Limecat's Hump Day Humdinger


I hope everyone is having a fantabulous week:)

If you could be any superhero, which one would you be (if you don't like any of the superheros already created, feel free to make up your own!)?

Me? Why, Catwoman, of course;)
Kim Possible

She is funny, smart and quick on her feet. She is strong and also feminine. She makes no apologies for her strength and other abilities.

She is a great role model for young girls.

(New episodes on the Disney Channel this weekend!!!!)
Wonder Woman, I loved her when I was kid (even had the Underoos & the Halloween costume! ;-) ). Loved the lasso of truth, although my jump rope just didn't work like hers did..... :p
Ditto on the Wonder Woman...she rocks! I had her on my lunchbox. I thought she was super neato when I was a kid! :)
I'd say the invisible woman from The Fantastic Four. Was that her name? Anyway, just because it's cool that she could become invisible. I would like to spy on a few people! (just cause I am nosy!)
Hmmmm. I'm kind of out of touch with the super hero world. I guess I'll have to make someone up. How about Super Fungus Girl, ridding the world of unattractive toenail infections. And giving unattractive toenail infections to the bad guys.
I would have to make one up too,How about coverwomen-She the "real"version on the women you see on the covers of magizines!!She can eat anything-and never has to do a single bicep curl!Oh..and she can fly like superman!



"Another one that proves equipment is not necessary to get the job done" -Cathe Friedrich
Mystic .. from X-men ..

.. morph into any form .. and even when she is seen as Mystic ..she is hot!! LOL
Either Storm from X-Men (if I could have Halle Berry's body!!)- I love that she can control the weather!

Or Jean Grey from X-Men.

I used to play Wonder Woman as a kid, too!!!

I asked DH this question. He had to think about it....he's already the Man of Steel (or in his case, titanium!!! He has a back full of rods, plates, and screws!) If I had to make a guess for him, he'd like to be Wolverine because of his awesome rejenerative/healing properties!!!
Is the bionic woman a superhero? Anyway, I'd pick her - wouldn't it be nice to have all those old, tired, broken down parts replaced and still be cool?
Catwoman, as long as I get to wear the costume that Michelle Pfiefer ( sp?) wore in the Batman movie!

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