My thoughts on the 1 rep max.
I have a hard time with the one rep max in general. If I do a test, then the body part tested is fatigued and if I do another test right away for the same or a different body part is it accurate? So do I do one test each day?? But then, during the workouts you work more than one set for a workout. So all the sets after the first are going to be too hard.
What I've decided to do and have done for this current round (just finished meso 2 yesterday) is to lift as heavy as possible for each exercise. There are many time that I don't get all the reps in or have to take a longer break than offered, but I figure I'm lifting to failure which is what I want to make the muscles grow! I do the drop sets as "ordered" since I love that concept of heaviest, drop 20%, etc. I plug in some of my sets to see what the 1 rep max is: I'm up to 91lbs for squats-how is that even possible, I weigh 100 lbs!