Leg and Glute work two days in a row?


I usually do not post but I was looking for anyone's advice about my workout schedule. I did KPC cardio and B&G floorwork yesterday. Well I received GS Legs today in the mail :D Would it be okay to do that this evening or should I wait a few days?

Silly question I know but I'm trying not to overtrain (had severe problems in the past).

I love reading this forum...everyone is so helpful :)

Thanks for any advice you have.

Hi Catherine,

I'm not really sore. You're probably right though I should give the buns a little rest :) I'll probably just do yoga or pilates today.


Actually, if you just did the floorwork in B&G, you might be alright. I think the lower body can take more work than the upper (after all, we're built to walk around carrying our body weight around all day), and Freestyle programs are based on working the lower body (about 70% of max, I think) every training day, about 5 days a week.

You might have to go lighter on the weights, but it could work. Especially if your goal is not to grow muscle (get bigger) but to slim down. The Freestyle concept is to keep muscle from growing to much while still strengthening it.
Chastity --

Have fun with GS: Legs! It is my favorite lower body workout! I can't wait until I am done with P90X so I can get back to doing it regularly!

Thanks Ladies,

I did GSL yesterday...LOVE IT!! I'm feeling a little DOMS this morning so I think I've found the workout to break through the lower body plateau I was having. I didn't know the band could work those trouble spots so well :)

I also just purchased RS/IMAX/MIC and previewed it last night...I'm a little scared by MIC and IMAX :eek: Wow those are gonna be toughies but goodies :)

Enjoy your Sunday!

I'd say no to training the same body part two days in a row. All training advice I've read says not to do this and even if you aren't feeling sore, I don't think it's a good idea. The muscles were still worked, and despite the lack of soreness they need to rest.

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