>I am just curious. I started doing serious weight lifting only
>2 months ago. What do you guys consider heavy? For example,
>what do you use for biceps? For chest? etc. Just to give me an
>idea what to aim. I am not strong and would love to get
>stronger. I am already stronger than when I started and feel a
>difference and love it. But I am scared to go heavy too fast
>and hurt my self. I am lifting heavier than 2 months ago, but
>still have a long way to go. So examples would help. Thank you
IMHO heavy is when you can't lift those last two reps of your set without a bit of a fight. heavy for everyone is different. anything above 15s is to heavy for my arms now but to light for my chest/back while months back 10s were to heavy for my arms(now i can do 12s-15s). its all personal and the more you work at it and learn more about it the better and stronger you become. you are right to not go to heavy to fast but to work up to it, which if you are lifting a little heavier then last month, that whatever you are doing is working.
to the orginial post-i know i have a girl at work who asked me for fitness advice and now nit picks things i do and even how i eat. i told her HOT DOGs wasn't a protien source and when she learns that, then she can tell me i can't eat a chicken sandwich once a week. she doesn't want to lift weights get she can't even lift a box of ketchup packets. i just laugh them off personally. the only time it gets to me is when its family, and that is mostly b/c they complain then tell me i am wrong. always feel like smacking them LOL
"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"