<--let's leave town on a permanent vacation...

<--crawls out of the hh to report that billy one ear, one horn is, unfortunately, in a lot of pain
<--says, BUT, it is fixable (he will have to have his horn removed surgically :( but will be fine
<--the alpaca is touch-and-go, as he is partially paralyzed from meningal worms
<--says apparently it is 50/50 whether he will make it so send PRAYERS!
<--says he is a very sweet boy
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<--- pops in to say hi
<--- is sending positive vibes to Billy and hope he pulls through
<--- is in a foul mood today and won't infect y'all with it
<--- hates PMS :mad:
<--spreads some cheer and good vibes around the OAL
<--hopes Lorie feels better soon
<--hopes all the PMS is short lived
<--hopes all have a good day!!
<--is sorry to hear about billy the goat and sends prayers that he has a safe recovery!
<--sends midol to those that are suffering with symptoms
<--is doing MM and a dog walk today
<--ended up taking a rest day yesterday
<--waves Goodmorning to everyone
<-- is up
<-- doesn't want to be up
<-- has a scheduled cardio rest day, only has PUB on tap
<-- is sorry about Lorie's cold and pms
<-- hopes Lorie feels better soon
<-- hopes the goat and the alpacca will be okay
<-- hopes Shelley feels better soon
<-- doesn't like pms bothering Lorie and Shelley :(
<-- will be heading to the doggie park since <-- is up anyway
<-- hopes everyone has a terrific day
<-- yawns, sips some tea and slowly walks out of thread
<---waves good morning to all
<---sends anti-PMS vibes to Shelley and Lorie
<---wonders what Catherine is up to today
<---hates that there are only 2 weeks left of summer vacation:(

ETA:<---waves to Carola and Amelia
<---hopes Carola enjoys her visit to the doggie park
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<--apparently missed Beth and Carola too
<--tells Beth will be working till 5 and then plans on GS BSB and C&T premixes
<--hopes Carola has a good walk!!
<-- runs back in to wave to Amelia, Catherine and Beth
<-- apologizes for missing them before
<-- hopes for Beth that the 2 weeks of vacation that are left go by r e a l l y slow
<-- thinks Catherine has a great w/o scheduled today
<-- is glad Amelia took a rest day, rest days are good
<-- is heading out the door if <-- can locate the car keys :confused:
<--waves happy Monday to all
<--is at work:(:mad:
<--wishes <--had two weeks left of summer vacay
<--shouldn't complain
<--hopes all the pms symtoms are short lived
<--doesn't do that anymore...but has replaced pms with constant hot flashes and night sweats:(
<--hopes the goat and alpaca heal quickly and feel better
<--wonders how many workouts a day Catherine does
<--says holy heck!!:eek::eek::eek:
<--hopes all youse have a great day
<--better get back to work:(
<--peace out
<--hopes Elanieee has a good 1st day back
<--LOL and tells her <--is just doing 1 w/o
<--is combining premixes from the GS which clocks in just a little over an hour
<--is feeling rather lazy and hopes energy pics up for w/o later :confused:
<---waves good morning to all
<---knows that Mondays are never really "good", but is trying to be positive
<---hopes everyone had a great weekend
<---'s weekend went by way too fast... as usual
<---is sending lots of positive thoughts for Billy
<---is sending anti-PMS vibes to Shelley... and some cookies too ;)
<---hopes Amelia has fun with MM - <--- says that one always ends up being harder than <--- expects it to be!
<---hopes Carola has fun with PUB
<---hasn't done that one in a while
<---did 4DS bis, tris, shoulders, calves and core this morning... <--- is feeling sufficiently pumped ;)
<---thinks Catherine's GS workout will leave her sufficiently pumped as well!
<---is sorry about elaineee's night sweats and hot flashes... women never really get any relief, do we? if it ain't PMS, it's menopause!
<---has to get some stuff done at work... will try to bbl!
<--Pops in to wave hi to everyone
<--Sends chocolate and heating pads to Shelley and Lorie
<--Hopes Lorie's furry friends feel better soon!
<--Is totally in awe of Evily's workout -- again.
<--Is sorry Elainee if feeling rotten
<--Can't believe Beth has two more weeks of summer vacay!
<--'s kiddos started school LAST week!
<--Says they start new soccer season this week.
<--Thinks that boy #3 is gonna be a soccer player too. Ouch!!
<--'s ribs are his preferred targets. LOL
<--Hopes everyone had a great weekend!!
<--Must go now to fix some hot tea, which has become <--'s coffee substitute this year.
<--Wonders how Evily's caffeine-freeness is going?
<--Sends hugs to all!
<--waves hello to the OAL
<--sends soothing vibes to those suffering PMS
<--is sending optimistic thoughts for the goat and the alpaca!
<--thinks Catherine is a work out machine
<--admires that
<--can't decide what work out to do tonight
<--needs to do upper body
<--maybe PUB
<--says hello to Evily, Elaineee, Carola, Amelia, Stephanie and Beth

<--drags her butt into thread and gives a thumb up
<--yells "MM done"
<--waves Hello to Anne, Stephanie, Emily, Elainee, Carola, Catherine, Lorie, Shelly and everybody that follows!
<--drags her trembling butt out of thread and heads towards the shower
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<--agrees with Em that the weekend went by waaaay to fast
<--says woo hoo for Amelia completing MM!!
<--hopes Anne is having a good day
<--is LOL at Stephanie's soccer player :D
<--thinks it's calm here at work for a Monday :eek:
<--is ascared of the afternoon :confused:
<--will be back later if possible
<---waves a groggy mid-morning/almost afternoon to all
<---is suffering from PMS as well and awaiting AF's visit any minute now
<---will not be a good mood today :(
<---will probably not be a good mood tomorrow
<---says to add to the fun, she just got an e-mail from Purdue that says they have a new policy that applicants have to write an essay for admission....
<---has to come up with a 500 word essay to describe either why she wants to go to college, what's the greatest advice she has ever received or describe a set back she has had to deal with... woo-hoo
<---hopes poor Billy does ok and that "Cuzco" gets better ;)
<---lol at Amelia's trembling butt
<---thinks Em had a good workout this morning!
<---hopes the skeeters are better at Carola's park
<---sends some hunky guys over to fan Elaineee
<---waves hi to Catherine, Beth, Shelley, Anne, and anyone else she may have missed
<---Waves to all the chickies this Monday morning
<---Tells Lorie <---slept like kaka too! :)
<---Thinks that caffeine was invented for me :)
<---Waves to Shelley and sends her a bear hug and one of <--- famous armpit farts for good measure :)
<---Says hello to cheery Catherine!
<---Waves right back at Amelia
<---Also sends get well wishes to Billy
<---Wishes Carola fun at the doggie park
<---Waves to Beth and wishes her a happy day too!
<---Tells her that summer vacation is over in Utah...all the kidlets started school last week! :) Secretly thinks it is funny! :)
<---Wishes Elaineeee a great day!
<---Hopes Evily's day turns out well...it has too with a great attitude like that! :)
<---Dislikes Mondays too but refuses to let it bring me down :)
<---Delighted to "see" Steph and hopes her dear kiddo lays off her ribs soon! :)
<---Waves at Anne and hopes her Monday is great
<---Sends good luck vibes to Liann...knows she will find the words
<---Thinks it is time to scoot...BBL loverlies!

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