Let's Do This Again STSept-Dec! *Dec 21-Dec 27*


Good Morning Warriors! Happy Christmas Week!

Well it looks like I am going to make it out of here this morning, keeping my fingers crossed and everything else. Flight is showing delayed by an hour for flight crew rest, I guess thats okay, a fully rested crew is to my advantage. lol About to leave for the airport in a few minutes so I can get through security and then sit around the terminal and read until I get to board the plane. Thought I would get the thread started for the week while I was home. Dont know how often I will get to check in this week, but will at least try to read and keep up.

I was thinking that for our new round of STS we should change our thread name....perhaps just something simple like Warriors! lol What do you guys think? It will be the holiday challenge to name the thread. lol

Okay, time to finish packing and get out the door. I hope everyone has a very safe, healthy and happy holiday. Thanks again for all your support, tennis camp is possible because you were there along the way. ;)

Enjoy the week! :cool:
I'm all for changing our thread title to something with warriors in it. Even if I'm currently a wounded warrior. ;) My doctors office opens at 8:30 (if they are even open this week) and we have to leave at 8:40 as my youngest has baseball at 9:00, so I have a very short window to actually get through to them. Always a fun challenge on a Monday morning.
Happy Monday Warriors!

MJ - Tennis camp is your destiny, girl! You WILL make it on a safe flight to LGA, you'll enjoy your NY Christmas, your train trip, your tennis week and your days off afterward to recuperate! Warriors prevail! (chanting: Tennis Warrior, Tennis Warrior, Tennis Warrior) Everything will be seamless and smooth through the New Year.

Cathy - May the doctor visit be productive and positive! Mighty-might warriors need rest days but not rest seasons. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers, and lots of encouragement. If you run out of things to knit, I'd love a scarf, I'll pay you!!! You could get a side business going here.:D

Tara - how are you? Just a few more days and you will be through work hell and back among the tribe!

Heather - Did you get your last STS workout in? I still need to do my last squat rack leg and my last plyo! I had to be realistic too - and have a few rest days. How's your husband doing - his morale?

I am all for changing our thread name! I love that we all resonate with being Warrior Princesses! Strong and feminine and ready for anything!

OK - I'm off to rack up the weights and tackle this workout!

Go Warriors!
Hey Everyone

Best wishes to MJ on her flight... hopefully you are sitting on board the plane right now!

Cathy hopefully you are sitting in your doctor's office right now getting the good news that it was just a partial tear and you'll be fully recovered in 6 weeks...

This morning I decided that because it has been 4 days since I was supposed to do the last StS disc.... I was going to move on. I went to do my run and of course the earphones wouldn't work again. So (I am very proud of myself for this) I made up my own CC style workout as I went along. I went for 48 min on my own indoors with no music. Then I had breakfast and did a Bodyrock TV workout. It was pretty killer too. My plan is to do a mish mosh for the next two weeks until we start Jan.4 . I think my brain was done with STS for now and I needed to move on.

I am really hoping that the STS cardio shows up soon!

I am all for re-naming our thread... I was actually thinking along similar lines and of course the Warrior theme should be part of our title!

Janis- Hope squat rack legs went well! My DH is still pretty much in shock we go to see the specialist early in the new year and I have a feeling that, that appointment cannot come soon enough. So his morale is low but he has high hopes for his appointment and getting into some sort of treatment.! So how is your calf doing? Have you done any Insanity lately?

Tara - 2 more days till you deadline... and then life can start again!

Cheers to everyone!
I have an appt Wed. afternoon with my doctor. Until then, I'll just stay off it as much as possible. I did go downstairs to shower this morning, since that's the bathroom where my stuff is at, and I hadn't been down there since it happened. I braced myself on the sides and hopped down on one foot and did something pretty similar to come back up. Then I had to go and sit through a couple hours of baseball practice, but I was able to keep it at least partially up most of the time.

DH is going to take off Wednesday (I'm sure it breaks his heart to have a reason to do that ;) ) The boys have baseball in the morning, homeschool group at the same time as my appt and then the oldest has basketball practice that night. So, this way I won't have to take them everywhere and can go to my appt alone.

I think Warrior Princesses makes a great check-in name. :D

Janis I'd be happy to make you a scarf after Christmas. I can just tell you how much yarn I need and you could buy it and send it to me with a couple dollars for return postage. No need to pay me to make it. :)

Now I just have to geer up to clean the guinea pig cage this afternoon. They have a pen that's about 3' x 4' in the boys room. Lined with newspapers with dried grasses/weeds for bedding. It's a long process when I have use of both legs, so it should be interesting to figure out today. Boys are going to have to help more than usual.

Thanks for all your thoughts guys, I really appreciate it.
Hi All,

Quick post to say I'm all for changing the title of our thread to "Warrior Princesses" or something with Warrior in it. I had been thinking that would be a cute, but strong title for our thread/check-in!

I'm still plugging away at work! Hope to be done soon & back to working out! My Italy bus tour was cancelled. :-( But I will have a nice quiet at home Christmas with my daughter.

Merry Christmas to you All! I'll still be reading & will post my workouts once I get back to them.

Hey Everyone
Last night I worked late to try and get the last bit of work done for today but of course my client had left a bunch chunk of information out so I could not finish...Grrr. So maybe they will get their job completed after Christmas! I am really at the too bad for you stage.

This morning I still got up early and did a combined BodyRocktv circuit. It was pretty fun and it only took half an hour. I may do something else tonight as we are going to bake cookies today!

Tara - That is so sad that your trip was cancelled but as you said you and your daughter are still together! One more day and counting!

Janis - I meant to thank-you for the yoga links! I think for right now we are going to wait to see the specialist before we get DH doing anything. From what I have read doing the wrong kind of exercise can be very detrimental.
Hope you are all ready for Christmas! How have your runs been going?

MJ - Hope you are relaxing in NYC! It sounds like there is an element of magic there for Christmas!

Cathy - I hope you are holding up and not letting this beat you up! Tomorrow you will be on track and in the healing process. Remember you are an athelete and need to have a sports medicine physiotherapist and someone with alot of experience!

Talk to you all tomorrow!
Heather I really hope your husband gets a lot of helpful information when he goes in. I can't imagine what it is like for him. Thinking about him actually helps me appreciate where I'm at right now.

As for therapy, it's pretty doubtful. I know how things go and I'd be totally shocked if our insurance would pay for any and even if they did we wouldn't be able to swing the co-pay right now for multiple sessions. I'll just have to get really good instructions and follow them to the letter. I had knee surgery in '88 with no therapy and to this day I still have a smaller, weaker quad muscle on that side, because I was to hesitant to push things when I should have and babied it too much.

My DVD's are out for delivery, so I should at least be able to sit and watch them later.
I will get my cousin to right down what she did because she did everything that they told her when they told her and she was back playing baseball this spring and it happened just after Christmas. That totally sucks. We don't have benefits at all as we are both self employed. In Canada we have health care covered but not physio, drugs etc. Maybe you can get to be part of a study... my cousin was with the injection that she got... it's a thought. We are hoping the DH can be apart of a study for the AS and get some of the drugs covered.
Good luck tomorrow. I'll call my cousin tonight.

Heather that would be wonderful if your cousin would do that for me. Also, could you ask her what part of the achille's it was and how severe. Based on how much I can get around, I really think if mine is torn it's only partial. Which I'm really hoping means a shorter recovery time. It is so comforting to hear that others have had full recovery.

I got my DVD's and I've watched some of them. All the Hiit's. These looks like a lot of fun....ok killer fun! She suggests modifications, but only shows the way they do them. Nicholas wanted to see the Boxing one which looked like a good workout, though it's my least favorite type of cardio and I'll be skipping the bonus bag workout which you certainly could do without the bag. Then I watched Step Moves. :shocked: I think eventually....note I said eventually....this will be my favorite step workout. But, it appears to have a very steep learning curve. Minimal breakdowns. I thought it made the stuff in HIS look like a warm-up. She truly meant this one to be for those who can do advanced choreography and makes comments to the affect of you can watch it over and over and do it over and over until you get it. I'll watch some more tomorrow. I'm really hoping I'm not more than a couple months from doing these and some like Travel Fit which is low impact I may be able to do sooner. I'll know more tomorrow.

It was funny because I was watching them upstairs on the computer and I hadn't realized that since I work out mornings downstairs they had never seen the set for STS. The oldest says "are they in New York" and when I explained that they were in a studio in NJ and it was fake. They didn't want to believe me. The youngest especially had a really hard time grasping that something that real looking could be fake.
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Cathy -

What did the doctor say?

I loved reading your review - so far- of Shock Cardio, mine won't be here until 12/29.

I will take you up on the knitting offer after Christmas - I just need to find a yarn shop!

BTW - you are such a book enabler, I just bought "Younger Next Year" and I put the yoga book and dvd on my wish list - so I think it'll be under the tree - I hope so!!! LOL.

Heather -

Way to go on the workouts! I have been getting a cold/flu, with the combination of feeling like crap combined with holiday madness, well, I haven't done as much this week as I had wanted to. Only running. Insanity is on the schedule for next week. I hope you get your ear-bud situation sorted out, having music or cardio coach makes a world of difference with running and swimming. The "too bad for you stage" is to be expected the last few weeks of December - I think most companies operate on the premise that everything after 12/20 can wait until next year. Not much business happens in the States during the holidays.

Tara -

I am so sorry Italy was canceled. Bummer. I read that Eurostar stopped running! Damn - what a pain for everyone, doesn;t that pretty much grind travel to a stop. Alitalia went belly up too, right? Do you have anything special planned with your daughter? Gingerbread houses maybe?

MJ -

Tennis Warrior, tennis warrior, tennis warrior! (snow princess snow princess snow princess!):D

I am off to make my very first loaf of sourdough bread....begin the dough and proofing stage that is.

Janis my appt is this afternoon. I'm leaving in about half an hour.

I watched a couple more this morning. Core Cardio Circuit looks like a total blast! I wasn't as crazy about Circuit Blast just because I now prefer to do weights and cardio separately. It looks like a good workout, just not my cup of tea. Oh, and could the woman find more ways to workout in push up type moves. :eek: Cathe and crew all look totally gorgeous and I really think Cathe is totally at her best in these. So relaxed and clearly enjoying herself to the max.

I just love the whole look and feel of these workouts from the boxes to the actual workouts. :D And I must say that I've never really previewed workouts. I generally just prefer to step right in, so this is the first time I'll ever have watched all of the workouts ahead of time. Though I am skipping the warm ups and cool downs when I watch.
hey there -

found internet access in the giant apple store lol just wanted to say hello from snowy nyc working out at the gym down the street from my brothers and walking a ton in freezing weather. hope all is well.

check back when i can

im off to explore central park in the 26 degree weather lol
Hey Warriors,

Thanks for the kind thoughts regarding my Italy trip being cancelled. There has been a lot of cancellations/delays with trains, buses and air travel throughout Europe. Sounds like all around it is just not the best time to be traveling! On the bright side, we have snow! So, we'll get a white Christmas, which is a pleasant surprise for my daughter. And some friends have invited us over to spend Christmas Day with them.

Cathy, I hope your appointment goes well & that things work out that you are able to get the therapy you need. Heather's idea about the study is great---I hope you are able to find one to participate in. Also, thanks so much for describing the Shock Cardio workouts to us! I can't wait to get mine & have been daily checking for descriptions on the forums as well as anxiously awaiting more video clips. Although it took me FOREVER to learn HIS, I really love it & it's my favorite step workout to do. I really thought that I would never get it down though! From your description, I'm curious and nervous about the choreography in Step Moves. I didn't think it could get any more challenging than HIS! ;) I watched the Athletic Step clip & even some of the footwork there looked a little challenging to me. It'll be interesting to see how we all do!

MJ, sounds like you are having a white Christmas too! I'm so glad that it worked out that you got to NYC. Hope you enjoy exploring central park regardless of the cold!

Janis, I actually went out and bought a gingerbread house kit and a sugar cookie baking mix that DD and I could work on on Christmas Day. We'll do it in the morning and then go spend the day with friends in the afternoon/evening. My daughter is so excited about having snow for Christmas that she has forgotten about the "bus field trip" we were suppose take to Italy. :)

Heather, I hope you are enjoying today through Christmas without any work to do (despite your forgetful client). I know it's frustrating to be trying to get it all done only to have someone do something that delays it. I'm just about done with my big work project. Have to go in just a little tomorrow to finish it up, but then I can really enjoy Christmas Eve and the rest of the weekend. Hope all is going well with your DH & that you enjoyed your cookies!

Have a good evening, All!

Ok, so I had my appointment. The achilles tendon is intact, but I tore some of the connecting fibers. So, at two weeks I can slowly start increasing use and at six weeks it should be healed enough that I can really start working it back to where I was. In the meantime, I'm all clear to do anything that doesn't put my weight on it, so I can still do upper body, core, and floorwork. I can see me now, on my hands and knees rolling my weights/barbell over to my chair So, my plan is still to start the undulating rotation in January and do the upper body workouts, but floorwork for legs. I have worked really hard to get my upper body muscles where they are and I don't want to lose that. My legs have always been strong, so once I can start really working out again they should be fine. I'm aiming for 12 weeks to be able to really do the hard impact stuff. So, it will probably be the next rotation before I can fully add in all the new workouts. My doctor said that as far as injuries to the achilles go, this was pretty minor - which I was very relieved to hear. The nurse who did the basics when I went in said that she had injured hers a couple years ago and was back to full speed in about 3 months. Hearing stories of people who have made it back is very encouraging.

So, tomorrow I'm planning to stretch max and some core. Maybe AC No Equipment and I'll skip any moves that put pressure on my calf. I'll do stretching and core through Sunday and then I'll start adding in upper body weights next week. Once I'm able to walk somewhat normally again, I'm going to talk to DH about trying to find a time when I can go on my own into town and walk in the warm water exercise pool.

Tara it sounds like you've got a great plan for Christmas. Enjoy your time with your daughter and friends.

MJ glad you are finding a way to enjoy the cold and great that you have a place to workout. So, how was central park?

Heather how it's going?
Just finished watching MMA: Fusion. Looks tough, but doable. New moves and Cathe's really getting into it with all her fighting descriptions. Holding people down, punching them, getting to pin them down on their stomach and punch them. :D That Mark guy is VERY good. Tried googling to see if I could find out more about him, because he really looks like MMA is what he does for a living, but he has a common name and I couldn't find anything.

I've got 3 more to watch, so I'll see what I get to tomorrow.
Yay! I did Stretch Max w/ the band and just didn't use the band on my right leg and skipped the short standing part at the end. Then I did AC No Equipment abs. Had to adapt a couple parts and then stopped when they started the planks at the end. No regular planks for me for awhile. Hmm. I should have just done static hold planks on my knees then and I didn't think about it. Next time. It wasn't much, but it felt good to do something. I put the stuff I needed in a backpack because I can't carry anything downstairs and then I hop on one foot and brace myself on the railing and wall. Then to come back up I sit down and lift myself up backwards. Just have to be a bit creative. ;) But, that's my one trip down the stairs for the day.

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve everyone. So, glad we are staying home the next couple days. Our area have a winter storm advisory starting at 7 tonight for freezing rain though Christmas Day. Not a nice night for Santa or anyone else to be traveling.
Cathy -

That's great news about your achillies! Six weeks will fly by and so will the months as you gradually return to full activity. I am impressed at your resourcefulness and creativity already! The floor exercises Morningstar gave me as a rotation really helped me prevent atrophy. I posted them in one of our check-in threads, I'll post them again if you'd like.

Swimming or aqua jogging is excellent too. Is there a community college with a pool that you could use? Some gyms with pools will offer rehab prices too. I never hesitate to ask for a discount or a deal of some sort.

I am very excited to see Shock Cardio - keep your reviews coming! And brrr.....stay safe with the storm coming.

Tara -

Your new holiday plans sound lovely. Snow for Christmas is absolutely magical. It brings out the little kid in all of us!

MJ - Yay! you made it to NY and to Central Park - I bet it is beautiful with the addition of snow and holiday trimmings. How cool you get to spend time with your brothers. How many do you have?

Heather - Hi! Hope you're hanging in there!

As for me - I am sick, but I am making it through - I baked all day yesterday, today I plan on running - a modest, get the blood flowing effort - and also plan on getting caught up on laundry. I feel like I am in a fog, just stumbling around trying to find my way.

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

Janis I did copy and save the rotation that Morningstar gave you. I just pulled it out of a folder and put it on my desktop so I'll remember to print it out.

DH and Nicholas are leaving soon to do some last minute shopping for Derek, so I'm going to preview another one or two while they are gone. Only have 3 left to do. I hadn't told DH I had them yet, but he came over and sat down to talk to me a bit ago and spotted them on the top shelf of my desk and asked what they were. So, I got them down and showed them to him. Not many he'll attempt because he can't do anything complicated and he says the plyo stuff is too hard for him.

The warm water exercise pool at the school is actually what the hospital uses to rehab their patients and it's only $3 a time (60-90 min), so we can swing that a couple times a week. The school isn't interested in making any deals at the moment, they are desperate for money. Nicholas basketball team is actually practicing at a professional facility because it was cheaper than what the school wanted to charge! They also chased away the soccer teams who moved to churches because they price they set for the field was too high.

Take care of yourself!! I hope you feel better really soon.

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