Lifting isn't really exercise...

I'm glad I'm not the only one!! My friends will comment on how strong my arms look or things like that but as soon as I mention lifting heavier weights they look at me like I'm from another planet. I did have 1 friend come up to me a few weeks ago all proud of herself for lifting *heavy* weights... um, 10 lbs!!!! :eek: I'm doing a round of P90X so I'm lifting a lot more than 10 lbs!! ;-)
I hear you all. I'm 47 and one day my daughter told me I had "man" arms. I just looked at her, smiled and said "Thank you" :D

Hi Amelia,

Yes, we seniors need to work out more than our younger friends

Our metabolisms slow and really drops after menopause.

The older a woman is, the more she needs weight training.

I can't imagine not lifting in addition to my cardio now.

My main concern used to be cardio, cardio, cardio.

Then I got more serious about lifting and great things happened not only to my outside appearance, but to my strength.

When I was purchasing 15 lb free weights years ago, the man at the check out thought they were for my husband. I corrected him and told him they were for me.

Then I walked out with both dumbbells while the sales guy looked rather sheepish.

And I remember two things that happened in the last 3 months or so.

I went to Kroger to buy a 25 lb. bag of dog food.

I was with my husband.

When we checked out, I easily hoisted that dog food over my shoulder and treked to our parking space (not near the store) and never gave it two second thought.

My husband said people were probably thinking how mean he was to make this small woman lift that 25 lb bag!

Another time I was in Kroger. Those shopping carts always get stuck together, or they do when I am trying to get one out.

I was working and working and this man was watching me. He was about to "give the little lady" a hand when I got one loose.

He proceeded to get pry carts apart. He was having a very difficult time, so I stepped in and did it for him with almost no effort.

He and the lady with him laughed and he said, "You can never judge a woman's strength by her size"

Pushups are the BOMB - not the knee pushups, but actually trying and accomplishing the straight leg pushups. I agree some women just won't even go there.

I love the feeling of being able to handle my own body weight - if more women gave it a shot maybe we could knock down the old saying that "lifting is a mans kingdom" ;)

To all the strong ladies in the house - - drop down and give me 20 }( }( }( }( }(
Funny, my Mom bought me a camoflauge t-shirt that says Drop and Give me 20 & I have it on today! ;-) She said she couldn't resist as it seemed perfect for me! I know I can do more straight legged pushups than most guys I know! }(
AMEN!!! People always want to know how I stay in "such good shape" but when I tell them that I wake up at 0445 to be able to work out in the mornings and what I do during a work out, they seem to lose interest or act like I'm crazy for making it such a priority.

Don't even get me started on the weight training!!! Like the PP who said her ring size is a 4.5...mine is a 4! I am pretty small boned, although I do have my father's legs...muscular. My calves are actually close to the same size as my thighs! Anyway, I am in no way "bulky" and working out with weights has not made me so. I don't understand why so many people still believe this. It's a load of crap!

I work in a school and see so many girls who look up to people like Paris Hilton, the Olsen's, and Nicole Ritchie. GROSS!!! They are sticks. Like lollipops with tiny, scrawny bodies and big heads. No wonder eating disorders run rampant. Look at the media and society. They perpetuate it!!!

To me, Angelina Jolie's body in Tomb Raider is the bomb! She is a bit thin but at least she has muscle (or did in that movie, she's getting too thin now). Also, Salma Hayak has an amazing body. I can't say JLo because I can't stand her...she wears tons of fur and uses it in her clothing line (she has even designed fur shorts. If you are wearing shorts, do you really think you need them to be fur?!?! It's obviously not for warmth!!!). But...that is another rant!


I am just curious. I started doing serious weight lifting only 2 months ago. What do you guys consider heavy? For example, what do you use for biceps? For chest? etc. Just to give me an idea what to aim. I am not strong and would love to get stronger. I am already stronger than when I started and feel a difference and love it. But I am scared to go heavy too fast and hurt my self. I am lifting heavier than 2 months ago, but still have a long way to go. So examples would help. Thank you all
I did Supersets and then Gym Style Chest & Triceps this evening.

Gym Style has 72 freaking pushups! I never dreamed I could do that many full body pushups! I did not even realize how many there were until after the workout was over and I added them up.

Start at 16 dropping 2 reps off. But on the part where there are only 4 and two reps, she staggers them!

Suffice it to say that workout blew me away!

I will never, ever, ever think of weight days as cheating again after today!

Supersets was a mere warm up to Gym Style Chest and Triceps!

I am so glad I bought that DVD because it hurts so good!
>I am just curious. I started doing serious weight lifting only
>2 months ago. What do you guys consider heavy? For example,
>what do you use for biceps? For chest? etc. Just to give me an
>idea what to aim. I am not strong and would love to get
>stronger. I am already stronger than when I started and feel a
>difference and love it. But I am scared to go heavy too fast
>and hurt my self. I am lifting heavier than 2 months ago, but
>still have a long way to go. So examples would help. Thank you

IMHO heavy is when you can't lift those last two reps of your set without a bit of a fight. heavy for everyone is different. anything above 15s is to heavy for my arms now but to light for my chest/back while months back 10s were to heavy for my arms(now i can do 12s-15s). its all personal and the more you work at it and learn more about it the better and stronger you become. you are right to not go to heavy to fast but to work up to it, which if you are lifting a little heavier then last month, that whatever you are doing is working. :)

to the orginial post-i know i have a girl at work who asked me for fitness advice and now nit picks things i do and even how i eat. i told her HOT DOGs wasn't a protien source and when she learns that, then she can tell me i can't eat a chicken sandwich once a week. she doesn't want to lift weights get she can't even lift a box of ketchup packets. i just laugh them off personally. the only time it gets to me is when its family, and that is mostly b/c they complain then tell me i am wrong. always feel like smacking them LOL


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

>Pushups are the BOMB - not the knee pushups, but actually
>trying and accomplishing the straight leg pushups. I agree
>some women just won't even go there.
>I love the feeling of being able to handle my own body weight
>- if more women gave it a shot maybe we could knock down the
>old saying that "lifting is a mans kingdom" ;)
>To all the strong ladies in the house - - drop down and give
>me 20 }( }( }( }( }(

I have the strength to do straight leg push-ups, but I don't because of rotator issues. So sometimes people are doing bent leg to protect their shoulders. However, the 40 pound bags of dirt I was hauling around was no problem.
Never give up took me over 10 years to get my sister to try weight training. She was one of those skinny model types, & always beautiful, but weak as a kitten. And of course, no muscle definition. Well, she finally tried it because her girlfriends were going to the gym, & she looks SO much better, & feels 100% better. I'm very proud of her.
As a side note she works out at the gym with a trainer, I work out at home with Cathe (of course!)and I have to say I have better results.:p But I'll take what I can get. Still can't get my mom to try it.

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