lifting heavy


I have a question to anyone that can help do you start lifting heavier weight??? Everytime I try I feel like my arms are going to break..I want to get stronger but how? Please help and thanks in advance!

[email protected]

Obviously I am not Cathe and I don't have an answer but I want you to know that you are not alone.

Even after 6 months of HEAVY lifting, as heavy as I could with the S&H DVD, I STILL am stuck with the same weights I was using in April.

I can only get to 12's with my biceps.
I can only get to 10 with my triceps kickbacks.
I don't know if I am pushing myself hard enough or not. It sure feels like it though! x(

I honestly work until I can't get another rep out. That's what we are supposed to do, right?

I guess maybe adding a heavier weight for 1-2 reps and then going back to your "usual" heaviest poundage for the rest of the set. That seems like it might be an idea.

Then, sooner or later, you keep adding a rep and maybe we can move up! I am anxious to hear other replies too!
Slowly. Everyone is different, and you have to work up to it gradually. Every once in a while you'll see posts talking about how often to increase weight, but as far as I know, the "experts" don't have any set formula or agree on a specific time frame. It's a very individualized sort of thing. I would suggest increasing your weight by a few pounds at first - 1 or 2 pounds is still an increase - gradually working up as slowly or as quickly as your body tells you you're ready to. You might also find if you do a different type of strength training workout you might have to lift different size weights than in another one. In many of Cathe's workouts the muscles are worked in different ways in each workout, and I have to adjust my weights with each workout quite often. It all depends on what your goals are (endurance vs. mass building), how fast the reps are, how many you're doing, how you feel that particular day, etc. The important thing - I think - is to remember you're a unique individual, and you have to tailor your workouts to what is best for YOU. Best of luck to you!! Hang in there - it takes time and patience, but you soon will find yourself meeting your goals!

Here are a few thoughts:

Up your protein...especially maybe add another serving of protein between meals...cottage cheese works well for me, or a shake. Or yogurt. I think this is quite important.

Go up a weight, go to as many reps as you can, then drop to your usual weight.

Give yourself a longer rest between sets or before going to the next exercise. Cathe mentions this on the SH I think.

Give yourself longer between each rep before starting the next rep.

It is hard because my compulsion is to want to do the weight increases in smaller increments...for example, trying to go from a 12 lb dumbbell to a 15....I wish there was a 13.5 dumbell! :-D

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