Legs & Glutes...hoopy do!


I have had this on VHS for at least one year and just did it for the first time. Holy mackeral, I'm beat!

My plan was do to L&G, then KPC. I really should have done KPC first. Now I have no energy left.

What a great workout!

I really like it. I don't have the L&G but I have the time saver that has pretty much a lot of the L&G and I enjoy it so much... The music is great too :)

More power to you if you can do both KPC and L&G, no matter which is first! I did L&G last night with the stability ball abs and a set of one legged squats using a weight bench and barbell. I'm still sore!

I was planning to do KPC tonight here at my inlaws. I had to laugh when I got ready and opened the case to find that I had forgotten to put the dvd back into it last night. Oh well, my MIL, my three girls and I all did one of Kathy Kaehler's "easy" Total Fitness Workout dvds. It was hilarious!
My hamstring are killing me today! I am supposed to do Imax 2 tonight and I'm procrastinating. And it's 8:00pm here on the East Coast, I can't procrastinate that much longer. x(

I'm definetly going to have to work this one into my rotation.

LOL Melissa, I did L&G last weekend. My hammies were screaming for 4 days afterward! Since I had been so in love with Butts and Guts since it was released, I finally had to force myself to do something different. I completely didn't realize that I had been overlooking my hamstrings all that time. Ouchie.:eek:
I think it's those one-legged deadlifts that did me in. And I didn't even lift my back leg off the floor for all of them. Having all the weight in that one front leg was enough for me!

The screaming hammies are a good feeling though! I'm actually looking forward to doing it again! :)

I just did this yesterday after a lot of focus on circuit/functional type workouts...yowza! B&G is a FABULOUS workout as produced! I was perfectly challenged and my lower body feels nice and worked today! I really think B&G is a TOP NOTCH lower body workout!Angela:7

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