Wow! I'll have to think about this one. Lets see, hmmm,
1. No wars
2. No diseases
3. Giving our world its health back
Wait a minute that sounds like heaven doesn't it? Wonder if we would learn anything that way. If everything was so perfect how would we know? Seems we would need hardship to know about the good times.
So perhaps I would change only the personal and immediate things. Like:
1. Education for everyone, that is what will make all of us powerful
2. People being kind and helpful to one another and to all living things
3. Making our world safe to live in
1. Wishing everyone with a good thought, could find a bottle like that and have 3 good thought provoking wishes.
Wait, that sounds like endless wishes doesn't it? Hmmmm. Seems our world would be constantly changing right in front of our eyes.
I think I'm satisfied with the last three wishes.
The idea is to die young as late as possible.