Lemon water?


Just a question, b/c I am at work and I am bored but I wanna know what you think of this.
A looooooooooooooong (and I mean long) time ago, I took Proenzi 99. Which is a weight loss supplement.I think it worked but I was REALLY dedicated to eating well back then (since then I have learned to enjoy life more, probably to much)When I was taking this supplement, I had to take it in the morning with a glass of lemon water. Not sure why.
Anyway, whenever my mom comes to visit, she brings a piece of lemon with her and while she putters around my house all morning, she sips on this mug of hot lemon water.She does this ALL morning long with the same piece of lemon.And she has lost weight.She was never a big women but she has since gotten smaller.But she has an amazing amount of energy to which could contribute to her size.She weighs less then me, (and I won't tell her that) but I am smaller, of course, due to my muscle.She drinks it b/c she really likes the taste, not b/c of anything she read.
Anyway, does anyone have any insight on this? Do you think that lemon water maybe cleanses the system or something?
I am not thinking about doing this b/c I HATE lemon but I just wanted to throw it out there.
Lori:) :)
According to Ann Louise Gittleman,M.S. C.N.S. in her book The Fat Flush Plan - Having a glass of hot water and lemon first thing in the morning is supposed to " benefit bile formation, which is essential for optimal fat metabolism and helps regenerate the liver."
Personally. I use it when my sinuses are acting up as it seems to help with the congestion. It is also supposed to aid the kidneys due to it's diurectic action.
I have heard lemon water is alkalizing. It keeps the body in balance, or course other foods will do the same thing. Over acidification of body luids and tissues cause imbalance, opening the door to sickness. Just a thought from Doctor of Microbiology and Nutrition. Take care.
I have hot lemon water first thing every morning when I wake up before I go and work out. Then I have two tablespoons of Flaxseed oil. It just feels like it is a good healthy way to start the morning!


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