Length of first step section on some tapes.

Jane P

Can someone help me out here? I would like the know the approximate lengths of the first sections (not including the warm-up) of the following tapes.

Step Heat
Get In Shape for Your Wedding
Power Max
Step Fit

The reason I want to know is that I don't own any of these tapes, but I love Body Max and have done it to death. I want to substitute one of these sections for the first section of Body Max to provide some variety.
Hi Jane, I only have Step Heat and the Wedding Video. According to the boxes, Step Heat's first section is 26 minutes and the second section is 10. The wedding video only says a total of 37 minutes of step aerobics. I know from doing that tape a few times that there are 3 sections if that's any help. Mary
Step Heat 1st section = 26 min.
Power Max 1st section = 14 min.
Step Fit 1st section = 18 min.
Wedding Video 1st section = 23 min.

Hope this helps!
These are very approximate - Step Fit - 23 minutes, Power Max - 16.

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