Lifting lighter than what RM says???


I did flat bench press 1RM & says I'm suppose to be lifting 64lbs for my 80% but I could only do 50lbs! Any had these problem?
I did 1RM's prior to trying STS for the first time and MOST of them were too heavy! I quit STS 3 weeks in that time for this reason as well as others. When I got back to trying again (about to start M3 this weekend!), I didn't redo my 1RM's. I just shot from the hip so to speak and am doing soooo much better with it! :)
I'm currently in Meso 2 and I run into the same problem on ocassion. For example, during the tricep section in Disc 16 (I think) my triceps were failing out about rep 8 (even during the first set when I was supposed to be doing 12 reps). So I ended up lowering my weight by 1 pound, which allowed me to finish all the reps (barely :eek:) while still challenging my triceps. Afterwards I went into the Workout Manager and updated my 1RM so now i'm set for next week. Even though your 1RM gives you a suggested weight, I think it's best to follow Cathe's advice and "listen to your body." As long as you as pushing yourself and using a challenging weight you'll be fine! :)

Good luck!
Yes, what Katie said...there can be all kinds of reasons..if I have washed floors that day and maybe ironed clothes, sometimes, my arms are just spent by the time we do our workout in the evening so I just go with the flow. Love having the 1RM though just for reference and also to challenge me when I'm just feeling plain ole lazy! :p
Honestly, I've never really done the 1RM tests. It just takes too long. I'm just finishing up M3 of my second round and just did the heaviest I could each workout and still get all the reps in with good form. I found that I was able to go heavier than I expected in most cases. Except one week during M2 doing Biceps. But like Debbie said, we have off weeks too.
My thoughts on the 1 rep max.

I have a hard time with the one rep max in general. If I do a test, then the body part tested is fatigued and if I do another test right away for the same or a different body part is it accurate? So do I do one test each day?? But then, during the workouts you work more than one set for a workout. So all the sets after the first are going to be too hard.

What I've decided to do and have done for this current round (just finished meso 2 yesterday) is to lift as heavy as possible for each exercise. There are many time that I don't get all the reps in or have to take a longer break than offered, but I figure I'm lifting to failure which is what I want to make the muscles grow! I do the drop sets as "ordered" since I love that concept of heaviest, drop 20%, etc. I plug in some of my sets to see what the 1 rep max is: I'm up to 91lbs for squats-how is that even possible, I weigh 100 lbs!

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