Let me introduce myself

Ginny V

Hello, everyone!

I'm brand new to Cathe, and all I can say is WOW! You are all a great group of women! I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed your posts. I did my very first Cathe workout yesterday...Muscle Endurance. I loved it! I've been viewing only until yesterday since our TiVo is connected to the family room tv only, and all of my equipment is in the basement. My DH thought I was crazy when he saw me lugging everything upstairs so I could "just do it" as Nike says. It's simply amazing how much easier the workouts appear when just viewing and not doing!!! Maybe I should have been afraid...now, all I can say is that Cathe has reminded me just how far down a toilet seat is to a 6' woman who thinks she's in better shape than she actually is! I can hardly wait to do it again (once I can move my limbs)!!! Anyhow, thanks to all of you for inspiring me to get moving again. Hopefully, I'll be a positive influence to you over time as well!

Good day, Ladies!
Welcome to the cult, I mean club, Ginny. Once you've done one of Cathe's workouts, you will want more. She is simply the best instructor and has the most thorough and varied workouts in her collection. In addition, to the decriptions of Cathe's workouts under the DVD link, there are ratings on these forums ranking the difficulty level of her workouts. I said this because I am sure you will be ordering workouts...eventually like most of us...you will want all of them. Have fun.:)
Hi Ginny, glad your here! Did you get the Hardcores yet? I can so relate to your "toilet seat" experience, it's pretty sobering! Welcome.
Welcome to madness Ginny uh I mean to the forum LOL. ME is a great w/o. how bout those bicep curls. I think it's in ME where she has you do a half way up and hold and give this wicked laugh??

Hi Ginny! All I can say, other than giveing you a sincere welcome, is, please. Give your pocketbook a break & just order them all. Because, you will want them all. I use every single one of my Cathe workouts. She is awesome. I started with VHS, because I had never heard of her, should have done DVD. Anyway, please have fun, and check in with us. Some of us are more random than others, but I think we have a great group here.

Yeah, the bicep curls...I thought I was stronger than I apparently am. The wicked laugh hooked me, I must admit...Cathe seems so "nice" & then there was the laugh }( ! I had a bit of difficulty this a.m. with most of my normal tasks! I'm walking around like an old woman! I always try to remember a comment Sophia Loren made once...basically, that no matter how sore a woman is, she shouldn't let it show in her movement because it ages her. Hmmm - don't know if it's possible :7
Welcome, Ginny. I lurk on a few forum sites, yet this is the first one I've actually introduced myself on and felt comfortable about posting. Muscle Endurance, I think I will view the clip on that one as it also was recommended to me. I too look forward to my workouts. They are FUN!! Love the sweat, the music, the enthusiasm, the whole package! Yes, I'm addicted already. I can't think of anything better right now. So glad you've joned in. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

Welcome Ginny! The tolit seat is along way down,at times,even for us short people:) I am sure you will feel like this more then once.A friend of mine just started doing Cathe's weight workouts and she is really enjoying them.I think Muscle Endurance is her favorite one.
You will soon be spending all of your well earned money on Cathe workouts!
Have fun,
Welcome Ginny! ME is one of my Cathe total body favorites! I often use the Lower Body Premix mixed with the first 5 intervals of Imax 2. Cathe really knows how to "get cha!"

Welcome Ginny!! ME is a great workout and yes the biceps kill me every time. I also love the ab work and do that part ALOT! I also can relate to the toilet seat dilemma when I first started doing squats...x( I am so happy to read you have been inspired!! You will want more too...:)...Carole
Hi Ginny!

Welcome to the mad, mad world of Cathe! Put your sneakers on, double knot them and be prepared to feel the burn in muscles you didn't even know you had and especially your credit card!

Hi Ginny,

Boy did your post make me laugh...I remember one time when I was absolutely convinced I'd never be able to sit on the toilet unassisted again!

Welcome to Cathe, we're SO happy to have you with us!

:) :)


You have to stay in shape. My Grandmother started walking when she was 60. Today she is 97 and we don't know where the hell she is! - Ellen DeGeneres

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