Legs and Glutes


Boy, I don't know why, but this workout wastes me. My legs feel like rubber afterwards, and the next day I am really stiff and sore. I always think, "Oh, this is going to be a light workout--no barbell, only 15's and 12's for dumbbells, and lots of variety in moves. A piece of cake!" But I simply cannot do all of the leg sweeps toward the end, and find the stretches incredible. Any other L&G wimps out there??
This is a great workout, I love the variety but your right it is difficult. I think it's because of all the reps you do, some of those are alot of reps and then she'll do two sets. She really knows how to work you. The final legs sweeps when your lying on the side of the body really do get me, it hard for me to get up for the second set! I don't know how her cast can handle all of it. Once again though it's a great workout!!
I agree! You go into this workout thinking it's going to be much easier then something like Leaner Legs and whooaaa boy! I usually break this workout up and do standing legs one day and then combine the floor exercises with another workout on a different day.

Totally agree - The workout it totally deceiving. I did it yesterday and my rear end and hamstrings are so stiff today I am wondering if I will be able to do any cardio tomorrow or if I will have to do PUB instead.

But its a good burn,right?;-)
This is a great workout. I always feel it too. Leaner LEgs is so much harder though. I reach for L&G the most often for lower body work.
Yep -- I'm a L&G wimp!

I did it this morning (started a new rotation)and it hurt so good. I don't (can't) even use weight most of the time! I used a dumbbell for the leg presses at the beginning and then during the one-legged deadlifts. I didn't use ankle weights either. I still had to stop and rest on the inner-thigh work near the end.

I'm amazed at the people on this forum who can use the weights that Cathe does in her lower-body endurance workouts! Your legs must be awesome!

Mine aren't awesome but I'm sure there all the stronger for doing the tape. It's definitely a tape I do once a week rather than twice and sometimes I just have to go with something else altogether. You know what else is great about it is the variety. That keepsk the tape moving at such a great pace you don't have a whole lot of time to concentrate on all the pain your in.
i just got my body blast series and just did legs and glutes for the first time this morning... although a good workout.. i think leaner legs and PLB are harder workouts. normally after doing LL and PLB i'm sore by this time of the day after sitting at my desk all day... today... i'm fine..

i did enjoy the workout.. but i'm finding that so far all the workouts in BB are a lot easier than intensities or even CTX! i should have bought BB BEFORE intensities! lol!

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