Limecat's Friday Eve Question of the Day


This one you may have to think about.

If you could go back and change ONE thing in your past, what would it be, and what impact would it have on your life now?
I would NOT have bought my house. I would have waited and looked around more instead of pouncing on the first appealing deal that came our way...x(

Now we have to try to sell the house which is in an undesirable area while the real estate market stinks!;(
There is nothing I would change in my past-everything I have done has made me who I am today and I am very happy with who I am.

I agree that there are not too many things I'd change as the experiences, good, bad and ugly, have formed who I am today. However, if I could go back, I would definitely have finished college back when I was in my early twenties. Instead, I dropped out a third of the way into it and went back after my kids were born. It meant taking one or two classes at a time and it took forever. x( I finally got my bachelor's at 34. Now I'm looking at law school and again worrying about how I'll juggle it as a single, working mom with two kids. It doesn't look fun.
I would have talked DH into moving to Alaska when we left Maryland. Now we are in Utah and although things are going well, I long for Alaska. :)
I'm going to be honest here. I hope this doesn't get taken the wrong way and make me sound like a terrible, selfish, and totally self-centered person. I would rethink having children. My son has a birth defect. My unexpected grandson has a birth defect. As much as I love them, and as much as they have enriched my life, sometimes I think I could have survived without the heartaches and worry. Knowing what I know now, I think I would have skipped the sex one late summer evening 22 years ago.

Shelley, could limecat think of a question for Friday that won't make me cry?
I would not change anything. I am the person I am today because of the choices I made in the past. Although some of these were not for the best initially, I have learn valuable lessons from them and moved on.
Robin!!! Don't feel bad, and you don't sound selfish!!!

I have a same type of answer as Robin. Knowing what I know now, I probably wouldn't have married my DH. As much as I love him, it's hard going through life with someone that's disabled and has, well, let's say....issues from his time he was active duty in the Navy that he refuses to get treatment for.x( x(

DH and I were discussing this last week and I know for a fact that if he had to do it all over again, he wouldn't have asked me to marry him!

I know that all sounds self-centered and selfish, but it's the honest truth, LimeCat!!!

I don't know what impact it would have had on my life. I might still be active duty, or I might have already had my Master's Degree. Who knows???
There is not too much that I would change because every little decision I have made brought me to the place where I met my husband and then a bunch of little decisions after that brought us back together later and eventually getting married even though we lived on opposite sides of the country our entire lives. Any little change may have made it so that we would have never met. Here's an example - my family wanted to move to PA when I was younger, had we done that, my mother wouldn't have been working at a job that later helped me to get a scholarship to the college I met my husband at. Had we moved when I was 13, I most likely would have never met Bryan. And there are a ton of other little things like that.

If I had to change one thing though that I'm pretty sure wouldn't impact me negatively, it would actually be to not have been friends with my "best" friend from college. We were basically joined at the hip our Sophmore - Senior year. Did everything together. I was even her maid of honor at her wedding. But then she backstabbed me big time and then completely shut me out and we haven't talked in over 5 years. Knowing what I know now, I would have spent more time with those people who really did turn out to be faithful friends in the end. I guess it sounds a little bitter, but I cannot even look at a picture from college without seeing her in it and remembering what a horrible friend she turned out to be and wishing I never met her. :(
>I'm going to be honest here. I hope this doesn't get taken
>the wrong way and make me sound like a terrible, selfish, and
>totally self-centered person. I would rethink having children.
>My son has a birth defect. My unexpected grandson has a birth
>defect. As much as I love them, and as much as they have
>enriched my life, sometimes I think I could have survived
>without the heartaches and worry. Knowing what I know now, I
>think I would have skipped the sex one late summer evening 22
>years ago.
>Shelley, could limecat think of a question for Friday that
>won't make me cry?

{{{{{ROBIN}}}}} You're the least selfish person I know! It took a lot of courage to lay your true feelings out in the open for all to see. I know you love your son and grandson. Feelings are just that...feelings. They are what they are and they cannot be changed on a whim or to suit a politcally correct atmosphere. You have sacrificed so much to make life better for your DS and DGS. One day you will be richly rewarded for your courage and selflessness.

{{{{{Amy}}}}} ditto for you!!

Edited to correct many typos:eek:
Like many others have stated, I wouldn't change a thing because every detail of my life led up to who and where I am today. If changing any factor of my life means that I would not have met and married my best friend then I don't want to change a thing. I ALWAYS look ahead...there's just no sense in looking back. What's past is past and we cannot change it. We can impact our future's though, and that's where I like to focus my energy.
Robin - Limecat promises that tomorrow's question will be fun and frivolous as is fitting for a Friday (how's that for alliteration?)
I think that we all have regrets. I would have changed everything from my past and done things differently. But I can't. The one good thing about going through all of the bad stuff growing up is that I have a wonderful life now with a loving husband and two adorable boys. That I wouldn't change.

{{{Robin}}} for having to go through so much. Thank you for being honest.

>Robin- I love ya girl friend!
>My change one thing is petty and selfish but since Shelly
>asked here goes.
> DH and I did not have a lot of money to spend on photos of
>our wedding so we asked a family member to take pictures for
>us. I have regretted it ever since.
>Judy "Likes2bfit"

That is a good one! I didn't think about that. We had a friend of my sister do our pictures and he went out and bought a brand new camera just to do it. Unfortunately, he didn't bother to learn how to use it beforehand. Our pictures are absolutely horrible! I feel your pain!!!
You may regret asking this question when you hear mine:

When I was a teenager (in the 70s) I was terrified of insects. One day I discovered I had a wasp's nest outside my bedroom window, and a wasp or two had somehow come in through the screen. My father got out a can of some stuff - chloradane was it? - and painted the outside around my window with the stuff to get rid of the wasps. While he was at it, he decided to do the same around other areas of the house. A few years later, the stuff was banned because it was discovered that it caused cancer of the pancreas. Two years ago, my father, who was the healthiest 71 year old I've ever known and whose doctor said he had the heart and lungs of a 25-yr. old, and who loved life very dearly, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He barely made it to age 72.

I am now over my fear of insects. I don't like them, but I'd rather be stung by a wasp or deal with pesty annoyances than harmful chemicals. I used a lot of insecticide when I was a teenager, and probably went through a can of Raid every few months. I wish I had known what I know now when I was a teenager. I would have killed all the bugs that ever annoyed me with a rolled-up newspaper.

Oh that's an easy one for me & something I think about all the time.

I would've taken the job offer in the Clinton White House instead of getting married & staying in southern VA.
Man .. Shelly you know how to ask them!!

Robin .. bless your heart .. totally understand your feelings .. one reason we don't have kids is b/c of the chance of something being wrong w/the child b/c of the blood born antigen I have that caused me to go blind in my right eye .. (could cause blindness, brain damage or circulatory problem if I passed it to a baby)

Let's see .. if I knew it would not affect mine and DH marriage .. I would have finished college and become a sport physical therapist .. but I know in reality it probably would have affect my marriage and everything in my life ...

.. my grandmother died when I was around 10 years old .. I wish I would have taken more time and been old enough to learn and understand more about our family's heritage .. and I wish I would have taken one of her powder and powder puffs to save to smell any time I felt lonely (oh how she did smell so good and always made me feel safe and loved) ...

.. ONE other thing .. wish the money I spent on my wedding I would have taken and spent on a fabulous honeymoon on some beautiful island in the Carribean and got married on a beach at sunset ... (we had the honeymoon from H#LL.. lol)

I would of not dropped out of school at 16,stayed in school and went to college!

The good news is I did get my GED last year,and am now in college,but I could be really makeing good money by now with alot of experience! but I wouldn't change anything else!

I met my husband at 20,he is my soul mate,so I think we would of met reguardless!


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