Hi Cathe,
I own Low Max & Pure Strength Combo DVDs. I really love them, and have been out of the loop concerning all of your new productions. I kind of fell out of working out regularly after we moved, and gained 20 pounds.
It's very important to me to get this weight off. First, I'm terrified that I will gain more. I used to be 200 pounds, and lost 70lbs over the course of a year & a half about 4 years ago, and I had successfully kept it off until we moved last year. Secondly, I turn 40 at the end of June.
I don't want to start my 40's overweight & out of shape. I can feel myself having less energy & feeling just, blah. I don't want to end up like that.
I went to your website a couple of months ago, and then "liked" your page on Facebook, so that's how I learned of your lunch. I was overwhelmed by the amount of progress that has been done on your website & DVDs. I don't know where to start.
I still like the DVDs I already own, but thought of getting something new, but I just don't know what to get. I have always loved and excelled at weight training, but I really don't love cardio, & that's putting it politely. I will do it, but I don't excel at it. In fact, even when I was at my fittest, and lightest, it was a challenge to finish all the combos in the Low Max. Sometimes, I couldn't finish. So, cardio-wise, I'm not that great. This is the same person who, within 6 weeks can really stack on the weight while I do squats, lunges, deadlifts, you name it.
Anyway, sorry this is so long. Any suggestions on where to start? How often, etc.?
Oh, and BTW, your DVDs are the only ones I can tolerate. They are just far more challenging & well choreographed, & your personality is great.
Thanks for your time!