Obviously I am not Cathe and I don't have an answer but I want you to know that you are not alone.
Even after 6 months of HEAVY lifting, as heavy as I could with the S&H DVD, I STILL am stuck with the same weights I was using in April.
I can only get to 12's with my biceps.
I can only get to 10 with my triceps kickbacks.
I don't know if I am pushing myself hard enough or not. It sure feels like it though! x(
I honestly work until I can't get another rep out. That's what we are supposed to do, right?
I guess maybe adding a heavier weight for 1-2 reps and then going back to your "usual" heaviest poundage for the rest of the set. That seems like it might be an idea.
Then, sooner or later, you keep adding a rep and maybe we can move up! I am anxious to hear other replies too!