Hey again
I seem to have a really hard time staying in the training zones. When I feel like I am in orange I am actually low red and when I am in red I am going above my upper red limit. I tried dialing it back but then I did not feel like I was working hard enough. I am a little confused.
Janis - I am not looking forward to the days when my Ds's reach those butt head years. My BIL works as a behavioural therapist for patients with head injuries. He said that a teenage boys brain functions like someone with a head injury until they are fully developed. I can't remember what all he said but maybe if you think of them as having head injuries that will help lessen the impact. How old are they?
As for the barbell rows I was at 75lbs this morning and I was supposed to be at 76. The deadlift I was at 80lbs. Do the hooks really help? Because I don't think that I can go any higher for the deadlifts until my forearms catch up!
Have a nice swim and aqua jog! and good luck with Disc3!
Hi Heather - I had a hard time with the various zones too. I reconfigured my heart rate zones using this formula 226-age, instead of 220-age, which I found here:
and they have a calculator here -
the article was quite good too.
Your comment (highlighted portion) made me laugh out loud. Oh, that explains
so much! Although, I have to say, my ds's are pretty sharp, so maybe they only have a mild concussion! The two who hurt my feelings are 20 and soon to be 18. (Man oh man, time flies!!!!) I don't think they meant to hurt my feelings, we joke around a lot, it was just too close to the bone this time...it was a comment about me not being a good mother

. I also have a soon-to-be twelve year old, also a boy.
You're lifting the same weight as me, I think you're rowing a little heavier than me - but we're in the same neighborhood. The lifting hooks help a lot. A LOT. They were inexpensive, and here are all sorts available, these are the one's I purchased:
http://www.amazon.com/Altus-Athleti...e=UTF8&s=sporting-goods&qid=1256424080&sr=8-1 I would have dropped the barbell on the floor by now if it hadn't been for the hooks.
I can't believe you did B&G and vacuumed and did the bathrooms AND then went to your sister's baby shower! Way to go girl! You'll sleep well tonight!
I bailed on Meso1 wk 3 legs, I think I'll do it tomorrow, but after soccer and chores, I ran - this time three intervals of walk 5, run 5.