Today I did Coffey FIt Raw Cardio Overload 2, 35 minutes, heart rate 129/171, 183 calories, 3,364 steps and wore a 4#vest. I then did Raw Cardio Tone and left on the 4# vest, 30 minutes, 157 calories, heart rate 132/161, 2,554 steps. Total time 65 minutes, 340 calories, 5,918 steps. I signed up for 6 months of CL with the 15 off discount code this evening. Had problems with it this morning and got locked out of my log in because I kept trying and it was not working.
Belinda, these two that I am helping are 6 and 12. Have fun with the Cathe Rotation. I have not done many of her rotations myself.
Doreen, my daughter teaches younger children. Funny, she asked me I told her we had done the zoom if the children were all half dressed or like half of hers that were online with no shirts and stuff. I bet you would get a lot of pajama kids and stuff. Maybe 6th graders would be more apt to at least dress. It seemed like the children were pretty much all there as the teacher went through her list and had each child acknowledge they were there. She also called out each name and would mute the rest and had them tell their two favorite things to do. Then she had each one wave at her as she called their name and told them good bye. Tomorrow will have a roll call again. The one problem we had is there is a log on code to scan when we get on. It quit working after he decided it was too long doing the test to see how well he could read. I could not get back on. I even shut down and retried. Then my daughter between her stuff at the school, tried to help and I logged into his google account and back through and got back on, not the test though. But the teacher had a pop up for the zoom at 8:30. I am not really familiar with using it so that was a bit of a problem too. But, we got there.
My granddaughter in 7th grade uses the laptop. Today she worked on a project doing a PSA and did animations and filmed and sent it in. I guess though that my daughter would be one of the first to make sure her children are logged in. Besides my granddaughter likes learning. Other than the English grammar. She got that figured out and studied a lot. She was excited about her project today. She chose the filming and drawing animations that she did. She loves that sort of thing.