legs and glutes dvd hurt knee

Just have to be very careful when doing the jumps. I found it is very helpful to work out with some kind of mirror around. This helps make sure that the knees are in proper alignment, shoulders back etc. Even if it is just a cheapie full length mirror from Wal-Mart, it will make a huge difference in how you work out. I have gotten better results since doing so, I must have been cheating before! :)

This is my favorite Cathe workout! I love to do this one about once to twice a week. It never gets old!!!!
If a move hurts, DON'T DO IT! When your body tells you something, listen to it! It's as simple as that. I tell myself I'M in charge of MY own health and well-being, so when a move doesn't work for me, I substitute or modify.

You can modify a move by taking out one of the elements. Take out the explosiveness of explosive lunges, and you've got static lunges. Take out the lunge aspect of the same move, and you've got another plyo move (plyo squats, for example, can be more knee friendly because there's less of a chance of the knee going out in front of the toes).

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