My workout today was Kelly Coffey Cardio Quick Fix both workouts combined, 46 minutes, heart rate average 149, max 176, 322 calories, met 8.0, 4,695 steps. I am going to do one body part a day and see how that works as I get strength back. I did Cathe Lite bonus biceps (from the Pyramid Pump workout) 8 minutes, heart rate average 111, max 131, 57 steps, met 6.0, 30 calories, and finished with Jane Adams 7 yoga practices morning energy, 17 minutes, 34 calories, met 2.5, 65 steps.
Total time was 71 minutes, 386 calories, 4,817 steps.
Weights for Lite Biceps were same as Cathe
Super Sets of
standing sweeper curls 12,10,8, 10,12 reps 8,10,12,10,8# dumbbells
incline curls on ball 12,10,8,10,12 reps 8,10,12,10,8# dumbbells
Belinda, I love both Party Rockin step workouts. My favorite one is the one with a bit more choreography