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Diane Sue - for now DH and I will do the full STS rotation. So far he likes it :) Can you believe this, I only done Cardio Step Moves maybe once or twice? For some reason, I can't get the steps down :( I am not a big fan of STS Abs Circuits weights and plates. This one is tough. WOW, on your mix of workouts today. Feeling it already?
Belinda, I am glad that I learned the choreography with Step Moves when I got it. I have not been very motivated lately to do something that I have to work on. I did stumble around a bit when I first went back to it this time, it was fun today though. I never was real wild about running around in circles with step or on the floor though. Gertie gets in my way. I got extra out of it hopping over her. She never seems to worry much about getting stepped on. I have to nudge her and tell her to move. As far as weights and plates, I like the weights part. I just don't like the sliding up into a pike side to side etc.. My feet end up running into each other. It is not comfortable. This time I managed to keep the ankle weights on and the weighted gloves for those superman moves. Last time I was already sore and there was no way that was happening. That is great that your husband is liking doing STS. I will do an upper one tomorrow. Probably back and biceps since my shoulders and neck are still sore.
Good morning,

STS D2 Back & Triceps is done.

Diane Sue - I wasn't motivated to lear the choreography when SM came out :( The dvd is just sitting around.That ab workout is super tough. The only problem I have I don't feel that one in my abs, lol :(

Have a wonderful day and workout everyone.
Today I started with Shock Cardio double wave pyramid, 30 minutes, 222 calories, heart rate avg. 133/ max 169. I then did STS disc 15, 57 minutes, 250 calories, heart rate 108/149. I finished off with STS extended stretch, 15 minutes, 37 calories. Total time was 1 hr 42 minutes, 509 calories, 3946 steps.
Back and Biceps weights
w/u, band lat pull downs, band t pulls, and band y's
pull ups overhand 12 reps using the fit tower like Cathe
chin ups medium grip 12 reps
chin ups 12 reps
one arm dumbbell row 35# x 12 reps; 30# x 10 reps; 30# x 8 reps; 30 # by 10 reps
barbell rows 60# X 12 reps; 60# x 10 reps; 60# x 8 reps; 60# by 10 reps
deadlifts barbell 65# 12 reps; 60# 10 reps; 60# 10 reps
Barbell Curl 45# x 12 reps; 43# x 10 reps; 43# x 8 reps ; 43# x 8 reps
seated alternating curl dumbbells 20's x 12 reps; 16.5's x 10 reps; 16.5 x 8 reps
preacher curls on stability ball double arm 15's x 12 reps; 15's x 10 reps; 15's x 11 reps

Belinda, good job getting day two done of STS. I think that with the plates part of that workout, unless you can get the strength to hold the moves and not spend all of the time trying to figure out how to keep the discs in the right place, you are not likely to notice much feeling in the abs.
So I've been out of the loop! Crazy week with the kids activities.
I got a workout in this morning though. Metashred extreme lower body #2

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Doreen, nice work getting something in. I think I am going to have a crazy week mid next week. Appointments and helping my daughter with her daycare and children as her husband and teen son are both going to be out of state. If I want to get my workouts in I will have to get up very early and I hate being tired.
Good morning,

I did CL Cathe Old School + kickboxing with my friend this morning. One off those day's I will sign up for CL :) My friend ask me to come over and work out with her, that was fun !

Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Belinda- Sounds fun. I keep wanting to sign up for Cathe Live again too - I keep telling myself once the Android app is released I'm going for it. They all sound so fun - especially some of the more recent ones.

I went to the park this morning and did RWH Upper Body Circuit but used a band Loop instead of dumbells. There were a couple exercises I wished I'd brought my other long band as they would have worked better but all in all I'd say it was a good way to make it a "travel" workout.
Today I did Strong and Sweaty Cardio Slam timesaver premix no mat, 32 minutes(a bit short as my grandson came in and I cut off the end of the stretch) 203 calories, I went back after his mother left and did Body Design Kelly Coffey weighted kickbox with 3# hand weights and did the cool down as well, 16 minutes, 99 calories. I finished off with Strong and Sweaty bonus abs, 14 minutes, 67 calories. Total time was 62 minutes, 369 calories

Belinda, that sounds like a fun workout. I don't think I did the Old School one. I find that a lot of the older workouts get more steps in my step count. They rely more on the foot movement rather than the addition of stationary motion and light weights. If it is step you seem to travel the step and the room a it more. Although some of those were always space hogs when there was not enough room. I liked doing the live workouts. Maybe again one of these days. I have so many workouts and have enjoyed going through some of them again.

Doreen, I never thought of taking my workout to the park. Are there a lot of people at the park? Every time have taken my grandchildren to the park it seems someone starts visiting with me. My TRX would be good for hanging off of a tree :) I could see having the band being useful. Great idea!
Diane Sue- I go to the park early and there are normally only a few walkers doing the loop. I use the kids playground as I can prop my phone on the equipment and then it has this nice squishy foam that's really nice for jumping moves. I'm sure they think I'm crazy with all the wacky jumping moves. In my mind I look as graceful as Cathe but I'm sure in reality I look weird.
This morning I did Metashred extreme upper body #2. Its two minutes per move with 5 second lowering. Very tough but doesn't require heavy weights. Then I did about 10 minutes of Low Impact Sweat to get some steps in.
Today I was tired so skipped any cardio. I did STS disc 13, chest, shoulders, and triceps, 71 minutes (I stopped to help my husband find a key) 243 calories. Heart rate 96 avg/ max 137. I then did Barre Amped with Suzanne Bowen Strength and Stretch , upper and ball stretch, 20 minutes, 29 calories. Total calories 272 workout was 90 minutes. Fit Bit sure doesn't give many calories for a weight workout no matter how hard you are working. Cathe has this STS at 420 on her met scale. Map My Fitness clocked me at 427. Go figure.
Weights today
flat bench press barbell 35# x 12; 35# x 12; 40# x 12; 40# x 10; 40# x 8
chest flys dumbbells 15#'s X 12; 15's x 10; 15's x 8
incline bench press barbell 40# x 12;10;8 reps
incline chest flys 15's x 12,10,8 reps
seated front press 17's 12,10,8,10 reps
alternating one arm standing lateral raise 12's x 12,10,8, ending both arms 10 reps
seated rear delts 12's x 12,10,8,
flat bench triceps extension barbell 35# x 12,10,8,12 reps
side leaning one arm overhead extension on ball dumbbell 15# x 12,10,8reps
one arm kick backs 15 x 12 reps; 12# x 10, 8 reps

I need to print up the last week of Mesocycle 2. I am not sure if I want to try to get it in next week or save it for the week after. I have a lot going next week. The one thing about STS is the workouts are long so if I want to do cardio with them it has to be short. Even with that I have to be out some mornings earlier.

Belinda, good job getting legs and abs done.

Doreen, I have been in parks with playgrounds like tat. Ours just up the street has astro turf in it. There are so many walkers and runner around here, even early. One morning I had to go out early and I noticed a man and his children at the playground at 7:30 in the morning. There is bigger playgrounds and more walking paths above the dam by the lake. We are below the dam. There is bicycle lanes and walking paths all around here. Our neighborhood association even put benches along the areas everyone walks for stopping. A morning workout like that would be nice.
Today's workout was Rockout Knockout + heavy bag mix, 69 minutes (4 minutes extra for putting gloves on and setting up, I put another fitbit band with frame over my Fit bit to block the gloves from hitting it and stopping it) 473 calories, heart rate 129/ 165 max. I then did Ab Circuits med ball abs, 10 minutes, 45 calories and no equipment abs 17 minutes 50 calories. Total time was 96 minutes, 568 calories, 6,805 steps.
Good job Diane Sue! Love rockout.

This morning I went to a different park after I dropped my son off. There is a fitness loop so I jogged the loop and the did RIPT 90 minute by minute at the pull up bars. I modified the pullups to horizontal pull ups. It 5 pull ups, 10 pushups, 15 squats at the top of every minute for 20 minutes.

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Doreen, that sounds like a good workout. That is nice that there is a fitness loop and pull up bars.
Hey girls,

My neighbor across the street had a yard sale on Friday and Saturday. I already had some stuff for donations in my garage. I figured, why not try to get rid off it. I pulled out my stuff from the garage:p Me having a yard sale was unplanned, but I pulled it off anyway.We usually have a community yard sale twice a year. For some reason, there wasn't one this year. I wanted this stuff out, so I sat up my stuff too:D I only sat up for a few hours each day. I still got my workouts in and had to take care of my pups. My neighbor was out there 8 a.m. sharp! Every Saturday's I go to our local Farmers Market. Love going there! I get my organic veg, fruits, meats fresh and Kambucha tea from the farmers. After the market DH and I had our yard sale, lol.

Saturday was a rest day. Had enough running with the yard sale.
Today I walked 4 miles. I am at 16K.

Doreen - your workouts at the park sound like a lot of fun. Hope your husband found his key :)

Diane Sue - great job with your workouts and weights.

Have a great Sunday, everyone.
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This is a busy week and I have to get out to do errands today and try to get the bulk of the house work done. I am holding off on a second week of STS meso 2 till possibly next week. Today I did Jari Love Extremely Ripped 1000 Hardcore 73 minutes, 507 calories. When I used to use the polar I got 661 with this one. Oh well, still a good calorie burn. I was dying with some of those high rep weight moves. It is a little brutal when you think surely you are done and she goes on to make it 6 sets of tons of reps with a brief slower paced break. No stopping though. Remembered that this is the one that all of the quick curtsy lunge over the bench made my knee hurt. I got off the step and did it on the floor like some of the other participants in the workout. I think using some metabolic workouts will work well this week as far as getting a bit of everything in.

Belinda, good for you having a garage sale. I have never wanted to do one. I just give some stuff to my daughter and daughter in law who pull off one now and then. I love fresh organic fruits and vegetables. I don't know of a Farmers market here other than downtown. I just shop at Sprouts which calls themselves a farmers market. Their stuff is pretty fresh compared to going to Walmart or other grocers.
Hallo ladies,

STS M1 D4 plus STS yoga abs is done. I also walked 3 miles.

Diane Sue - like I said, the garage sale was unplanned. I put stuff in the garage for donations. I hadn't had time to drop them off and really wanted that stuff out the garage. I got rid off the big stuff. Both my kids leave stuff in their apartment hallway, people aways in need of something. I sold power tools from my husband that he doesn't need anymore. I am glad it's out of the house. I am really trying not to bring anymore crap into the house. I am working hard to downsize and simplify my life. I only keep what I love, need and use. Good job on your workout today. I love going to the famers market on Saturday. I go every early in the morning. I buy my salads, veggies and it last me all week long. I bought some organic strawberries on Saturday. They were so good. They tasted like strawberries.

Doreen - have a great workout today.

Have a great Monday, everyone.
Belinda, most of the time when I get strawberries they have not flavor when I get them from the store. I remember them being so good when I was a child and lived in Arizona. They get them from Chili or something and then they ripen while shipping. They do not taste the same at all. I should try growing some again. Every time I do though it seems birds get them or I get only a handful of strawberries.
Diane Sue - the strawberries were sweet and tasted yummy. Next Saturday I need to buy more. I agree, the ones in the store have not taste at all.

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