Let's Do This Again STSept-Dec! *Nov 9-Nov 15*


Good Morning STS Warrior Princesses!

I have escaped the evil enemy (work) to rejoin the land of the living. ;)

I managed to keep up with cardio, but fell behind in STS. So yesterday, I did LIC cardio and disc 20 legs and this morning I did disc 21 back/biceps. Lets just say "ouch!" is the feeling of the day. DOMS from yesterday and I suspect DOMS will be coming by the evening tonight on the other.

Looks like everyone is doing well with their workouts. Heather, glad to see you are better and working out again. Janis, flying ahead in the rotation as always. Cathy, nice idea to throw the cardio in the hat to add variety. That has been one of my goals this STS rotation, to make myself explore all the cardio instead of just my favorites.

I too will be doing another round of STS once shock cardio arrives and we get passed the holidays. So I am thinking of the first weekend of January to start.

Alright, off to work, will return later....will not let work suck me away again this week. :p

Have a great day. :cool:
Hi Everyone,

Sorry to have dropped off for a week or so. Had a combo of "work & life happens!" Anyway, I picking up where I left off with STS--beginning wk 3 of Meso 1. Today is actually going to be a cardio day for me--planning to do Drill Max cardio only. I will do STS Disc 7 tomorrow. I'll check in then to let you know how it goes.

Hope you all have been doing well! I'll try to go back & catch up on last week's posts.

Take care!
Well, after skimming last week's posts, I guess I should have start out by saying,
"The Lost Warrior Princess Has Returned!!!" :)

While it was a busy week for me, I did squeeze in some fun on Halloween weekend.
Pretty much it is celebrated just like it is in the U.S.--games, Fall carnival at my daughter's elementary school, some trick or treat. The focus more is on winding down after Oktoberfest---big beer/food celebration that starts up in late Sep & goes through Mid Oct. It's lots of fun to be sure!

But now that Halloween & the Fests are over, time for me to get serious about getting some weight off & some muscles pumping before the next holiday hits! Did I tell you that I originally started STS so that my rest week b/t Meso 2 & 3 would fall during Christmas week???? But now since I ended up taking last week off, it's all messed up! I'm seriously considering not taking a rest week b/t Meso 1 & 2 just so I can get back on schedule! I want my Christmas week off!! ;)

Cathy, I just re-read your post & I'm so excited to read that you & others are planning do start up STS again in Jan once Shock Cardio arrives. I too was started to repeat STS immediately after this time around--if all goes as planned, I should be done in late Jan & can jump right back on board with you all again! :) :) :)
I can't wait to get Shock Cardio--ready for something new cardio-wise!

Hello to everyone else!

See you soon,

Anyway, let me get back to doing some stuff now so that I can workout later.
See you tomorrow!
Hey all you beautiful warriors!

I just finished disc 28 Meso3, wk2, Chest and Back. I grabbed the wrong dumb bells for the incline chest flies, I was doing the third set of exercises and feeling so proud of myself for how strong I suddenly seem, then I noticed I was using the lighter dumbbells. :eek: (they look exactly the same as the heavier pair!) :eek: For the last round, I used the correct weight. Oh so much harder!:D I followed it up with the leg conditioning drills from kickmax. I was going to do the cardio legs pre-mix, but thought better of it when I saw all of the jumping and hopping moves. When my ankle is strong enough I'll have to go back and do the entire disc again. Same with plyo legs, which I have only done two discs of, but I plan on attempting again in December.

Saturday I did disc 14, legs, from Meso 2. I am still sore from it, in the adductors. Doing the leg conditioning drills seemed to help workout the residual doms. In addition to STS legs, I did B&G twice last week, yeah - I was feeling ambitious, but I am happy to report that my "hiney" feels more "up, up, up". (cathe says both often in this disc!)

I ran on Sunday, 46 minutes total, two 15 min intervals, one ten minute interval with two minutes of walking in between. It was great to really work up a sweat and open up my lungs and get the endorphins flowing. I love to run for those reasons alone.

Heather - I didn't actually get up and make the eggs, but maybe I should have. Yeah, Rodney Yee can be a bit slow and boring. I have pretty much all of his dvds. He grows on you after a while. I use his Power Yoga the most. He is less annoying to me than some of the other yoga instructors. Shiva Rhea only uses the Indian names for the poses, which I don't know, and Bryan Krest always makes me feel like I am being shouted at.

Cathy - your day with lady friends sounded so lovely and fantastic. I don't get nearly enough of that kind of socializing. Do you homeschool?

Tara and MJ - our MIA Warriors! Yay! You made it back to base camp! Here's to a pumped up week. :D

The next two weeks in my life are super hectic, and I'll be out of town part of it, but I'll try to post. Tomorrow I am doing STS 30, shoulders biceps triceps and M2W2 legs on Wednesday, Thursday is an unknown, Friday we are leaving town and returning Monday.
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Hi guys! Sunday I did Step Blast. Monday was Disk 22 Chest, Shoulders and Triceps. So far, I'm not feeling much in the way of DOMS. My shoulders are pretty stiff, chest and triceps only sore when I massage them, not when I move around. I actually didn't think I worked my triceps much in this one. I changed my 1RM for double arm kickbacks.

Today was my first day of pulling workouts out of my envelopes - hats take up too much space ;) I did Step and Hi-Lo from SJP and AC Stability Ball Abs. I've rather slacked off on the intensity of my ab workouts, so I was really glad to see that I could still do that one.

I really like the concept of yoga, but I've yet to find a yoga DVD I like. I've put some yoga books on hold at the library and I may try to just create some routines on my own from them and use my own music.

SassyLady glad you are back! Yes, I'm planning to start the undulating STS rotation with Shock Cardio in January. I'm looking forward to pulling it all together with Ab Circuits, too. AND EXTRA STRETCHING. :D
Good Morning Everyone!

This morning was Disc 22 Chest Tri's and Shoulders. Last week of Meso 2. I had just been thinking that it had been a while since I had done a push-up! And there they were! By the time I got to the close hand tri push-up I was back on my knees. It went really well and my shoulders were toast!
Yesterday I did Butts and Guts. On Sunday I had done Back and Biceps and then went for run and by the time 7:00 rolled around I was yawning and pretty much asleep. I can't believe how much I was knocked out by that!.
Later this morning I am going to do a 20 minute cardio Tabata style bootcamp thing that was on the Bodyrock.TV site, just to spice things up. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tara - Glad to hear you are back in action! I am totally up for doing STS again with STS cardio after Christmas!

Janis - So you totally set me up. Last night I was awoke several times by both kids and at one point I was seriously hungry and was thinking of you and your eggs. I managed to get back to sleep without venturing downstairs! Glad that you got go for a good run! It really makes my day when I can get a run in! Last time around I did the squat rack legs and did just the plyo for cardio sometimes. I've got a bit of fear factor going for doing the whole Meso 3 legs discs all together. I think I will be a sweaty heap on the floor!

Cathy - How is the cardio from a hat going? I'll let you know about the body rocks site. The workouts are free, she shows you what she does but does not tape herself doing all the workout. Her look is way over the top but the workouts seem solid.

MJ - Glad to see you found your way back - disc 21 was a doozy for me too!

Talk to you all soon
Hi Everyone,

I did STS disc 7--chest, biceps & shoulders today. It's the one where you do not only the 8+8+30 push-ups, but also the push-up drop-sets starting from 16-12-10-8-6. Whew! I'd forgotten that Cathe did put both of those doozies in 1 work-out!

It was harder than I expected weight-wise--I can tell how missing a week in the middle of a Meso can set one back a little. I stayed with 65% 1RM for most exercises, but it was a true struggle. I did lighten up a little towards the end.

Heather--let me know how you liked the Tabata boot camp--I've heard that it's fun but challenging!

Cathy--an undulating STS rotation after the holidays sounds great--it'll be nice to mix it up next time around!

Janis--Go Girl! You weekend workouts sounded exhilarating. LOL at your weight mix-up!

MJ--hope the evil enemy (work) is not giving you too much trouble this week. I have to keep my evil enemy in check too!

Have a good evening!
Good Morning Everyone

Today is a working day so I am feeling a little down that the sun is shining and I am stuck inside working but hey. Anyways, I got up this morning and did Cardio Coach 8 and it went really well on the treadmill. I was surprised that i could run for 58 min inside without getting bored. I might have overdone it a smidge though as my achilles is feeling a little tender. I had meant to go for a shorter run but CC8 started and I just went with it. I followed it up with Core Max 3. Wow that is tough with the medicine ball. Anyways, yesterday I did try the bodyrock.tv interval cardio. It was 5 exercises that were 20 sec on 10 off for a total of 8 cycles. So each segment was 4 minutes. I have to say that Cathe had really pulled up my endurance! I could actually keep up and when she (Zazuna) did split jump lunges I was able to complete the whole thing...dying but doing it! It was good to spice things up a bit. Tomorrow is Disc 23 legs. I am planning to do Step Jump and Pump step tomorrow after just to put a little extra cardio in there. We'll see if I am up to it after STS.

Tara - Don't you hate it when life takes over and messes your plan up! Kudos to you for getting back into action! Those push-ups from disc 7 pretty much did me in!

Cathy - I know what you mean about Yoga videos. I have a few but none of them inspire me to do them again. I guess I should find a real class to go to but my husbands work schedule makes it really hard to find one that I can consistently go to. Plus living out in the country makes it hard to find one that I could reasonably get to without too much extra time.

Janis - I have Brian Keast Yoga too but I can't handle how he talks, how he is so touchy feely with the other people. I am sure that it would be a good workout if I could just get past him! I have't done it in a really long time... I wonder if my new fitness level would make it more enjoyable. My sister does a great imitation! B&G twice! you are ambitious! How are your knees feeling?

MJ - Hope all is going well with you!

Talk to you tomorrow Warriors!
Good Morning Warriors :)

I tweaked my right hip flexor muscle about a week ago, not exactly sure how, but continued to workout with it anyway, until monday night. Eventhough it is not debilitating or even painful, just know its not feeling right, I decided to take Tues & Wed off completely from any exercise and just let it rest. I barely feel it this morning, so I guess it was the right thing to do. I will lay off cardio & tennis until the weekend just to be safe, dont want to end up with something worse. (wow, I almost sound like a rational adult :p, must be a temporary condition lol)

This morning I tackled disc 22 chest/shoulders and tris. Those drop-sets were crazy on the shoulders, but I did enjoy the fact the workout moved so fast because of it. I am also happy to say that I actually did the whole workout at the weights listed....woohoo! I think I will tackle the legs disc tonight if my hip flexor continues to feel good.

Tara - Nice job on the pushups and pushing through meso 1!

Heather - Its great you are able to run so well again. Split lunges kill me everytime I do them, but just being able to get through them is a great accomplishment.

Cathy - I agree on the yoga, its a great concept and perhaps I will actually get myself into sometime. I have quite a few dvd's but never seem to get myself in the frame of mind to do them.

Janis - I hope your trip goes well and you get some fun out of it.

Alright, must tame my ridiculous humidity puffed up curly hair and get to work. I will check back in tonight.

Have a great day everyone. :cool:
So this morning I reached into my little envelope and opened up the slip of paper and stood there looking at it and questioning why I thought it was a good idea to randomly pick my cardio workouts, because it was IMAX 3. :eek: But, I reminding myself that that was exactly why I had done it, so that I wouldn't keep picking easy workouts. I kept talking myself through it one blast at a time and actually did it, and it was looking pretty shaky after the first blast.

Next I went to my little abs envelope and pulled out Ab Circuits Yoga - and had a second round of why am I doing this. :D That one has such fun things like the levitation holds which I sort of managed and that fun crocodile sequence where you are in various planks like - forever!

I got some yoga books from the library looking for inspiration in that area and found one called "The Athlete's Pocket Guide to Yoga." It has 50 routines for flexibility, balance and focus. And that one looks promising, I just have to find the time to look at it and try it out.
Hi STS Warrior Princesses!

Just a short update this time around--the work enemy has me tired out, but I did overcome it & got my workout in! I did 25 min of LIC timesaver cardio + plus STS 9 (legs). I felt like doing the leg routine as the mid STS workout, so I'll be doing STS 8 (back & triceps) on Saturday.

It was one of those days where I just didn't want to work out. Usually if I'm feeling blah going into exercise, I perk up after 10 min or so. Wasn't happening today. But I'm glad I got it done & hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

I ended up not working out yesterday. I was off work for the Veteran's Day & ended up doing some other fun stuff. :)

I'll see you all tomorrow---have a good evening!

Just blasting in to say Hi to all you lovely beautiful and strong Warriors!

Your posts made me smile and laugh.

I did not workout today - hectic day - plus the hormonal slam to the ground-punch to the gut -kick in the pants occurred last night, right around the time I blew out birthday candles. What a nice reminder that peri-menopause is knocking at the door while the biological clock is chiming a loud alarm. Could the timing have been any better! :eek: Wow - it really got me this time around, have been feeling sort of sick all day. I don't think I have ever had a TOM this rapid or intense.

TMI? so sorry.

I leave bright and early tomorrow morning and will return some time Monday. I'll have my laptop, but probably will only have time to read your posts.

Let's make an agreement to at least do one round of yoga a week, since it seems to be a weak area for all of us, we warrior princesses must stay nimble and lithe too!:D
Good Morning Everyone!

I did the last disc in Meso 2 this morning! Back and Bicepts! I was a little shocked to find that when I went back to check the last time I found that my weights were pretty much the same. I know for other muscle groups I am up a fair bit. Oh well. The lat pull downs got me in the neck though! So I will need to keep stretching that so I don't end up all tight tomorrow.

Yesterday I did Legs and they went really well. Paperplates are such a killer!

Today I am planning to do a 30 min run and maybe 4DS Kickboxing for cardio... I always plan big!

Anyways, I like the idea of doing yoga once a week. I just have to figure out which one.

MJ - I hope you are feeling better and get that hip tweak settled down. That can be no fun. I had pulled my hip last spring and that pulling feeling is not nice.

Tara - I always do Legs in the middle. I don't know why but it just doesn't feel right if I don't! I am impressed that you made it through all that and were not feeling up to working out. I would have only managed one and then said I was done if I was not into it! See tough Warrior Princess

Cathy - Now you have me thinking that I need to torture myself with IMAX3 too. IMAX2 I find really fun but 3 just seems to go a step too far for me and I always have to pause to catch my breath between blasts. And Yoga abs is the same dread factor. It is just not as fun as the others. The envelope thing is a good idea! Your pushing yourself out of you comfort zone.

Janis - I hope you have a good trip! and too bad that your little friend has come along for the ride! Are you serious about the biological clock ticking? I went to visit my sister and her 4 month old and there were a couple twinges but I am pretty happy where I am. You must be on an emotional overload. Good luck!

Talk to you all soon
I did Disk 24 Back and Biceps this morning, too. Meso 2 just flew by. I had a bit of a "oh no" moment during the one arm horizontal rows when my mid-lower back had a bit of a zing. I switched to having my knee up for the rest of them and then skipped the deadlifts and stretched instead. Deadlifts are real iffy for me anyway, so I was opting to go safe. After I was done I iced it for awhile. Since I'm not doing weights for a week, I think it'll be fine. I'm planning (YES I WILL) to do lots of stretching this week. :D

I've going to adjust my 1RM for barbell curls. I think the weight I started with for those is really my 90% weight as I could only manage 8 or the 10 reps and I was really struggling to do that.

Heather I'm almost 49 and I still get baby lust sometimes. ;) I just remind myself that I now get to sleep through the night, no diapers, and the boys can dress and feed themselves. :D My husband wouldn't go for it anyway.
Hi Ladies,

I did 4DS Kickbox + Bootcamp cardio only yesterday. And today, I have planned to STS Disc 8--Back & Triceps--feeling unmotivated though! I'll let you know on Monday if I find some motivation!

Heather--I'm so impressed that your weights went up for most of your STS workouts. I remember I felt stronger by the end of my first STS rotation back in May, but I must have lost my gains. I now use the same weight & it's as challenging as it was the first time around. I plan to not let any gains escape this time! :)

Janis--your post made me laugh as usual! Perimenopause--UGH! Nuff said!
Enjoy your weekend. :)

Cathy, my back is sensitive too. Deadlifts are the exercise I dread most--I usually have to lighten up at some point in the set or during the following sets (in Meso 3). Hope your back feels better!

MJ, Congrats on completing that tough Meso 2 workout with the listed weight! I still have to back off a bit on my weights sometimes & I know that on the days that I do lift the right weight I feel stellar!

Have a good Sunday!
Good Morning :)

Done with Meso 2! Woohoo! :D Did legs on Friday and back/biceps yesterday. Also, went out yesterday morning to the tennis practice wall to test out my hip and it did just fine. Tested it again yesterday with an IMAX3 premix, did fine there too. Little stiff this morning, but doesnt hurt. Guess the rest helped. Going to sit down today and figure out my rotation for meso 3. I dont think I will take a long rest week since I took so many days off from weights in the last two weeks.

Alright, off to practice tennis this morning, I will talk to you all tomorrow when I start the new thread.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend :cool:
Hey Everyone

Turns out my little twinge when doing the last Back and Biceps disc was a little more than that. It is really stiff and pulling down my shoulder now. Cathy, I have to agree that it's a good thing that this week is off from weights. I did Butts and Guts this morning and took yesterday off. I was surprised at how stiff my back was too. Those pull overs really got me!
I am planning my week off and hoping to burn up some calories. I have not had the same weight loss success this time around with STS. I really need to get my diet in check but it is pretty good. Aside from the issue I have with Chocolate chips. There are not many indulgence foods that I can have and they fit the bill. (wheat free and dairy free). Clothes are fitting better though!

MJ - I'm glad to hear your hip is feeling better. You can give us any warnings if your ahead for Meso 3! Especially the pull overs!!

Janis - Hope your trip was a good one!

Tara - Good luck with Disc 8. Just get up and do it and then you'll have it out of the way and can move on without it weighing on your mind that you have to do it!

Cathy - Hope your back is feeling better! I really thought I was out of the woods but last night I rolled over and woke up in serious pain in my shoulder/neck. After working out this morning it felt alot better, but as soon as it cools down then I am back to pulling and pain. Back pain is bad news. Hopefully you are making a speedy recovery!

Talk to you all tomorrow!

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