
So this is going to be the check-in for the new Insanity workouts. All are welcome to join. I'm starting my rotation on monday. Took my fit test yesterday (friday):
switch kicks: 82
Power jacks: 56
Power knees: 100
Power jumps: 42 (these killed me)
Globe jumps: 9
Suicide jumps: 25
Push-up jacks: 24
Low Plank Oblique: 58

I plan on giving the rotation recommended as is for the first week to see how i feel. I will also be combining in 4DS minus the chest work as i believe all the pushups in Insanity is plenty. If i feel that i'm too burnt out to give these workouts my all by utilizing the recommended rotation i will decrease to 3 days per week with some different workout on the days in between. LETS GET INSANE!
No Insanity for me, yet.:p It is in California and will be delivered on Monday. So I think I will start the rotation Wednesday or Thursday.
I can't wait.

I already started!

Today was the cardio recovery for me and 4DS biceps and triceps. It wasn't much of a recovery though! Nothing about this program is going to be easy I'm feeling....lol. Tommorrow is pure cardio and man, I am very nervous I have to say! I am going to do the program as laid out with the menu plan for the full sixty days. I wanna see if Shaun T can make me the leanest I have ever been! I really wanted the free t-shirt but the deal is for US only boo!
I'm doing recovery tomorrow . . . how tough was it? If the first two are a 9 on a scale of 1-10 . . . what's the recovery workout?

I'm doing recovery tomorrow . . . how tough was it? If the first two are a 9 on a scale of 1-10 . . . what's the recovery workout?


Don't worry - not near as tough as those two lol. More like a Yoga X pain (think vinyasas if you've done that) like a 4 or 5.
I'll be starting on Monday with the Fit Test.
For those of you that have the deluxe, did you preview the upper body workout? It looks crazy!!!!
I'd like to add that in, but not sure which day. Any thoughts?
I plan to start on Tuesday and stick with the program as recommended although may add in some upper body work with the deluxe dvd. I'm open to suggestions. I'm going on vacation the following weekend, but will bring the workouts especially since DH will start the program on Monday. His 1 day head start will let me know what to expect ;) I have a feeling this will be a busy check-in - such fun :D
Started yesturday

I started yesturday with the Plyo Cardio Circuit and OMG the warm up was a killer...I had to stop quite a bit and that bummed me out. I'm about to do day 2 Cardio Power & Resistance. I plan on sticking with this program as is for at least the first 30 days. I'm a bit concerned about not having any weights but It's worth a try. I have about 5-8lbs I want/need to lose and I'm hoping that by doing this amount of cardio and really really really cleaning up my diet it will work! Good Luck Everyone
so i normally don't workout on the weekends but felt the urge to do so today. i decided to do max recovery. Can i just say that this workout kicked my butt and i thought it was going to be easy based off of the word "recovery" in the title. LOL! The pulsing squats in this killed me and i had to stop a few times through the workout to take a break. After that i did a 30 minute jog on the treadmill. I also previewed the upper body workout. While i think its a great workout its still lacking back work. My posture isn't very good due to my pecs being tight/stronger than my back. If i decide to do this workout i will substitue back exercises with each chest exercise. Also, i'm not sure when i would fit this in as it is almost 50 minutes long. Are we supposed to sub this in for another insanity workout?
The warm up

I started yesturday with the Plyo Cardio Circuit and OMG the warm up was a killer...I had to stop quite a bit and that bummed me out. I'm about to do day 2 Cardio Power & Resistance. I plan on sticking with this program as is for at least the first 30 days. I'm a bit concerned about not having any weights but It's worth a try. I have about 5-8lbs I want/need to lose and I'm hoping that by doing this amount of cardio and really really really cleaning up my diet it will work! Good Luck Everyone

I have to agree with you about the warm up. It is a killer! I started yesterday and thought that I accidentally skipped the warm up because I was working up a pretty good sweat...but then they started to stretch. Yep, the warm-up is a killer.
Good afternoon, thought I would stop by and say hello. I did the fit test today, and it had me panting me pretty darn hard! I'm off the the gym to do weights now and then to the market. I need to follow some kind of food plan, and this one seems as good or better than any, so I'll give it a shot.

My house is getting painted in a week, and I'm concerned about where I will be able to do the workouts, I'm going to ask my gym if I can use the aerobic studio when there are no classes for the week. If not, I'll try to come up with some more creative options, like maybe bring my laptop outside if the weather is ok. My neighbors will think I'm crazy!
I started yesterday with the Fit Test:
Switch kicks: 90 each leg = 180
power jacks: 52
Power Knees: 96 then I did it on the Rt knee and did 98
Power jumps: 36
Globe Jumps: 10
Suicide Jumps:16
Push Up jacks: 28
Low Plank oblique: 35 each leg= 70

Not bad for a 48 year old with hamstring issues.
Today I did Plyo Cardio Circuit early in the morning. I have done this workout 5 times (Got the preview in May) and I learned today that my performance is better when I work out mid morning or mid afternoon.... something I will keep in mind for all future Insanity workouts.Calories burned in this workout= 386
I just have the basic package so I will be adding Upper body with 4DS workouts, not sure when those will be added in, will probably do them as I feel like it rather than scheduling them routinely.
I am looking forward to seeing how this program increases my cardiovascular shape and I hope to jiggle off some of those darn perimenapause ponds that have crept up on my the last 9 months.

Brenda in Indiana
This morning was my INSANITY Inaugural; I did Max Interval Circuit, then added on the warm-up from Max Interval Sports Training; then Insane Abs.

Okay. It amazed me that I was able to complete almost all of the demon drills with no stopping and no modifications, especially the switch-kicks on the floor (body weight on the hands / arms, power kicking alternating feet up in the air). The only drills I had to modify in a meaningful way were the "jacking push-ups" (in which you jack the legs out on the down phase and jack the legs in on the up-phase; let's just say my "down phases" went down about 2 inches), and the traveling push-ups. Had to substitute regular push-ups for the latter two sets.

I sweat gallons, my friends.

Re adding on the warm-up from Max Interval Sports Training: my poor tush. Shaun puts you through an extremely extended series of knee smashes with the support leg at first straight, then moderately bent, then fully bent with one hand on the floor. I think flames shot out of the side of my left butt-cheek at one point.

Re Insane Abs: that one'll take some practice, as the hip flexors and quads work at least as much as the core muscles, and The Bald One had almost nothing left. But I farted twice, so that means the core muscles were workin'!

My next INSANITY will be this coming Wednesday; still on the fence about which one although it will probably be either Max Interval Sports Training in full or Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs.

So today was Pure Cardio and it was tough but certainly do-able. I only had to stop once for a quick drink and once during the jack push-ups at the end. Those are hard esp. right at the very end!!! One more work-out and I am done week one.

can someone PLEASE tell me what insanity is???????? :) actually, i don't think i can do it from reading ya'll stuff, but i am quite intrigued.

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