Let's Do This Again STSept-Dec! *Nov 30-Dec 6*

This morning I did HIS cardio and AC Pilates. So far, my inner thighs are the only thing that took a hit from plyo legs. Probably because I went higher than usual on the plie squats.

Last night I took the STS User's Guide with me to my son's basketball practice and looked things over and made notes. There's really no way to do an undulating rotation without having shortened and extended breaks from the various upper body parts. And it will add another element of muscle confusion.

If we went with doing upper body, legs, upper body, we would have as many as 10 days between a part. If we opted to go with upper body, upper body, legs, that would shorten to 8 days max. Meso 1 is already like that.

OTOH I like the second way because I'm not sure I want to stretch things out the extra two days, but OTOH it may mean that the support muscles you'd be using on Wednesday would still be sore from Monday. Though usually chest is the only thing that would be bothering me after that long.

Time to shower and start cleaning.
Hi Everyone!

My orthopedic appt went well, with the exception of waiting for over an hour for my appt, the appt itself was very brief. We spent more time talking about my dentist (a mutual friend - an extreme athlete who ripped the tendons in his foot water skiing -think high ramp jump - and needed surgery) than we did about my ankle.The x-rays show the fracture is filling in, he told me to continue increasing incrementally and not to do anything too high-impact :)o didn't tell him about plyo!).

I was feeling sluggish this morning so I did a steady state 3 mile run and then did the weights portion of 4ds -LIS (shoulders, calves, core). Later today I am doing KPC from a download, which, btw, worked great! It was a seamless procedure and the end product worked out great! It will be more convenient playing it on a dvd rather than my laptop, so I am going to see if I can burn a copy for in-home use.

Whatever you come up with, Cathy, for an undulating rotation will be fine with me! It's definitely a challenging puzzle!

Hey - Insanity and P90x just arrived!

A big happy warrior hello to MJ, Heather, and Tara!
Ok, how about this. The rotation for doing upper body, legs, upper body is already in the Workout Manager. I could also go in and create a second rotation doing upper body, upper body, legs. We would all still be doing the same Meso and same week and that way everyone could choose the pattern that seems to resonate with them.
Janis I'm so glad your appointment went well! How did you like the KPC workout? I'm on dial-up so no downloading for me.

This morning I did Disk 30 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps. Can't believe I'm halfway through Meso 3 already. It's just flying by. I'm glad I did the 6 1/2 month rotation the first time, but I really can't see myself doing it again just because it by the end it was really dragging. My weights were pretty mixed compared to last time I did it. Some higher, some lower. Not sure how that happened. Before I do the next rotation, I really want to go back through and double check all my 1RM's and make sure they are right.

Have a good day everyone. We're off to the nature center this morning for a class and there's a bit of snow on the ground, so we'll be bundling up as they usually go outside for part of the class. Should be interesting because my oldest hates wearing winter clothes and denies as long as possible that he needs to, so convincing him that yes, he does need his winter coat and mittens can be a challenge.
Hey Everyone
This has been a crazy day! It started out badly and I thought it was getting better but then... My oldest went to a birthday party this afternoon and they played hockey in the basement and he got his front tooth knocked out with a slap shot! After several hours at the dentist we just got home. Poor guy.

This morning I had a really hard time getting up because the kids were up so much. I did Disc 30 and that actually went really well. For some reason last week I had to drop my concentration curl weights and now I had to add more. Anyways, my original plan was too run too but I ran out of time so I did a Hitt workout for 20 minutes so I am feeling like I accomplished something!

Cathy, your rotation sounds great. When do we start?

Janis - I am so glad your appt. went well and you are on the mend. Plyo legs are not really high impact right??? Now Insanity may have to wait!

Tara - Hope all is well in Meso 2 and your able to fit it in!

MJ - You always pay when you take time off from work it seems!

Talk to you all tomorrow. My plan is butts and guts!

Thanks for listening,
Sorry to hear about your son's tooth Heather. We're they able to save it? I've come to live in awe of the fact that most boys actually live to grow up after having two of them. So far, we've only had one bad injury when my youngest took a bad hop ball in the cheekbone during baseball, barely missed his eye. I swear it's only pure luck we've had nothing more because there are so many near misses.

I'm planning on starting the undulating rotation January 4. Starting with cardio on the 3rd. I'm hoping Cathe comes up with a Shock Cardio rotation that's every other day cardio so that it will fit in easily around the STS workouts.

Rest day for me. I'm off to do some grocery shopping in a bit and then we have my oldest sons first basketball game this afternoon.
Hi Everyone,

Like MJ, I have had a busy work week & got behind on STS this week, but I'm catching up! Today, I did Disc 17 with the recommended 75% 1RM. That was up from 70% last week. What a difference! My the third tri-set, my legs were shaking, burning & I had to take an extra 1 min break to let my heart-rate down some! :) I'm glad though as it means my legs were working good. I did LIS cardio right before I did Disc 17--that probably played a factor in getting worn out. I'll do Back & Biceps tomorrow.

Cathy, thanks for taking the time to figure out the undulating rotation. Whatever method you decide, I'm on board!

Heather, hope your little guy is feeling better. And hope you get less interruptions in your sleep soon!

MJ, I feel you, Girl! Work is something!

Janis, Glad that your appt went well! Enjoy Insanity & P90X!

See you all tomorrow!
Happy Weekend Warriors!

It's a sunny Saturday, but very cold.

Heather, oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear about your son's injury, is this going to become a trend? Spending hours and hours in the ER? or at the dentist!? So - - did everyone ask your son what he was going to ask for Christmas? (humming a few bars of, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth.!) FWIW, for many years I carried a fully stocked emergency first aid kit in my car! My boys seemed more accident prone right before a growth spurt and also right around their birthdays. Now I just carry band-aids, neosporin, and tylenol.

Cathy, January 4th looks great for a start date, is the rotation on the workout manager? With your slot for cardio on Jan 3rd, will you decide what you do when the time comes? I know, we're all hoping for Shock Cardio!

Tara - I am glad you survived your work week and had an excellent leg workout. I'm still sorting out Insanity and P90x, but it does look like fun! I did the yoga dvd from P90x and enjoyed it a lot, I was surprised I would but I really did, and I liked Tony.

MJ - Am I picking up SOS signals? I hope you're not going down with the ship! Hey, what did you think of Serena Williams' fine!? Holy crap, I could buy a lot of land with that!

Today I did squat rack legs disc 38, then the cardio portion of 4ds Kickbox, which was only 30+ minutes, but left me soaked in sweat and with a big, happy smile on my face. I think I am starting to really dig kickbox! It taps into my inner aggressive warrior! MMA here I come! (laughing)

I just heard Cathe is coming to san diego in march. It is a short, easy plane trip for me, so I am going to have to give it some thought.

I'll see all your happy faces tomorrow! On Sunday I am going to run and do the Insanity fitness test.:eek:

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Hi all, they lost the basketball game but scored 19, which is 4 more than there highest total last year and much more than they scored most games, so hopefully we'll get some wins this year.

The rotation doing upper body, legs, upper body is already in the workout manager rotations. Either Monday or Tuesday I'll put in the other rotation doing upper body, upper body, legs and then everyone can pick which one they want. Janis unless something gets really out of whack with the potential shipping date for Shock Cardio, we should have them by January, so my plan is to do only/mainly the Shock Cardio DVD's during the rotation. I'm also leaning towards not doing plyo legs and doing the squat rack workouts because of all the impact from the Shock Cardio DVD's.

Chicago is the nearest Cathe will be to me it appears, but there's no way it's in the budget, so I'll have to pass. It's great though that so many people will get a chance workout with her.
This morning I did 4DS Cardio Power and AC Medicine Ball Abs. Was glad to see my stamina for the drills in the Boot Camp part was good. Not that I wasn't gasping for breath between them. :D

Hope you all have a great day!
Hey Everyone

I ended up taking a rest day yesterday and today may turn into another one. I am hoping for a run but I have to get through a few piles of work first. Hope everyone is having a good weekend!.
Thanks for all your concern for my ds. I still can't believe it happened. He may end up loosing both his front teeth as the other one cracked the enamel! Crazy! I found out yesterday that the kid that took the slap shot has knocked out someone else's adult front tooth in the summer.
It has happened thought and no one can change any thing.

Cathy - Glad to see you are still at it! Are you still pulling cardio out of a hat?

Tara - Hope Back and Biceps went well for you... and I can see why your legs would be screaming after LIC and then Tri sets! That'll shock the system!

MJ- I am going to let work control me this weekend and then back to me first in the mornings on Monday!

Janis - It's funny that you would say that they get injured around growth spurts and birthdays - my oldest birthday is just around the corner. I just want to wrap him up in padding and then MAYBE send him out into the world. Keep me posted on P90X and what you think of it!

Talk to you all soon
Heather, no I'm not still pulling things out of my envelope. Mainly because my calf is still bothering me off and on and that's why I opted not to do step today. I really wanted to do Step Blast, but maybe on Tuesday.

That's really too bad that your son might lose his front teeth. I hope they manage to save them. Mine are both really on the small side, like barely on the charts, so their growth spurts are small and don't affect them physically. The only way we even know they've grown is because we measure every few weeks. I always find it interesting when people talk about aches/pains from a sudden growth spurt because I never had them.
Hi All,

Got Back & Biceps done! I tell you my biceps are spent! By the time I got to the seated concentration curls, I really had to spot each rep & decrease wt. I think I need to lower my weight a bit for the barbell curls so that my biceps will last for the following exercises. Nothing like a challenge, though! :)

Janis, I hope you are able to go to San Diego (that way you can tell us all about it!) I'm hoping that there be another "Cathe weekend" in the summer somewhere in the Midwest (Texas or Colorado). I usually come home in the summers to visit relatives, so hopefully things will work out that my visit will fall right when the Cathe weekend is.
Kickboxing grew on me too. I was so not interested in it when I first got 4DS, but now like you, I'm looking forward to the MMA workouts.

Heather, hope you get rested up. You deserve another day off after this eventful week! Hope you'll be able to start fresh on Monday.

Cathy, I'm looking forward to doing Shock Cardio primarily when we do the undulating rotation. I'm hoping that the DVDs will ship by Dec 15th so that it will be to me by early Jan. I can't wait! I'm ready for some new cardio. :)

MJ, hope you were able to get caught up & squeeze in some rest this weekend.

Have a good Sunday evening!

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