?:) I don't think you even have to wish for that, I think you're already making that happen.

And step-a-holic??? You can't have it both ways. You can't get rid of the back fat and move it around the front;)
Shelley's smart, Melody. It's true. You are doing a great job, even though they look older every stinking picture you take of them. x( I kinda want them to slow down!!

I have no idea what to wish for. I'll work on it!!! (but can we make a group wish? i wish that Limecat has enough questions to keep us going for a long time!!!)
Let's see... I think that I would like to modify Robin's for me.

1/ A happy/healthy life with DH (where he doesn't have to suffer)
2/ To be independantly wealthy to be able to spend it on whatever we want, whenever we want, and however much we want
3/ To be appreciated for what I do as a living instead of considered "white noise".
*to be filthy rich
*for ds to never have any more frustrating, bad days
*to be 115 pounds, eat what I want and never gain any fat (only muscle) :7
Wow! I'll have to think about this one. Lets see, hmmm,

1. No wars
2. No diseases
3. Giving our world its health back

Wait a minute that sounds like heaven doesn't it? Wonder if we would learn anything that way. If everything was so perfect how would we know? Seems we would need hardship to know about the good times.

So perhaps I would change only the personal and immediate things. Like:

1. Education for everyone, that is what will make all of us powerful
2. People being kind and helpful to one another and to all living things
3. Making our world safe to live in


1. Wishing everyone with a good thought, could find a bottle like that and have 3 good thought provoking wishes.

Wait, that sounds like endless wishes doesn't it? Hmmmm. Seems our world would be constantly changing right in front of our eyes.

I think I'm satisfied with the last three wishes.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
1. scare away the phlegm gods forever.
2. own the golden coffee pot.
3. be cathe's sidekick motivator (equiped w/ dynaband...mwahahaha)


Peter: Oh my god, Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits. It says, 'Oooooo.'
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.
--Family Guy
I probably wouldn't have opened the bottle. I would've been on the beach with my DH who is obsessed with picking up trash in public areas, and he would've picked up the bottle and tossed it in the nearest recycling bin. And now you know why I'm always a day late and a dollar short--lol!
Wow, it's tough to narrow down just three...

1. My husband receive the promotion and recognition he deserves for his commitment and hard work...he's amazing ;)

2. To find a cure for AUTISM so my 5 year old nephew Matthew can live a normal healthy life. He's such a happy deserving little boy:)

3. This one is very personal but I have to say someday accept my little sisters tragic sudden death (she was killed by a drunk driver ;( ), be able to move on with my life, stop being so depressed and make her proud of me :) Love you Heather xoxo

Maybe that third wish is more than one??? Not sure???

Thanks for letting me share :)

I'm wishing for cures to diseases that have touched us all at some time --
1. A cure for cancer
2. A cure for Alzheimers Disease
3. A cure for Autism (with love to my darling son Brian, who, though affected by Autism, has been my Sunshine since he joined our family on 9/20/84)

This wouldn't cure all the ills of the world, nor would it make me forever beautiful and rich, but if I could wish it and make it so, then I could rest soundly each night knowing my wish made a positive difference to many.
1. an instant cure for Alzheimer's mother is 68 and in late stage. I'd give all my wishes to have her back!

2. For children everywhere to be safe from every evil, well-nourished and greatly loved!

3. Peace for everyone!

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