Learning Christi T.


OK---I admit that I own three of Christi's tapes and after trying Hi/Lo Happy Hour once, I gave up trying to learn her choreography. Now that I've mastered Cathe and have more confidence, I'm going to try Christi again, starting out w/Still Jumpin'. Christi fans: any tips as how I can most painlessly learn her choreography? I really need to crosstrain and do less step, and Christi seems like the best in terms of Hi/Lo stuff. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!Suzanne:)
Hi Suzanne! I'm so glad you're giving Christi another try--she is so worth it. Still Jumpin' is a good one to start out with--the first section is very do-able for those with choreography trouble. I wish I could give you some great advice, but I have never had any trouble learning choreography. Cathe's stuff seems quite basic to me.
Christi's style is different from Cathe's so that will take some getting used to. I would suggest watching Still Jumpin' a couple of times, just to get used to Christi. Then try the first section of whichever tape your going for. Christi layers, so you can always stick with a more basic move, and not add in the twists and turns.
Another tip: I really enjoy Christi's step tapes, even more that her hi-lo, but I don't use a step very often because of my knee problems. I just do her step tapes on the floor. This would work for you as well, and you may be able to adjust to the step choreography more easily than hi-lo, since you're already familiar with many of the terms.
Hope this helps! Have fun :)
Still Jumpin is a blast! I would suggest following the exercisers who do the modifications the first couple of times, and also forget about the arms and get the foot patterns down first. You can add the arms later on as you get more comfortable with the workout.

I agree with everyone that Still Jumpin is a great tape to learn Christi with. I usually follow the modifiers in the back because I'm not all that into a bunch of turns. That really helps.

I do want to pass along a tip someone gave me for these types of videos... since Christi does quite a bit of pivoting and turning, if you're working out on carpet, that can hurt your knees and you can twist them.

I take some clear packing tape and wrap it around the ball of my foot (on the shoe, where the ball of my foot would be). I leave room at the top of the sole that is untaped (for traction), and then below the ball of the foot/shoe, leave all of that untaped as well.

This REALLY helps not torque your knee when twisting/turning.

good luck! Christi is lots of fun.
I, too, use to have a harder time with Christi, even though I never had any problems with following Cathe. But this past fall, I became bound and determined to get her choreography. I just kept plugging away each time I did her tapes. I would just watch her modifiers and once I felt comfortable with that I would try her more advanced moves and I have to say I have been rewarded.

Christi has some really great tapes and I really felt like I accomplished much when I could do her tapes without the modifications. Her step tapes are awesome. The one that I absolutely love , my favorite is Step Heaven. Hi - Lo Heaven is really good too. She has four guys doing it with her.

If you don't get a certain part just do your own thing and go on - you will eventually get it.

>I take some clear packing tape and wrap it around the ball of
>my foot (on the shoe, where the ball of my foot would be). I
>leave room at the top of the sole that is untaped (for
>traction), and then below the ball of the foot/shoe, leave all
>of that untaped as well.
>This REALLY helps not torque your knee when twisting/turning.

Oh my gosh! That is brilliant! Thanks for sharing it:)

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