Let's Do This Again STSept-Dec! *Oct 19-Oct 25*


Good Evening :)

Thought I would get our thread for this week started before I go to bed. Today I did a step blast premix and walked on the treadmill this evening. I have decided to add in plyo legs each week for both meso 2 and meso 3. I rewrote my rotation to accomodate the extra workouts and made sure there are mandatory rest days, instead of optional ones, to cover the heavier load. Anyway, my rotation will now take me all the way until I leave for christmas vacation on Dec 19th.

Hope everyone had a good Monday. Time for sleep. Talk to you later. :cool:
Good Morning :)

Yes, I realize I am posting to myself this morning, but I figure with the forums down yesterday maybe the thread got missed. If you build it they will come... maybe ;)

Anyway, last night I finally got disc 15 done and this morning I did 4DS bootcamp cardio. Tonight is treadmill and abs, unless I get a chance for tennis practice.

Alright, enough talking to myself. Hello to all who read and those who follow. :D

I'm here! Monday I did Disk 13 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, which left my pec muscles crippled and they are still really sore. My shoulders are stiff, too, but my triceps survived ok.

Tuesday I had an early appt for a mammogram, so I just did Cardio & Weights Timesaver Cardio in the afternoon.

This morning was Disk 14 Legs. I really like the trisets and how fast they move. That workout seems to zip along. My chest and shoulders were still complaining though and the warm up wasn't pleasant since she actually wanted me to raise my arms above my shoulders. :D
Hey Everyone

I totally missed the thread yesterday. Not sure how that happened. My week has been very similar to Cathy's Mon. Disc 12 with Chest Shoulder and Tri's My chest is a little sore which is funny because I didn't really feel it that much at the time. I thought my tri's would be sore but they are not. I went for a run that day too just because! Yesterday I did IMAX and Cardio and Weights Abs. This morning was Legs Disc 13. I know I'll be sore tomorrow! I forgot how much fun the tri-sets were. Time flys by. My only issue is that I have to use a barbell for both the deadlifts and the squats and I am constantly putting it up on the squat rack or down onto the floor. So I get an extra upper body workout too. The calf raises at the end killed me. I don't think I was actually raising my leg by the end! I did the bonus legs from Meso 1 Week 1 legs too.

Tomorrow... I think will be kickboxing and the bootcamp from 4DS!

Talk to you all soon!
Heather I'm debating between doing the 4DS Power Cardio or IMAX 2 tomorrow. Since I've only done step this week, I'm leaning towards the first one.

I didn't use my barbell at all for Disk 14, I just used dumbbells for the deadlifts. I have trouble with my arms if I use a barbell and I've had trouble in the past with my lower back from going to heavy on those.
Hi Ladies,

Mind if I join you for this STS rotation? I am starting Disc 1 today, so I will be a little behind. But it was so motivating checking back in Feb-May during the first STS rotation.
Once I finished STS back in May, I took a vacation for 3 wks. Unfortunately, that grew into a Jun-Sept hiatus from regular exercise! Just did very sporadic work-outs. So, I'm need to and am looking forward to getting back to it.

I will post tomorrow as to how Disk 1 goes!
Hey again everyone

I think that Legs today really zapped me! I don't think that I got a good nights sleep last night! DOMS are setting in so maybe I'll go have an epsom salt bath and go to bed early! I have to say that it is funny that we seem to be working on the same cardio or a version there of! We'll all have to get swimming so that Janis doesn't feel left out!

Welcome Sassylady! Good luck with Disc 1

Cathy - IMAX2 was good yesterday but I am looking foward to 4DS kickboxing. I really like that one for some reason! I am kinda stuck withe barbell because I don't have enough weight to build both the barbell and heavy enough dumbells. I guess I could buy more plates....

Janis how are the runs going?

MJ - May you get to play tennis!

Hi Ladies

Oh - I don't feel left out at all! {laughing} I am totally with all of you on the chest/shoulder DOMS. Criminee! Like Cathy said, my tri's survived ok, but the double wave load on disc 19 really worked me hard. Totally to failure. Teeth gritting failure.

Inspired by everyone's work this week and while I waited for the dishwasher repair cutie pie to arrive, I did B&G legs only. Dishwasher is still broken. :mad: Not his fault though, just a more involved repair.

I have only run twice since I got the all clear. My ankle was twinging in the evening after a morning -walk 10/run 5 walk 10/run 5 - so I have laid off for a few days. I am going to give it another try this afternoon while my ds is at soccer practice.

Welcome Sassy! - in two words - PUSH UPS!

MJ - Oh, just go play tennis!!

Tomorrow is Back and Biceps. Love working those together, so I am certain I won't be griping about it, but I'll check in.

- and Heather, I have been thinking about getting an additional bar bell as a solution to the up on the rack, down on the floor conundrum. Bet you could pick up one used, and cheap. Just a thought.:D
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Ok, so I woke up and still have really sore pecs, and now my legs have chimed in from Disk 14 yesterday! So, I did 2 segments of Stretch Max and I'll see if I feel up to something this afternoon.

So Janis was the repair guy really cute - I never seem to get cute. ;) Good luck with your run later.

Hi Sassylady, glad you're joining us.
Good Morning Everyone

I just finished 4DS Kickbox and Bootcamp Cardio and then did Core Max 3 Abs. It's always nice to do moves that are totally new for Abs (Just downloaded Core Max). My legs are starting to feel a little tight I think that I might have to do an extra stretch soon. The stretch from Kickbox was not quite enough.

Tomorrow it's Back and Bi's and hopefully a run. My plan is to try and keep the extra leg day on the weekend with Butts and guts... we'll see if I can still walk on Sunday!

Janis - That is a good idea for the extra bar. I will have to keep my eyes peeled!

Cathy - Hope you are feeling up to working this afternoon. I find that if I just get into it then sometimes that goes better. I have to say that those straight leg kicks in the Kickbox were slightly more painful than usual!

SassyLady - How were the push-ups? I have to say that I kind of miss them in Meso 2. You work so hard to get up to the that level and then you seem to loose the ability so quickly!

MJ - Hope you got to play.

Hey Ladies

I just finished disc 21 back and biceps.

Great workout, but I made a few errors along the way, and my goodness, major forearm and bicep DOMS are already setting in.

First, I started the program with the wrong bloody disc in the dvd player. So, on barbell rows I did a back off set! Just so you know this week of Meso 2 is about double wave load, not back off sets. Duh! But did I remember that before I did the set? NO! I though there was something wrong with my workout card, not something wrong with me! Ha!

Second, I went too heavy with my barbell curls. I thought all was dandy and fine until I got to the end of the first round of the double wave load, then bam it hit me. I was struggling to complete each set. I took a glance at my workout card and realized I went 1.5 pounds, 1.5 pounds and 3 pounds too heavy, respectively, for each set.

Needless to say, I had to back way off when it came to the incline curls and the reverse dumbbell curls.

I really should learn to add!:eek:

Now I am going to do a little biking on the stationary apparatus then EAT!

Have a great day everyone!
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Hi Ladies,

Well, doing Disc 1 of STS was interesting! I had totally forgotten how many push-ups there are! I remembered and anticipated the first round of 8+8+30, but then somehow I thought we were done with push-ups. WRONG! So, I modified majorly on every push-up sets thereafter.

The rest of the work-out was challenging. I had to lower my weights or the reps for about 2/3rds of the exercises. I imagine on some I was only doing 30% of my 1RM :O
But what I noticed is that I was able to keep up with the fast pace, which was surprising. I remember I always had to push pause on Meso 1 exercises to have extra time to get the right weight or to set up. I guess this time around I knew what to expect as far as speed.

It did feel good to get back to STS though and I'm looking forward to Disc 2 on Friday. I do have some serious DOMS going on though!

Today, I did the same thing Heather did: 4DS Kickbox cardio +BootCamp cardio. No abs though. I'll have to squeeze them in tomorrow. :)

Thanks to you all for the warm welcome! I'm glad to be here!
Hope you all have a good evening & see you on Friday. TGIF!!!!!
Hey Everyone

I just finished Back and Biceps! Wow! You think it's not going to be as much work as it is! I have gotten very heavy for deadlifts but my forearms could not take it. By the time I got to the TF round I was worried that I was going to drop the weight. I can't imagine that my body will be ready to go heavier next time. Last round I did Meso 2 twice. I am going to go for run after the kids get on the bus just to burn a few more calories. I got a tiny little ipod for my Bday and I haven't used it yet so I need to try it out. I am going to try Cardio coach in the great outdoors and see if that is doable.

Sassylady - nice job with Disc 1. The first disc is a total reality shock isn't it!

Janis - That is crazy that you did the wrong disc! I have put the wrong one in and done the warm-up for the other disc and then ususally I figure it out. At least you'll be ready for next week! Will you go back and do the disc that you meant to do?

Cathy - did you ever end up feeling like working out?

MJ - hope all is well
Good Morning Lovely Ladies :D

Quick post before I run out the door for work.... didnt get out to play tennis yet, weather and work have been my foils, did 4DS LIS cardio wednesday night, ended up with yesterday as my rest day and did my first plyo legs disc this morning. Surprisingly enough it wasnt nearly as scary as I thought. lol Its still good no one was around to witness the event, but at least I did it. ;)

Looks like everyone is doing well, will catch up on the thread when I get home tonight.

Happy Friday :cool:
Disk 15 Back & Biceps for me today. I had a moment of brain deadness and realized after I'd done rows that my bar was 5 lbs lighter than I'd planned, but when I checked later it was only 2 1/2 lbs lighter than last time I did the disk, so it wasn't too bad.

Then I had to drop a l lb on one arm rows, but discovered later that the weight I'd dropped to was the same weight I'd used the first time around.

The remaining exercises I struggled with but did the reps, I don't play her little surprise games and just stick the regular reps, but found afterwards that I'd gone heavier on all of them than in my first STS round.

All in all it was a tough workout.

And no, I never did workout yesterday afternoon. I figured my body really needed the extra rest.

Sassylady how are you feeling today from Disk 1 - those push ups in Meso 1 are crazy. I'm definitely not missing their lack in Meso 2, though given that my chest is still a bit sore from Monday the area is certainly getting worked hard.

Janis sounds like your workout yesterday was pretty interesting, too. I think accidentally going lighter sounds way more fun.
Hi Everyone!

Heather - I did the first round of barbell rows, and after doing the (mistake) back off set I realized my error, and changed the disc out. Like you, I thought my hands were going to detach from my wrists with the deadlifts. How heavy are you lifting now for those? I am using lifting hooks, even so - I sometimes wonder if I am elongating my arms or breaking small bones! {laughing}

Cathy - yeah, it is more fun to go lighter! I'm noticing I am lifting much heavier this go around too - so that's encouraging.

I'm swimming today and doing the aqua jog thing in the pool, then I might take a long walk. My older ds's were butt heads to me yesterday evening; I am not feeling like hanging around home with them like we usually do on Friday's. :eek:

Tomorrow I am doing STS Meso 1 week 3 disc 9 (?) legs....ouchie....
Hey again

I did not get to run outside - after I came upstairs from STS I realized that the wind was howling and it is sleet raining out! Not nice. SO I did CC2 on the treadmill. My achilles is a little sore but I did well. It is really good to have someone push you. I seem to have a really hard time staying in the training zones. When I feel like I am in orange I am actually low red and when I am in red I am going above my upper red limit. I tried dialing it back but then I did not feel like I was working hard enough. I am a little confused. I might try the CC forum and see if there is any info there. My heart rate monitor said I burned 870 cals in 45 minutes. I am not sure that could be real.

Janis - I am not looking forward to the days when my Ds's reach those butt head years. My BIL works as a behavioural therapist for patients with head injuries. He said that a teenage boys brain functions like someone with a head injury until they are fully developed. I can't remember what all he said but maybe if you think of them as having head injuries that will help lessen the impact. How old are they?
As for the barbell rows I was at 75lbs this morning and I was supposed to be at 76. The deadlift I was at 80lbs. Do the hooks really help? Because I don't think that I can go any higher for the deadlifts until my forearms catch up!
Have a nice swim and aqua jog! and good luck with Disc3!

Cathy - It was a tough work out this morning...and you definitely erred on the right side!

MJ - Are you already on Meso3?

Talk to you all soon
Hi All,

Just got done with Disc 2--Back & Triceps. Went pretty smoothy. I was able to do the recommended weight for most exercises. Towards the end, my muscles decided they had enough torture, so I didn't finish all the reps in the last few exercises. Overall it seemed easier than Disc 1, (probably because of no push-ups!), but definitely still a challenge. It feels great to be doing STS again!

Heather, reading about your Back & Biceps experience has me apprehensive about doing heavier weights in Meso 2 & 3! Meso 1 is hard for me! :) Hope you are enjoying your new IPod & that you were able to get the CC working right.

Janis, your post about Back & Biceps didn't help my confidence either ;) I have to remember that as hard & heavy as it sounds, that last time I was able to get through it easier than I thought I would. But it was challenging!

MJ, Glad to hear that your plyo legs experience was good. I remember being nervous before doing it too, but it isn't as hard as what it sounded like. It keeps your heart going though!

Cathy, my DOMS from Disc 1 had subsided by this morning thankfully! I'm anticipating the back & tricep DOMS will hit any time now. :) I had some brain deadness going on too today as I used the wrong weight in one of the exercises. Sounds like Back & Biceps is working you too!

I plan to do cardio tomorrow & maybe abs. I'll see you tomorrow!
Good Friday Night All :)

Decided to add in an extra cardio tonight, so I did 4DS HIS.

Heather - I am just about to start the second week of meso 2 tomorrow, disc 16. I decided to change my rotation and add in a 2nd leg day for meso 2 & 3 with the plyo workouts. So now I am on an 8 day cycle for each meso week. Excellent job on the CC, glad you achilles is cooperating for your running. Liked the head injury metaphor, I think some of the men never out grow that stage. ;)

Janis - Hope your swimming went well and you were able to escape from the kids for awhile. I agree on the forearms with the deadlifts, I use the hooks too and it really does help.

Cathy - Good job on back and biceps. I didnt really get DOMS in the biceps after that disc, but my back definitely felt it.

Sassy - Dont even think about the other mesos yet, you will be fine when you get there. Meso 1 always seems hard to me, endurance workouts carry a dread factor, luckily they are effective so its worth it. I am enjoying the format of meso 2 much better though I must admit. Hope the DOMS arent too bad tomorrow.

Alright time for some sleep. Talk to you ladies tomorrow. :cool:
Happy Saturday everyone

This morning I got up and did Butts and Guts the whole thing and then did the bonus legs too. Since that point I vacuumed the house and cleaned bathrooms too. Just seeing how many calories I can burn in a morning! I may pay tomorrow as it was burning big time for pretty much everything. The weird thing is that my legs were tight and my hams were sore but right now everything feels fine. I am hoping it is not the calm before the storm!

Gotta go! Off to my sisters baby shower.
Hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow I rest, looking forward to it.

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