
I've noticed that a lot of people seem to do a rotation of upper body for (what I consider a long time,) 10 weeks or so. I tend to get bored and find myself using 2 or 3 tapes for 3-4 weeks then having to change. My question being; is there a reason why one should go that long on a rotation? Also, am I the only one that doesn't care much for working the back? If I'm short on time this is always the body part that I don't care if I miss.
The most I can usually handle is about 4-6 weeks of a rotation. I guess I get bored easily. I've tried to go longer, but I never do. As far as back goes, I hate working the back and I'm like you, could care less if I skip it. Right now I'm doing the upper body work from PH once a week, the upper body portion from Body Max once a week and then once a week I'm working bicep, triceps and shoulders with either Cory Everson's GHAS, or Tamilee Webb's I Want Those Arms. My favorite strength workouts are those on the CTX series but I hate fastforwarding to the end of the tape all the time. Cant wait for the compilation video, but I dont see my getting a DVD player anytime soon!



I would like to add a day of just bis/tris/shoulders to my rotation. Do you recommend Cory or Tamilee's tapes? I was also considering just waiting for Cathe's arm compiliation. I don't have a DVD so I can't do CTX. Any thoughts or suggestions?

(on topic with the original thread, I really don't like working back or chest, but I know I need to work them to stay balanced)
RE: bi's/tri's/shoulders

I'd definitely get the CTX arm compilation regardless of whether you choose Cory or Tamilee. It's a tough choice btwn the two b/c both can be challenging by increasing your weight. Cory's tape also uses a barbell while Tamilee's only uses dumbells. Both are the same length, about 20 minutes total (Tamilee's "15 minute" workouts are actually each only 10 minutes each of actual work, and in my opinion have to both be done in one day to get a good workout). Tamilee is a little more pleasant personality wise. So I guess I choose based on price. Hope that helps a little.


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